Tuesday 25 September 2012

Just doing devotion this morning and remembered this....

-------- Original message --------
Subject: Just doing devotion this morning and remembered this....
From: Lannter <lannter@gmail.com>
To: koayyiwei1985@yahoo.com

Heya YW, 

just contemplating during devo time what you once said about the difference between devout Christians and those who seem to get by being not-so-into-it Christians. Increasingly recently I see that there are two races of people in this world -- one belonging to the world who are welcomed by the world and one who is very different whom God handpicked, from in this world but out of it. When persecution arises which it already has started in OZ, the nominal Christians will fail and fall away, just as it has been written. Only those who endure will survive.

 It is not enough for the nominal ones to remain nominal, for even in them there exists people whom God has set apart as His own. We are His good managers who recognize the wheat from the tares, and are called to feed both in a timely manner so that they both grow until the angels harvest them with his sickle -- once for those who have washed their feet and hence their robes, and once for the grapes of His wrath for He has remembered their sins.

We gotta fortify His people in preparation for the trials ahead that will certainly come to pass, teaching them repentance and the fear of the Lord, lest we ourselves be deemed unworthy in faith and be cast out to shareth not in His inheritance as adopted sons. Yes, look at the skies -- He is coming soon. 

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