Sunday 27 July 2014

Happy Monday morning! ^_^ Monday food

I used to think that holiness was such a drag,impossible to achieve, too hard to get. It is hard to keep, and I lose it the moment I sin, but hey what joy it brings when I know I am fully in Him-- it forms the source of my motivation to keep ploughing on. I can't say I'm like Him if I don't first reflect His most important quality, but when I do, the other flavors of the fruit of the Spirit follow suite. to keep from losing it, can't do it by myself, but only by the power and literal abiding of the Holy Spirit. I realised more this morning that in order to provide for my bros and sis's in Christ in the weekend, I need that holiness in the weekday, so that I can have a guilt free conscience, and always have an overflowing abundance of living water to both drink from myself and have enough to forward to my friends. Encouraging you to keep powering on today and don't lose heart, if yesterday didn't work, we can always try again today. Afterall, today is a brand new day, and every hour today a new one than yesterday's. Happy Monday morning, everyone! ^_^ Keep those smiles coming.

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