Monday 31 December 2012

Happy 2013!!! 2013年 新年快樂!和一段勉勵!

Happy 2013, my friends!!
2012 was fraught with disasters from an insurance and economic perspective, I wonder what the arrival of 2013 will bring. But all in all, I am glad that God is in control over it all.


“我已經立我的君在錫安-- 我的聖山上了。” 現在,你們君王應當省悟!你們世上的審判官該受管教!當存畏懼事奉耶和華,又當存戰兢而快樂。當以嘴親子獻上忠誠, 恐怕他發怒,你們便在道中滅亡,因為他的怒氣快要發作。凡投靠他的,都是有福的。

原來祂在錫安山上所立的君王和那國度永不動搖。神之所以許可錫安山經過大地震 -- 為的是要證明: His Holy Hill and His Anointed are both Over and not under the circumstances -- 祂的聖者並祂的聖山兩者都是超過、跨越環境的,並且跨越歷史,超過時間,擴至永恆的。 所以依靠耶和華的人好像錫安山,永不動搖 -- 因為是永遠長存、常存的。After the storms and the wars and the suffering and that great earthquake to come, when we see the green grass -- remember -- this is prove that in the ultimate, our God is the one who gained victory. Just like the land of Israel. Just like Jesus the Christ。

世界中千山萬山,唯有錫安山是神所選來立祂的君王的-- 就是在這個山上君王的神跟人會面。這個會面就使到一個人永不動搖。Out of all the numerous hills and mountains in the earth, only Mt Zion did God choose as the pinpointed location where He establishes His Anointed One -- that is, the pinpointed location that the reigning God meets man. It is a place where humans encounter God. And the encounter is what makes the difference -- the encounter is that which causes one's life to be forever unshaken; fortified.
(~Tang 不能動搖的根基,1a, approx 0:32)

甚願我們警醒,預備自己像那有帶備用油的使女們,也在這裡勉勵大家務要忠心致死,才能夠得到永遠的生命為冠冕。要心志堅定,剛強地站立-- 並且站穩了,全副軍裝,又有勇敢,不論轟轟動動或安安靜靜,兩班皆可地管轄著這地、衛道、彼此建立,精明地深深認識我們所信的不但是‘什麼’,而更是‘誰’,認真預備主的再來。

因為白日不多了,所以讓我們好好數算我們還剩下的日子,去尋找基督的教會--就是祂的民 (這民大過叫作‘教會’的建築物)-- 就是我們同營的軍人們。當兵的,不將世物纏身,乃是奮勇地朝著目標直行。2012年過了,白日又少了一年,讓我們深深將這事實刻在我們的心板上,再接再厲地往前跑,不退後,因為我們---靠那加給我們力量的,凡主需要我們執行的都能做!以致榮耀歸於祂至上、聖潔又公義的名。

Friday 28 December 2012

Bring your brains -- Let God be God and let humans be humans -- Wall of Galaxies

X-ray Discovery Points to Location of Missing Matter This artist's illustration shows a close-up view of the Sculptor Wall, which is comprised of galaxies along with the warm-hot intergalactic medium (WHIM). Scientists used Chandra and XMM-Newton to detect the WHIM in this structure by examining the X-ray light from a distant quasar, which is represented in the inset to the upper right. This discovery is the strongest evidence yet that the "missing matter" in the nearby Universe is located in an enormous web of hot, diffuse gas. Illustration: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss;

~~ As part of compiling outer space photos of ShengSuo guitar cover ~~

Looking up NASA's space shots @ Chandra for fun last night, I couldn't help but see how much creativity, variety, sophistication, intellect, power the Almighty God has. Like the image below, that is a wall of galaxies!You realise in terms of size, that you wouldn't be able to see the earth there? And I am only how big a person within the earth?

When we speak of God's Omnipresence, I realised... in all honestly, my physical body wouldn't even be large enough to fit one of God's hair. And yet somehow... He left all that and chose to live in... me??????????? What for? It's small, sinful, proud, arrogant, unintelligent, stubborn, mustn't be a very nice place, and honestly not very majestic compared to the galaxies..... The fact He does -- is honestly mind-boggling and amazing, beyond my intellect's ability to comprehend.

