Monday 15 October 2012

Promise -- composed Hymn

Went to youth group for the first time on Fri 12/10/2012 after the October actuarial exam (CT7). During Bible Study discussion, Penny, the lady sitting beside me, asked -- "how do you know God is real?" Different people gave different answers, but mine was -- I know He is real because I can't deny how He's shepherded and led me through my entire life. Woke up on Sat morning, thinking about Penny's question, and wanted to sing to God this song that had lyrics 'how can I deny Your grace?".... but... couldn't remember/ couldn't find one..... So I said to God -- How abouts I sing You a new song instead, and this was the answer. 

Writing process was a bit hard, hard to find the proper tune and I almost gave up a couple times, feeling tired (didn't get back from home group till 12am cuz had transport issues)... but asked God that if He wanted to hear a new song that He's gotta give me a little more strength and inspiration/tune....

Part of the song is written in Jap (singing in tongues!! Lolz! Jap is a foreign tongue to me indeed... thanks to: Used Jap because couldn't find English words that would express the meaning below in that little number of words in order to fit the tune, and also couldn't find words that rhymed which can sufficiently express the meaning. Tried my best to make the jap bit make sense, so hopefully even if it is broken Jap-language it would still make sense.... Thought about using Mandarin, but Mandarin sounds too harsh for such a song... And the tune for this song is not quite western, it’s slightly jap tuned too so…

So here it is ---- Promise ---  Promise -- Cover Video Clip on Youtube


Promise                    C major
Sat 13/10/12                       12.43pm

Do You remember that day?
When I put myself on the offering plate?
Do You remember that time?
When we promised – “no matter what it takes?”

Your quietness cause/s me to tremble
Your silence cause/s me to revere
Your whispering lets me know Your heart –
You are the Pearl worth my all – oh yea.

(the) More that I/(we) know You,
for Your mercy I’m/(we’re) thankful –
Giving me/(us) all these Grace that I/(we) don’t deserve

The struggles that I/(we) face –
You put me/(us) through the fire –
You do this to prove that –
that I’m/(we’re) Your real gold

Which more do I/(we) want?
Which more do I/(we) have?
What else can I/(we) bring to account for that day?
才能に今 -- そうか?                                   (sainou ni ima – sou ka?)
(The talents I now have – are kind of like… do they really exist?)
きっと変える そう                                  (kitto kaeru sou sa!)
(But Surely it will turn into an affirmative yes (at the end))
満たす為に努力 --- Our Promise             (Mitasu tame ni doryoku – Our Promise)
(because I’m striving with all the effort I can, in order to fulfil – Our Promise)

(Jap bit google translation:
I see now the talent?
It is so surely change
effort to meet -- Our Promise)

 And here's the version with the tune... pardon the beats. A full stop after a number means one octave lower.

Promise                    C major
Sat 13/10/12                       12.43pm

1    1        112           3       3---
Do You remember that day?
2          3 4     33         1   1      1 6.          2 -------
When I put myself on the offering plate?
1    1        112           5       3---
Do You remember that time?
2         3      43                 3    11         1      6.   2
That we promised – “no matter what it takes?”

3          43         4             5  5    3-21
Your quietness cause/s me to tremble
3          43         4             5  5    3-21
Your silence cause/s me to revere
1         1231            4-   3    1-       1-       2-  
Your whispering lets me know Your heart –
1      1    1     1         3         1    2 – 1 7. 6. 5.
You are the Pearl worth my all – oh yea.

       1            2    5          5        1
(the) More that I/(we) know You,
1      5.      12       5                   5    7.
for Your mercy I’m/(we’re) thankful –
71       7               6    3       3           1    1          1       5   5 --
Giving me/(us) all these Grace that I/(we) don’t deserve

5.            343            2          1
The struggles that I/(we) face –
5.        34                3            2    1-6. 5. --
You put me/(us)  through the fire –     
5.        34      3    2      1--
You do this to prove that –
6.       6                 6       6      65--
that I’m/(we’re) Your real gold

   1          1      2       5     5
Which more do I/(we) want?
   1---        1      2     5      5
Which more do I/(we) have?
7          1       7  6          3     3      1    1    1       5   5 --
What else can I/(we) bring to account for that day?
5   5   4  34  -- 3  1?
才能に今 -- そうか?
(The talents I now have – are kind of like… do they really exist?)
5   5   4  34  -- 3  1.
きっと変える そう
(But Surely it will turn into an affirmative yes (at the end))
5   5   4  34 3  13-32 -- 5.  7.  1-----
満たす為に努力 ---  Our Promise
(because I’m striving with all the effort I can, in order to fulfil – Our Promise)

(Jap bit google translation:
I see now the talent?
It is so surely change
effort to meet -- Our Promise)

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