Saturday 24 September 2016


諸天啊, 你们与我同欢乐吧!
What was that? 

我们不会疲倦到不唱这首旧诗章: 荣耀归神, 哈利路亚! 我们声量依旧, 信心比前更坚强! 荣耀归神! 哈利路亚!

但我深知所信的是谁, 也深深相信祂实在全能, to take them-- which I've committed -- unto Him against that day.

Just like on Wednesday, when You were there as I/we shared about You with Rachel and Agnes. 

O Lord, whatever you were doing in the apostlic times, please do it again!!! Please do it again in this land here at this time and space in Melbourne!!!

24.9.2016 Sat

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