And yet, to many Christians, they use God as an escape --- yes, you... even I do this carelessly sometimes --  you know what I'm talking about --- "When I am soooo weakkkkkk He bears all my weakkkkknesses.... when I am so helpless.... cast your helpnessness to Him..... He will bear it.... when I'm sadddddd cast all my sadness to Him.... I feeeeeeeel your Holy Spirit fill me........when I pray, you HAVE TO answer it my way, I love you I love you I love you (and yet life is still full of sin to the brim)..... God will not repay me as my sin deserves but will give me grace....." Getting all too overly emotional, swarmped in self-pity, self-focus, own little world, honestly-marshmallow-weak 軟綿綿 because that is how they allowed themselves to sink to, and in one word --- Unrealistic. PEOPLE! Look at the skies! Look at your God's handiwork and know that God is larger than His handiwork! STOP using Him as an escape and take Responsibility for your own life instead of waiting for Him to sort everything out for you -- God doesn't work like that! If you don't take responsibility for your own life then how exactly is He supposed to entrust you with anything else and let you reign over anything???

And stop thinking that you can FORCE Him to answer your prayers! NO wonder your prayers Don't get answered!
You know which prayers He answers?
Ans: He answers the ones He wants to. And especially for those who deliberately choose not to follow Him and yet expect Him to answer their prayers, guess what? He can't even be bothered with you.

As for those whom He answers --- when He answers your prayers with goodness and mercies, expect Him to answer you with troubles too -- you get the full suite, not just the "good bits". Why? There are many reasons, but one of them is to let you be clear that this world is not your home. The other answer is -- that He is training you up to reign. So suck up those tears and be a man (woman too, by mathematical induction).
However, God understands that life is hard -- so He did empower those who follow His will with one ultimate weapon -- He gave them a baptism and made them overcomers over their circumstances -- a conqueror just like Him. So that you can reign with Him just like Him. Remember. Remember who you are. you are His child.

Instead of getting overly fluffy close with God, get a little bit of reverence please? God loves humans, but He never once identifies exactly with them. Even when Jesus is on earth, He never calls God the Father "our Father" alongside us humans. He calls God "my Father", and then to us: "your (pural) Father". Let God be God and let humans be humans.

And can we Christians start treating God like He is intelligent please? Because He actually is. Treat God like He is complex please? Because He knows more permutations than we do. Treat God as King, please? Because we belong to the kingdom to come, and He rules both the kingdom now and that to come. He is from everlasting to everlasting. Honour Him, please? And that with your life as your testimony, because God honours those who honour Him first.

Because then Christians, Christian leaders, pastors, elders, deacons will finally start using their brains, and will be able to start depthfully knowing Who you believe in, rather than the shallow "I love you I love you I need you I need you" crap that will immediately fall when persecution comes. Yes, we do love Him -- but we do this by obeying His commands. Yes we do need Him -- and He realises how reliant we are on and of Him and that's why He sent the Holy Spirit to live with us in the time period between earth and Paradise.

When we start using our brains, people, the intellectuals will not be bored during Sunday sermons, because you are addressing their needs, and maybe we can convince a few thinking-atheists to know God as God and be salvaged. "These Christians don't think, they don't even know what they believe in", is the feedback I get. And Christians, do you realise that when we don't think, our religion/belief/whateveryoucallit sinks to the state of being more miniscule/smaller than we, as a human, are? When we treat God like He is smaller than we are, we are left with nothing. So start treating Him big, and start treating Him as Lord. Lord means -- master -- owner -- the one in authority over me, the one who has the ultimate say in my life; and in fact the one in authority over the whole universe over me, including that wall of galaxies, and including the spiritual unseen realm, including heaven. and hell. And to this Triune God YHWH we honestly give control of our own life and give Him the right to determine for us what is right and wrong.
It is not enough to call God "God". He needs to be the Lord over your life, because this is the only type of recruits He is interested in bringing to the new heaven and earth. And no, contrary to what many non-believers and even some Christians mistakenly think, He is not interested in this grand "saving the whole world and making them all Christians" thing. He is only interested in the ones who call him God in their mouths, and Lord in their hearts --- 口裡承認,心裡相信--- 就是這個意思。"What about the rest?" you ask. Well, they will be -- simply -- binned. They are of no more use to God, corrupted, sinful and blotchy, all torn and worn. Logically, where else could they go? And as for the borderline cases -- trust God to be absolutely fair and just -- while knowing -- that there has been not one human who has gotten to heaven by his own good works.

