Tuesday 5 July 2016

There is a price for everything 一切都是需要付出代价的

I've been thinking about Eternity and wondering why people fail to see it, see their need for it, and fail to place importance on it.

Thinking about the consumerism culture, coupled with people who have been sharing a house with me... Why is it that they used to think of this as the best place but now months later they are always late with rent and say the house is boring, they used to clean their own rooms but now the place is filthy. Apart from sin and the natural progression of things that are rotting therefore spiralling downwards, I realised that they, being in a consumerism culture, fail to understand that for everything that there is, a price has been demanded and paid. For your comfort, for the provisions, a greater price has been paid to manage that in which you do not have visibility of.

Similarly, they fail to recognise that a wage needs to be paid for every sin. And that the wages of sin is death. And that there is a judgement after death, where every wage will be demanded from you to pay up without fail.
This is a very scary proposition.
If we understood this, we would cling on to the Reconciliation done by Christ for us on the cross, and cling to Him ourselves, each one of us.




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