Wednesday 3 April 2013

Jesus Christ vs Christ Jesus -- whom do we preach? 耶稣基督, 跟 基督耶稣 我��哪一位?


耶稣—基督, 跟

使徒保罗就清明这一点,所以他传的道是带着真能力的。读提摩太后书时,留意他的用词,看看他在什么情况下用 耶稣基督,又在什么情形下用基督耶稣。

基督— 是三位一�的上帝的第二�位格的主。
耶�— 是�基督道成肉身的�候,�baby�始命的名。


I was listening to the audio Bible during devotion on the train yesterday 3Apr13, and have been listening to the New Testament for a while. One thing which struck me was that in our churches, we always preach "Jesus Christ", "Jesus Christ", and the unbelievers have even used that as a swear word, in blasphemy. However, apostle Paul's use of Christ Jesus, which is the same two words but flipped over, in the second letter he wrote to his adopted son Timothy was interesting. Just when I thought he never used "Jesus Christ", suddenly, he used it. So he used "Christ Jesus" approx twice, then used "Jesus Christ" once, and then flipped back to using "Christ Jesus". 

That meant that apostle Paul was someone who used his language very carefully, as I sometimes do when writing very specific, exact emails at work to send out to other external business stakeholders.

Thinking about that idea, and looking at in which circumstance he used "Christ Jesus" and "Jesus Christ", I realised that he only used "Jesus Christ" when specifically talking about the incarnation and Jesus' death and resurrection/salvation. Other times, Paul referred to Christ -- as the second figure of the Trinity, in all His original glory, His eternity, and also His return to heaven and the glory He attained after His victory through resurrection.

So it is appropriate to think, when Paul refers to "Christ Jesus" as
"The Christ -------- *insert footnote*: btw, also the incarnated Jesus.", as if looking from the wide end of the telescope who is Christ to the narrow end of the telescope who is Jesus.

And to think of "Jesus Christ" as---
"the human Jesus who was borne of Mary ------- *insert footnote*: btw, don't forget He is actually the Christ", as if looking from the narrow end of the telescope to the wide end to see, that beyond his short life on earth, don't forget that the Eternal One is who is really Is.

O, what difference when we think of our saviour as Christ Jesus! What majesty, what glory, that encourages our hearts to follow Him ever more the faithfully!!!!!

Truly, it is like Paul says in 2Cor5: 
From now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we once regarded Christ according to the flesh, we regard him thus no longer.

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