What a year it has been, between CJ's wedding cake disaster and now I've even managed to squeeze in an actuarial exam! As December edges in, I am reminded of the wedding cake incident last year, looking back, I can laugh and smile, all cuz God was there with me. I'm doing J&C's wedding cake this 2012 December, so be rest assured that the incident didn't leave me traumatized to the point where I'm forever scarred!
This year I'll be using satin ice -- as I got it before I realised that it is not as climatized to QLD weather as Bakels was (CJ cake used Bakels)... so perhaps more adventure awaits?
Anyways, here is a request from my fellow godly bro and sis from youtube to see the end result of the cake, so I thought I might post a few pics.
Recording of the disaster
Segment 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i34IL3yE4aw&feature=relmfu
Segment 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6v3OWBhkEI&feature=relmfu

This year I'll be using satin ice -- as I got it before I realised that it is not as climatized to QLD weather as Bakels was (CJ cake used Bakels)... so perhaps more adventure awaits?
Anyways, here is a request from my fellow godly bro and sis from youtube to see the end result of the cake, so I thought I might post a few pics.
Recording of the disaster
Segment 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i34IL3yE4aw&feature=relmfu
Segment 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6v3OWBhkEI&feature=relmfu
The air bubbles.... that's the top... using a spatula, scraper and knife to get rid of all the buttercream on the top and on the sides
So sleepy, but just gotta keep going...
These two hymns encouraged me all night repeatedly.....
"faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of the things we do not see" and
"信是未曾看见,依然仰望十架,信是完全交托,深知主已掌权,我靠着那加给我力量的凡事都能做,或风浪或低谷,主平安在我心; 我靠着那加给我力量的凡事都能做,行在主的旨意, 我凡事都能做."
God carried me through all night... unsleepingly.... — with God.
"faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of the things we do not see" and
God carried me through all night... unsleepingly....
my sis went to every single petrol station she could find... and finally came back with 3 small cartons of cream, which saved the cake! If this is not God's grace and ultimate providence, I don't know what it was. It's gonna be a loooonnnng night... and not even sure if it will work nicely under the fondant....— — with God.
and the second one... sis read me Psalm 121...
詩 篇 121
1 ( 上 行 之 詩 。 ) 我 要 向 山 舉 目 ; 我 的 幫 助 從 何 而 來 ?
2 我 的 幫 助 從 造 天 地 的 耶 和 華 而 來 。
3 他 必 不 叫 你 的 腳 搖 動 ; 保 護 你 的 必 不 打 盹 !
4 保 護 以 色 列 的 , 也 不 打 盹 也 不 睡 覺 。 (You won't be sleeping tonight... God will stay awake with you)
5 保 護 你 的 是 耶 和 華 ; 耶 和 華 在 你 右 邊 蔭 庇 你 。
6 白 日 , 太 陽 必 不 傷 你 ; 夜 間 , 月 亮 必 不 害 你 。
7 耶 和 華 要 保 護 你 , 免 受 一 切 的 災 害 ; 他 要 保 護 你 的 性 命 。
8 你 出 你 入 , 耶 和 華 要 保 護 你 , 從 今 時 直 到 永 遠 。
— with God.詩 篇 121
1 ( 上 行 之 詩 。 ) 我 要 向 山 舉 目 ; 我 的 幫 助 從 何 而 來 ?
2 我 的 幫 助 從 造 天 地 的 耶 和 華 而 來 。
3 他 必 不 叫 你 的 腳 搖 動 ; 保 護 你 的 必 不 打 盹 !
4 保 護 以 色 列 的 , 也 不 打 盹 也 不 睡 覺 。 (You won't be sleeping tonight... God will stay awake with you)
5 保 護 你 的 是 耶 和 華 ; 耶 和 華 在 你 右 邊 蔭 庇 你 。
6 白 日 , 太 陽 必 不 傷 你 ; 夜 間 , 月 亮 必 不 害 你 。
7 耶 和 華 要 保 護 你 , 免 受 一 切 的 災 害 ; 他 要 保 護 你 的 性 命 。
8 你 出 你 入 , 耶 和 華 要 保 護 你 , 從 今 時 直 到 永 遠 。
waxed paper for the quilt.
