Saturday 24 September 2016

Chat history between "Grace" and "HungryWoman"

HungryWoman  21:37


HungryWoman  21:38

我真的要越发郑重从使徒们那天所领受的圣道, 恐怕我自己一不小心跟着潮流遗失了。。/::<

Grace  22:23


Grace  22:40


Grace  22:42


HungryWoman  22:44


HungryWoman  22:46

那是好主意!! 我会试试

Grace  22:47


HungryWoman  22:48

为什么很多男生会害羞呢? 普通上上学不就跟女孩子一起交谈吗

HungryWoman  22:49

嗯嗯, 大家庭很重要。。

Grace  22:50


HungryWoman  22:51


Grace  22:52


HungryWoman  22:52

我怕他英语不好的话,马上带到大家庭会使他觉得生疏, 因为都是印尼人。。

HungryWoman  22:53

所以一面想个自先交个朋友好好认识, 建立默契

HungryWoman  22:54


HungryWoman  22:56

也比较方便帮他翻译。。 因为在星期天教会, 大多是用印尼文, 我自己都需要翻译。。

Grace  22:57


HungryWoman  22:57

唉, 就很希望有几个华人的主内弟兄能跟我去做这样的事工

HungryWoman  22:57


HungryWoman  22:59

每次我这样街头布道, 常常会接触到男生, 不小心可能会常常引起误会。有位弟兄告诉我, 我是个女生, 我不应该去跟男生布道。

HungryWoman  23:04

我听了很伤心。我在想, 我不去, 谁去? 庄稼多,做工的人少。真正因为爱灵魂而不是自义的要用神学理论辩倒非信徒, 又不轻敌撒旦在一个人身上捆绑的权势, 又亲自走出教会的门到街上布道的, 在我们教会就区区那几个。

HungryWoman  23:05

虽然藉着英文交流组的队员训练我们正在带一批新的年轻人, 可是, 他们毕竟思想上还年轻

Grace  23:06


HungryWoman  23:06


Grace  23:07


Grace  23:07


HungryWoman  23:09


Grace  23:09


HungryWoman  23:10

普通上我会跟一位弟兄一起, 这样, 不论是男是女都可以上去搭话

Grace  23:10

我 们每个人都需要有属灵的前辈的引导。愿主记念你们。

HungryWoman  23:10


HungryWoman  23:11

谢谢!! 你们也是/::>


諸天啊, 你们与我同欢乐吧!
What was that? 

我们不会疲倦到不唱这首旧诗章: 荣耀归神, 哈利路亚! 我们声量依旧, 信心比前更坚强! 荣耀归神! 哈利路亚!

但我深知所信的是谁, 也深深相信祂实在全能, to take them-- which I've committed -- unto Him against that day.

Just like on Wednesday, when You were there as I/we shared about You with Rachel and Agnes. 

O Lord, whatever you were doing in the apostlic times, please do it again!!! Please do it again in this land here at this time and space in Melbourne!!!

24.9.2016 Sat

Friday 23 September 2016

跟姐姐讨论 徐兆锋 Zephyr

—————  2016-09-23  —————

Grace  21:00


HungryWoman  21:01

[Images: a826bd472c99a6b8df47cd33fad778ff.jpg(View in attachment)]

HungryWoman  21:01


Grace  21:01


HungryWoman  21:02


HungryWoman  21:03


HungryWoman  21:04

就两周前也是在公园读这本课本时, 要回家的时候看见一个人运动着

HungryWoman  21:05

那星期我还没街头布道因为周间有事, 所以看见好像是在耍武术就觉得是接触的好机会因为有话题

HungryWoman  21:06

所以就上去, 说耍得好酷啊可不可以让我多看几下 (自己小时候超喜欢读金庸的说)

