Saturday 25 October 2014

Work, the Christian, and Resilience - incl Freelance Project Websites and Resources

According to Jacob Morgan, Freelancing will make up about 50% of the future global workforce in the future.

I'd presented at AY today the realities of the future of work for our younger generation (and also potentially for anyone working atm). 

Presentation in PDF attached, and I'd also showed the Jacob Morgan video as well (a 1min snippet of it anyway).

To illustrate the need for resilience in times of change and the Holy Spirit as our Paraclete that will enable us to be courageous, dare to try and be a survivor/conqueror. And most importantly, keeping our head clear and focused and not drift away with the rest of the world by anchoring in our Triune God so that at the end of all these, it will lead to salvation and enter His new Kingdom that is to come.