This is the top tier, I was really touched and comforted at how perfect the fondant turned out... I'm finally at this stage!! — at The Cake Office.
This is the top tier, I was really touched and comforted at how perfect the fondant turned out... I'm finally at this stage!! — at The Cake Office.
Punching the first cornerstone hole for the pearls -- reminded me of how Christ is the cornerstone, whom all our foundation is built on
have to give it some space and cut off more icing at the bottom to prevent air bubbles...
10 inch quilted as well...
the first cornerstone pearl hand painted in gold...
See the difference it makes
a family of cakes... back on Sat night, I could not see this picture at all..
Indeed, faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of the things in His Will that we do not yet see. And surely His faithfulness endures forever and His heart is kind... — with God
Indeed, faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of the things in His Will that we do not yet see. And surely His faithfulness endures forever and His heart is kind... — with God
Now after dowelling it, I quickly put together all the elements of the cake to finalise the design
Four PM, and the delivery crew are arriving!! After design is finalised, I've got to pack all the logs and sunflowers into categorised boxes in accordance to their location on the cake.. and somehow also get myself ready and changed out of the buttercream and ganached clothes...
And took photos of each section so that I had something to refer to when i'm under pressure to assemble it all at the venue...
This top section means -- gentle interdependence, in each other and in God... symbolized by the sunflowers
Love the green leaves... looks so elegant... like the bride...
front shot
front middle
Now to disassemble it and take everything off the cake so that we can transport tier by tier
Cake finally done, at the venue. The people picking the cake up got lost on the way (GPS doesn't work cuz too many road works around my house), so instead of leaving at 4pm we left at around 4.45pm. We got there at about 5.30pm, and the pre dinner drinks for the reception starts at 6pm. Got into the venue, no time to chat, passed on the cake cutting instructions to the chef and got straight down to work. With the help of uncle Thomas and Ronnie, we assembled it as quickly as we could. Royal icing is holding up all the logs at the base tier, and the mid tiers have royal icing as well as skewers because RI takes too long to dry and things might fall if someone accidentally bumped into it.
A few shots for everyone who helped, as perHelen's request.
Meaning of this cake's design: base tier's two huge sunflowers stood for C and J each (the extra small flower on right was just cuz Shi Ge has something against symmetry so I guess the right one is him and left is J). The top flower in the middle is God. Together, these three flowers make a triangle (being mathematical her
Meaning of this cake's design: base tier's two huge sunflowers stood for C and J each (the extra small flower on right was just cuz Shi Ge has something against symmetry so I guess the right one is him and left is J). The top flower in the middle is God. Together, these three flowers make a triangle (being mathematical her
e!), and as the two head upwards towards God, they get closer to each other. You can probably see the back view of this cake, the top tier's sunflower looks like one from the front, but actually there's another one just as big leaning back to back against it. This symbolises "two become one". Shi ge and J made the pretty CJ logo plaque themselves at the cake consultation session we had.
I'm sure God was beside too, posing...
@ the reception -- beautiful in a bouquet.
Just musing at the flower and the leaf... somehow, the heart shaped leaves from the wedding cake matched with this pointy edge from the real sunflower... unbelievable how it all worked out... it's as if God knew...
Just musing at the flower and the leaf... somehow, the heart shaped leaves from the wedding cake matched with this pointy edge from the real sunflower... unbelievable how it all worked out... it's as if God knew...
Just musing at the details in each petal of the sunflower... so intricate. Comparatively, the gumpaste sunflowers on the wedding cake was a very rough imitation of God's finger printed handiwork.
checking the leaves' veins to know for next time..
And the cake cut.
Glory be to God!!
October 22nd 2011
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