This is a big wake up call for Christians to sort themselves out, chuck away all the misconceptions of God we have been spoon fed with, and get some  action happening with washing our clothes so that they are white; get that lamp filled up; get that real, holy, righteous light shining forth; get that discipleship thing happening instead of practicing the ritual called 'churching' ---- all so that we will not be rejected at the gates of His palace in heaven.

Now, Many Christians might be shocked to hear this but I gotta put it out to ya --- Look, you are not "saved". You have not been 'saved'.
Do you realise? That your salvation has not yet become a past tense? Put plainly -- as long as you are still alive in your physical birth body -- your savalge-tion (salvation) has not come to pass -- you are still in the process of being salvaged/recycled -- that is what Salvation really means. For if you already have been, then there is no chance for you to flip to the other side and end up in hell. But we know as long as we are alive, we can flip either way! That is why God can say -- "if you be faithful -- even to the point of death, and I will give you eternal life as a crown." (Revelation 2). This is why Paul says, "I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified." (1 Cor 9:27)

Guys, we're not there yet, and the message is -- we better get going. So next time we go to church, pack our Bible, our note pad, our iphones, our wallet, handcream, tissues, driver's license, credit card and don't forget to pack our brains with us, please. During sermons, can we think about what has been said and can we think about God please. Can we think by comparing and contrasting what we are hearing during sermons with what we read in the Bible please? And seek to clarify all those unclear points, to see if they are real and true. Because as we think, the Holy Spirit might really let us get something meaningful out of it. And when we think -- we will also be able to differentiate which words being spoken on stage are really of God and we should listen, and really of man and we can filter those out. Because not everything being spoken on the lectern are of God. When pastors are weak or prideful, do you realise that even their mouths can be a foothold by satan? This is a call to know your Bible well and always compare what you hear anywhere with the Bible, and to walk in and by the Holy Spirit (i.e. submit your  self to Him).

Because it is God's Word, not the pastor or any other lecturer or leader or any of their sayings, that we should follow. Because God's Word (God's Logos) is Christ. And during every sermon, there hides both God's Word and human presuppositions. Then there will be strength in a church in their understanding of God, and your personal understanding will, like juice, have had its pulp/impurities filtered out, leaving you with a balanced, wholistic understanding of the gospel that is purified. Then you can stand when persecution comes. Then you will be a true recruit of heaven.

聖所 Sanctuary -- Guitar Hymn Cover

Savouring the last moments of freedom before I have to start studying full on again....
Our youth group presented this song last Sunday, and the melody was so beautiful I had to do a guitar cover of it! Also wanted to try out my new gear ---- the basic Fender Stratocaster (Black and white), and the Spider IV 15 Amp on mid Phaser and low Sweep Echo, higher base than treble and mid, slightly over half way mark, with treble and mid slightly less than half way.
I did change the wording a little... instead of 旋律, I identified more with 定律。

Pls graciously pardon the off tunes, off pitches, off beats, off chords.... =P *still trying to get used to the heaviness of the electric and the thinner neck... as well as fancy A major chords....* =P
Once again, the photos in the video cover tell a story -- I'll keep that as a mystery between God and I, but for those interested, it's something about Whirlpool galaxy and an X structure in the middle, the spirals looking like blood. How Whirlpool's arms look like they are protecting a smaller galaxy 'nearby', and Vela Pulsar how it looks like a heart and its sounds magnifies the Lord, and one of the photos look like a crown of thorns.... along with the innermost part of one's heart being like an enclosed glacier cave with all its beauty and sophistication and privacy and quietness....

