Wednesday 10 August 2016

20160811 Chill Lax ESL Prep - general questions

Chill Lax's Inaugural English as a Second Language gathering is happening tomorrow!

Yay! Puji Tuhan!


So here as a prep I've prepared 3 levels of questions that we can use and apply to newspaper articles. And most likely (although with a with of wary) apply comprehension skills to the b-passages as well.


General Instructions (let's make sure we get the basics)

1.       Take turns reading out comprehension

2.       Circle all the words they don't know

3.       Do they understand the whole passage?


Stimulus Questions (use these to foster discussion)
Zone1: Knowledge/Facts

1.       What is the subject?

2.       Who are the key players/characters in the story? What is their function/career/background etc?

3.       Who is the story trying to represent?

4.       What is the purpose of writing this article?

5.       What are the key thoughts? What do you think of them?


Zone2: Critical Analysis

6.       Is there any truth to the claims in the commentary? Explain.

7.       Are there any issues mentioned? Why do these issues come about?

8.       Are there any social/moral issues? Give your opinion on them.

9.       Are there any in the group who share similar/differing thoughts? Explore.

10.   Who benefits most?

11.   Where does the value lie?

12.   Which type of people will relate best with this story?

13.   Do you have a similar story to tell?

14.   How does what is presented relate to your world view? If which ways are they similar? In which ways do they differ? Why? What informs your world view?

15.   How does your faith influence how you think about these?


Learning resource with questions

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