Grace  21:06


Grace  21:07


HungryWoman  21:08


HungryWoman  21:08


HungryWoman  21:09


HungryWoman  21:11

然候他 (徐兆锋) 耍完了之候就问我有兴趣吗?想不想学。

HungryWoman  21:11


HungryWoman  21:11


HungryWoman  21:12


Grace  21:15


Grace  21:15


HungryWoman  21:15

想说一面学太极 (懂个什么武术的, 老爸应该比较放心我一个人去雅加达吧。。), 一面认识新朋友, 一面把永生的道告诉他

Grace  21:16


HungryWoman  21:16


HungryWoman  21:16


Grace  21:16


HungryWoman  21:16


HungryWoman  21:17


HungryWoman  21:18

就是。。我每次讲话, 他都会回答可是每一次回答都会用最少的字回答。

HungryWoman  21:19

四个字, 五个字不超

HungryWoman  21:21

但是又有时我会问他些什么。。 例如中国历史之类的, 问题一对了, 他就会哗啦哗啦的像瀑布那样滔滔不绝的说着。。。

HungryWoman  21:24

他的个性真的很难猜得准。。虽然已经练了3-4次太极, 我还是连一句神的道都还没找到对的时机插入

HungryWoman  21:26

Grace 姐姐你觉得他这样的人是不是国内常见的? (是不是虽然是华人可是从新加坡的我跟他的文化差距比想象的大)?

HungryWoman  21:28

我问他名字时, 他告诉我他们家是什么什么朝代的138代传下来的。。

HungryWoman  21:30

然候, 你觉得我要是要把他带到真理里面, 应该如何引进呢?

HungryWoman  21:36

他今天跟我说, 年底他要回国过年。所以希望11月前把18式教我教完。 我今天回家时想想。。别人教你今生的一套路法都是那么有系统有进度的在细心教。你传福音呢? 为什么那么没规划? 那么没心好像有传没传都一样, 传多传少不要紧。。唉! 我真是惭愧呀!!

HungryWoman  21:37


HungryWoman  21:38

我真的要越发郑重从使徒们那天所领受的圣道, 恐怕我自己一不小心跟着潮流遗失了。。/::<

Sent from Samsung Mobile

Thursday 22 September 2016

Immeasurable Peace Unexplainably Real

So we had our third Chill Lax ESL session tonight and after the session,  either Zoe / Ai Shuang told me that the session was really rewarding for her because she felt really peaceful. 
And Andika was saying seems like Ai was really in an exploratory stage of God yearning to get to know Him, or we should say God yearns to manifest Himself to her more. 当趁神还相近的时候亲近祂。

So I walked away in repentence because I was thinking the Word of God as inferior to the newspaper cuttings. 我轻看耶和华的话。But my Chill Lax crew members all picked to study the Bible today (Ephesians 1) rather than go through the news articles. And somehow we knew that marvelous works will be progressed today through this gathering. 
After Zoe/Ai's comment about peace, I walked away ashamed. I didnt know -- that in the words of Truth there was a peace that actualises. It never occurred to me that because the words are truth, that it will cause its listeners and their intuition and minds to be at ease.  And I also didn't know -- that His peace can attract other people the same way He attracted us so many years ago. And it's marvelous --- I didn't know that even people from China could be attracted. Oh how long ago it was that this happened such that its rarity already caused me to forget.

And it's true, just like Ephesians 1 that we read today, it's quite amazing that God's preplanned salvation of sinners into His sonship is really to manifest His great purpose of the unification though His body -- first Jews, then gentiles,  now to the rest of the world. 

How impossible this is. But yet what gets accomplished. Thus says Jehova your God -- don't go remembering the things of the past; Look! I am doing a new thing. I will open roads in the wilderness and rivers in the deserts. Don't you know? 

以賽亞書 43:18-19 CUNP

耶和華如此說: 你們不要記念從前的事, 也不要思想古時的事。  看哪,我要做一件新事; 如今要發現,你們豈不知道嗎? 我必在曠野開道路, 在沙漠開江河。

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