Thursday 27 December 2012

Some people just makes me so..... @*(_&$##)%#argggggh

Some people just like to stuff Christianity down other people's throats, Bible bash and hammer it into people 247. They think that this is being a testimony for God, but they don't understand that this happens to be most uneffective and causes a huge backlash of people coming into contact with Christianity and yet rejecting the cross, and HATE Christ and Christians and their version of Christianity.

CHRISTIANS! Be a little bit more tactful, PLEASE! Don't you realise this is what makes Christianity most uncool???? It's because of this that I am ashamed, not of God but of the so called Christians and their supposed gospel. They make me so exasperated.

Look! Your targets don't understand the context you are trying to say things in. Don't just put up Christian slogans and think that Salvation and God can be summarised into bumper stickers!!!!!! It's NO WONDER Christians get persecuted! It's like... serves us right, you know??

Take the time to explain with gentleness, please, because we happen to have the coolest God, the Truth, the most experienced tour guide to heaven (The Way), the largest expression of love in the Cross, best bleach to get white clothes (salvaged righteousness), the most meaningful purpose in life (preparation for reigning eternally), a new kingdom to come that we are recruiting citizens for (new Jerusalem), and the killing blow to sin (Christ on the cross and His resurrection) -- once and for all, a sin-fixing weapon called Baptism, real freedom (when we walk in and by the Spirit), which gives us an anchor called Hope (with certainty) for our heart, soul, mind, and even physical body despite our present lack of health -- all these, in Christ our overcoming King, and a guarantee and personal tutor the Holy Spirit in baptism, and a merciful yet Holy God our Abba Father.

There's so much to say, Christians, so let's go and inspire someone to Christ, taking the time to explain to them everything that Christ has taught us, and surely He will be with us from now till eternity. and... I'll meet you at heaven's lobby -- if you are interested, I'll be the one with thick rimmed glasses and funky hip hop clothes. C U there.  

靈巧像蛇,馴良像鴿子 (as tactful as snakes yet sinless and innocent as doves),that's how we do this.
*(ref: Matthew 馬太福音 10:16)

Rocket and Relativity

Walking home from the train station today, I looked up and saw a vertical stripe of clouds.... what looked like a rocket shooting vertically up. I couldn't help but stop to look -- it just kept going up and up and up and up... weird, I didn't know there was an army base nearby... I didn't understand... "why does whatever it is want to go so high? Even if they went that high, they wouldn't be able to see God, you know?" Recalling my recent Sydney trip, when I was up in the skies, I looked out, and did not see God. I was a little disappointed somehow, although I already obviously knew that God is Spirit, but I still wanted to..... Then I realised, that God was in the plane with me. He's "not" out there (He is Omnipresent), Xuan, I told myself, He is "in here" (the Holy Spirit lives within me). Then I was com-forted (fortified).

Anyways, back to the weird phenomenon -- And then, after a while, the rocket thing was rather high and then it went horizontal instead, and I saw it -- it was a plane. I've never seen a plane fly vertical before... So it then flew rather quickly, horizontally from in front of me to behind me, and then next thing you know, it went downwards as quickly as it went upwards!!!!! Like a shooting star or a meteorite..... !!! When it came to that point, I was really thinking.... "Man.... must be coming close to the end of the world.... people are going nuts and doing more and more crazy things..... 到底是為什麼會這樣呢?是因為裡面的人想找刺激嗎?"

The plane went down the same way it went up....then it reminded me of Satan --- Satan says -- "I want! To get right up there! As high as possible! Higher than God! I want to be God and replace God!" and then God went << BAM >> and slapped Satan down the same way Satan tried to shoot up. It's relative, isnt it? The trajectory up is relative and comparable to the trajectory downwards....

It got me thinking about relativeness. And how we have been taught in Australian high schools that everything is relative --- and Eunice's friend Dan also saying that because he is a buddist, there is no absolute, and so he has some uncertainties and difficulties with what is actually the right thing to do. What is actually "right", is something he's thought a lot about.

