Thursday 22 September 2016

Immeasurable Peace Unexplainably Real

So we had our third Chill Lax ESL session tonight and after the session,  either Zoe / Ai Shuang told me that the session was really rewarding for her because she felt really peaceful. 
And Andika was saying seems like Ai was really in an exploratory stage of God yearning to get to know Him, or we should say God yearns to manifest Himself to her more. 当趁神还相近的时候亲近祂。

So I walked away in repentence because I was thinking the Word of God as inferior to the newspaper cuttings. 我轻看耶和华的话。But my Chill Lax crew members all picked to study the Bible today (Ephesians 1) rather than go through the news articles. And somehow we knew that marvelous works will be progressed today through this gathering. 
After Zoe/Ai's comment about peace, I walked away ashamed. I didnt know -- that in the words of Truth there was a peace that actualises. It never occurred to me that because the words are truth, that it will cause its listeners and their intuition and minds to be at ease.  And I also didn't know -- that His peace can attract other people the same way He attracted us so many years ago. And it's marvelous --- I didn't know that even people from China could be attracted. Oh how long ago it was that this happened such that its rarity already caused me to forget.

And it's true, just like Ephesians 1 that we read today, it's quite amazing that God's preplanned salvation of sinners into His sonship is really to manifest His great purpose of the unification though His body -- first Jews, then gentiles,  now to the rest of the world. 

How impossible this is. But yet what gets accomplished. Thus says Jehova your God -- don't go remembering the things of the past; Look! I am doing a new thing. I will open roads in the wilderness and rivers in the deserts. Don't you know? 

以賽亞書 43:18-19 CUNP

耶和華如此說: 你們不要記念從前的事, 也不要思想古時的事。  看哪,我要做一件新事; 如今要發現,你們豈不知道嗎? 我必在曠野開道路, 在沙漠開江河。

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