Then I came to the conclusion -- the Australian high school teachers and syllabus were right -- every thing is indeed relative. So imagine ball and stick models of atoms, all being relative to each other. Then think many and many and many of them, all in a big balancing act. The attraction and repulsion between them are all relative. And indeed they are all relative, but that is only half the story. The other half of the story, is this --- they are all relative to God's laws -- 面對著神的律, 它們都是相對的。The God who told the seas "Thus far you will come and you will come no further." He drew that line, and the seas stayed within it. In the rare occasion that God allows it to breach its boundary, humans cry, for there loss of lives happened.

Hence, in fact, everything is indeed relative -- relative to the absolute God. Like iron shavings to the magnet, everything, when aligned with the absolute God, their relativity makes sense. When Satan did not align himself to God in his rightful place, he no longer made sense. And God then binned whatever didn't make sense. Heaven hath no more place for Satan. Though he is still allowed to roam in the short term in midair and on earth, he will be disposed of.

Everything is relative -- relative to the absolute God. When we align ourselves to God, we make sense.

p.s: attached are photos of the rocket plane on the way up and down

Monday 24 December 2012

Happy Birthday, God! And happy King's Birthday, everyone!

"..when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship." (Galatians 4)

Happy Birthday, God! 
Thanks for being born for righteousness sake, at the appointed time, at the appointed day. This is the day of the Lord.


Hallelujah! Salvation, glory and power belong to our God! Kiss the Son and pay Him homage, lest He be angry and you be destroyed in your way, for His wrath can flare up in a moment. Blessed are those who take refuge in Him. (Revelation; Psalm2)

His birth marks the transformation of the world: The kingdom of this world is become Kingdom of our God, and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever. Happy King's Birthday, everyone!

Merry Christmas, my treasured friends, here's wishing that you would also choose to be permanent citizens of the new Kingdom to come -- the kingdom of our God and of His Christ. For His reign is forever, his days know no bounds; our King's heart is gentle humble and true, His yoke is comparatively easy, His burden comparatively light, His justice ever balanced, His righteousness absolute and His fairness reasonable. His glory radiant -- from everlasting -- to everlasting. And we can see His face and not die, have Him living in and with us and not fizzle. His holiness is ever before Him. As it is written in John 6: "Lord, you have the words -- the reason behind -- the reason why -- the logos -- of eternal life", whom else do we follow but you? 主啊,袮有永生之道,我們還跟從誰呢? 

This is why we celebrate.

Friday 21 December 2012

End of Mayan Calendar 21DEC2012 -- End of the World -- Doom, Gloom or Hope?

Let's chat about the End of the World...

21DEC2012, around 9pm was when the Mayans' calendar came to an end. The date even inspired the movie "2012". Many thought that this meant that it would be the end of the world. Then  you also get the more intellectuals thinking that it would be a non-event just like in Y2K, and that it is time for the Mayans to get a new calendar. And yet, there are some who believe it, as you see news of people starting to prepare candles and stock up can food for the day. And yesterday after a nice citycat river ride, I went to Coles at Toowong because I wanted to get a loaf of bread just so I can have some breaky for Monday, and guess what?? All the coles brand bread (like... an entire shelf couple of layers of it) was COMPLETELY EMPTY!!!!

Granted, there are many who are preparing Christmas parties this weekend, but not even one left????
And earlier in the day my little sis called me up and told me to stock up on baked beans, 2min noodles and bread... I replied saying that I will probably be ok, because as a general rule I don't allow my house to run out of MeeGoreng and canned tuna (we cook them together for a quick meal... it's our number one 'go to'... it tastes good with some sushi wrapping seaweed too... and a few instant frozen pork meatballs...)

So the point was, that I wouldn't be doing any panic-buying. On the 20th I joked with my manager as I was leaving the office, (with no intended disrespect to anyone btw), saying "If the sky turns grey tomorrow, I will still try to come to the office." My manager laughed and replied, "I appreciate your endeavours."

But pulling up at the driveway in my car when I got home, something in me still caused me to worry... and I realised there was fear that the end of the world will come on 21Dec. Then I realised -- people, this is a subject matter to be taken very seriously. While we can make jokes about the end all we want, some people are seriously worried, and if we are to be good neighbours to those around us like in the good Samaritan parable, we should take the responsibility to seriously respond to all these uncertain feelings-- to 認真回應這一份心情.

Christians are privileged with the all-knowing God, and this all-knowing God bestowed us some words about the end. And if we are good Christians or good humans in general, we will know that sharing is caring. And just like God's righteousness, peace, love and joy and all those good things, we should also be sharing with those around us the secrets hidden in the Bible about the end of the world (actually... not so secret because the title of the book is Revelation.. i.e. revealed!! So really, just have to open the book... quick... google Revelation..).
Christians, we can't be selfish here. Granted, many will not even think of touching the Bible for all sorts of valid reasons e.g. fear that their fingers might fizzle, or sheep skin allergies... but it is our responsibility to spread the Word, and we can do that without forcing people to read.
So coming from the perspective of being a Christian, what did I do? I told God -- I trust what You say, and if what You put forth in your Word the Bible, then there was no way the end of the world is going to come... I told little sis that when it is time to panic, I'll let her know. And how do I know when to panic?

We Christians are not given the exact date, but we are given clues in the book of Revelation (BTW, that's the last book of the Bible, for anyone who is interested...). Revelation is not all about the end of the world -- it goes beyond the end of the world to talk about the New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven into the new earth. It talks about a new Kingdom coming to replace this one that is rotting away (literally, in many ways) and ending -- i.e. it marks the opening ceremony of the new Kingdom. (And my honoured readers here, btw, you have an invite to it! Gotta RSVP tho so.... Coming? Pick up your nearest Bible and flip to Revelation for more information on the who's throwing the partayyy, conditions of entry, what to wear, VIP guest speakers who will be attending, the programme, who to bring with you etc...)
Anyway, back to the doom and gloom --
 I looked around -- I still got my job, I haven't been jailed yet, and I don't see enough natural disasters and sicknesses and diseases around and neither do I see that great earthquake that leaves no mountain in its original place -- the earthquake that causes heaven to pause for an hour in horror just to comprehend what just occurred. 

It is 22Dec now, and 9pm passed... in fact I was listening to pop tunes and enjoying dinner and the moment passed. And nothing. God is right.

So while we are still at this topic, I'd just like to put this down intellectually and logically -- let's use our brains, people, cuz God gave us some.

It is my honest opinion that while the people in this world do not know what it feels like to experience the 'end of the world' (understandably, because the world hasn't actually ended... at least not in 2012), but they expect it to just kind of... end. You know... just... end. Poof, everyone disappears... zombie takeover... that kind of thing. But most of us here graduated out of grade school, and probably even from renowned places like Harvard and Cambridge, so takes more than that to convince me, right?

Well, here is what the Bible says -- with incredible intellect and logic to satisfy my hunger-- 
  • the Real Jesus Christ said -- to mark the end, don't believe all those who say that they are 'Jesus Christ', cuz... simply put, sorry dude, but they're not. Regardless of how smooth at talking they are, or how hospitable they are. Give them four years... they'll show their fox tail. (Bible reference, see Book of Matthew, around chapter 20 to 28)

    See below for details about the real Christ and how to tell if it is the real Him.
  • Secondly, there will be many rumours of wars, and there will be many wars (think Israel, Iraq... think interstate and inter-government and other political wars), these things must happen, but the end is still to come.
  • Then, as we get closer to Dooms Day, Christians will be persecuted, and the love of many will grow cold... many so-called Christians who go to church every Sunday, are up on the stage singing/saying "I love God I love God, You are my everything..."... sorry dudes, but many of these will fall away because they are not grounded deeply in God's Word, or else because they are cowardly and are ashamed of Jesus despite what He has done.
  • Then you will see, standing in the holy place -- the abomination that causes desolation -- of a greater scale than those who sacrificed pigs on the altar of Jehova in Israel -- something absolutely grotesque and unclean, and abhorrous to the Jewish imagination . (Note, I myself eat pork... I'm a converted gentile..., but I can relate to how absolutely grotesque it is to be sacrificing pork on my Lord's table. Though I eat pork, even I will not allow it.)

    When this happens, those in Judea need to flee to the mountains for there will be persecution. Remember king David and how he ran to hide from those pursuing him. Remember En Gedi. Remember Abraham and Lot -- and Lot's wife who turned into a pillar of salt. If you are there-- RUN! RUN and don't look back, don't go down to take more possessions. What will it gain you to have those things yet lose your soul?

    Remember the God of Moses -- He will survive you. And if by any chance you are reading this before that persecution happens, better learn up the plants and animals in the wilderness -- know what you can eat and can't eat. Bring a portable weapon (we in Australia here like to bring an army knife) with you everywhere -- so that you will be able to cut through things when you need to. Know how to light fire (or bring a lighter/matches with you). And be alert. And trust God. And know that what can kill you but can't take your Soul you don't have to fear. And trust Jesus. Cuz He is the one who said that you don't need to fear.
  • Then, the sun will be darkened, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the water will turn bitter and everyone will flee back to their native land... (Matthew 24, Revelation, Isaiah 13)

    Can I add in a suspicion as to why this happens... it's because there will be no protection for foreigners. A country only protects its own citizens, think embassy. Those who have multiple PR (permanent residencies), I'm not sure how this applies, but I think when the time comes, you will know if the PR is of any use or not. Those with TRs better go back to your own country. And yet, those who are caught in the process of fleeing will fall by the sword.
  • Around the same time, Babylon will fall. The whole world's financial system will collapse and no one will buy their cargoes anymore -- Cargoes of gold, silver, precious stones and pearls (this means wedding rings and diamonds, people), fine linen, purple, silk, scarlet cloth (this means all your brand name clothes, people); every kind of articles made of citron wood, ivory, costly wood, bronze, iron and marble; cargoes of cinnamon, spice, incense, myrrh, frankincense (this means EDT and EDP perfumes, people), wine and olive oil, fine flour and wheat (this means the wedding cake industry, people); cattle and sheep, horses and carriages (this means beef steak and taxis, people), and even bodies and souls of men (this means maids, butlers, slaves, sweatshops, children and adults traded for prostitution, people). It will be a sad sad day for many. But hopefully that means liberty for those who have been enslaved by the heavy heavy yoke of money, always trying to make ends meet. Whatever it is, may we remember not to curse the Lord, but to praise Him -- for the end of one era marks a new beginning, and all these disasters are birthpains for the new Kingdom to come.

    Our hope... lies in -- we better change into white, holy and righteous clothes, and trust that Christ has forgiven our sins, for nothing unclean can enter the new Kingdom. If we persevere to the end and keep His word and commandments then the Holy Spirit is our guarantee -- a stamp -- a tax invoice seal guarantee to heaven.

    Honestly speaking, in 2012, looking at the troubles in the Eurozone and USA (spain, greece, italy...), and how it prolonged all the way from 2009 GFC... I honestly think that sometimes we are only currently held up by sticky tape and paper clip and think matches... every large company laughs at its competitors for having investment exposure to the bad countries and zones, I honestly think -- those laughing need to be careful... for if they do not recognise grace and mercy from God for not striking in the areas that their exposure lies, then don't be crying when disaster suddenly strikes like the flashes from a sword of the skilled warrior. It is not cause for them to be proud and arrogant but humble and impacted and vigil and grateful. Praise the Lord for when you have good times as in Joseph's days in Egypt, for when bad times happen, you can at least say -- I have thanked God for it when I used to have. And who knows, from what you have gathered in good times, it might be able to be used in bad times.
  • This is how you know that it is the real Christ---

    Then, the sign of the Son of Man (Jesus Christ) will appear in the sky, coming on the clouds, the same way lightning strikes from East to the West, with power and great glory. There will be a loud trumpet call by the angels and the elect will be gathered from all four winds (i.e. from everywhere) of the world (the Christ followers -- the true disciples who will get into the new Kingdom).

    Note that this is after the sky turns dark -- all the heavenly lights have been switched off.
    So that like one of those birthday surprises where someone walks into the dark room with a candlelit birthday cake, the audience is prepared to focus.

    When Jesus Christ comes, it is so obvious, that everyone sees it, and no one will need to tell another to "look apparently overseas, Christ has arrived so we better book a ticket to see him.." or more likely "look, Christ is in this local church down the road so let's go to see him.."

    When the real Christ returns, you bet every one will be looking at the sky.
    And those who see it... will not rejoice.. but rather, mourn.
    But "Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!" ~These are the true words of God. (Revelation 19)
  • Then this--
    "I saw heaven open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and makes war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns (many victories). He has a name written on him that no one knows but He Himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood (a warrior who just returned from conquering). And the armies of heaven were following Him, riding on white horses (army horses) and dressed in fine linen, white and clean (ie holy and righteous). Out of His mouth comes a sharp sword, with which to strike down the nations. "He will rule them with an iron sceptre" (Psalm2, Revelation19).
    He treads the winepress of (i.e. administers) the fury of the wrath of God Almightly. On His robe and on His thigh He has this name written: "KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS".
  • The kings of the earth's nations and the defence forces will gather to make war against the Christ led by the beast of a human, along with the false prophet who performed many miraculous signs on their behalf. These two will be thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, commonly named as Hell -- also known as the rubbish tip Gehenna. The rest of them were killed by the sword that came out of the mouth of Jesus the Christ, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.

    (Typing this, I can't help but notice how complete the description that God put in Revelation is. He doesn't forget any actor in the drama does He?)
  • Then it only took one single angel to fulfill God's orders -- to throw Satan into jail -- aka the Abyss, and seal it up locked. Reading this bit in Revelation and hearing David Pawson outline this in his sermons on Revelation, I found it ironic --- in my understanding, Satan must be this ex-angel who is very very twisted and contorted in his thinking -- he keeps whispering to the human as he did to Eve::
    "nooo, you don't have to listen to God or obey. How difficult is that? you can BE God if you just climbed a bit higher by doing this. Then you will be the boss of your own self, you make your own rules, you gratify each and every desire of your eyes and your heart and you will be satisfied."

    And yet -- He himself will eventually be handcuffed with a big round weight at the end of the chain, with disarrayed hair, all in shame because of how many there are witnessing him being taken away by one single angel (he was not strong enough to overpower even one single angel, let alone God) and thrown into jail. And yet the whole world is deceived by this mad-man of an angel -- by chasing money, fame, power, brand name clothes, lack of self esteem so have to cover up, lust, sex, drugs, anger, hatred, putting others down to esteem yourself, killing the local industry by outsourcing in return for a few ga-zillion cents, workaholic, and all being enslaved by his tactics into satan himself without those humans even knowing....

    Then Christ will reign for 1000 years with those who have not worshipped  the beast and had not received his mark on their foreheads or their hands -- the true disciples who have been granted citizenship and will enter the new Kingdom later.

    And in that reign, everything will be put right, some will like it, and many will absolutely hate the reign -- for this means no pornography. This means Hollywood and its widespread toxic use of lust and sex will be overhauled. All those things that gratifies human sexual desire will be burnt and destroyed. People will learn righteousness and cleanliness, and they will beat their swords into plough shears for farming as they will no longer learn war. There will be widespread peace. That even the kids will be playing with the lions and tigers and the lions and tigers will eat grass like the ox.

    At this time, the citizens of the new Kingdom who have polished their skills up well in their respective industries will be needed!!! So that they, in their resurrected bodies, will be able to rule -- so study your industry well cuz you will be needed to manage it and know how it works.

    This 1000 is done -- because humans always reason with God, saying "well.. it's because satan... he tempted me into all these evil deeds, so it's really not my fault".
    So God wanted to prove to humans, that even after 1000 years, and with satan and all evil outside tempting all locked up and unable to influence, that really, it comes from no where else but their own hearts and inner-self desires. So that nobody will be able to argue back using that as an excuse on judgement day.
  • Then satan will be released to once again try to convince humans to take part in the rebellion against God -- that was what Adam and Eve (the first humans) did take part in -- a conspiracy to overthrow God and be god themselves.

    Satan says, "yeah you will have peace and all these harmony... but not giving in to your desires and having all these regulations and restricting sex is difficult work isnt it? Being all clean in your finances is hard isnt it? Let us gather and go against them, and break their chains asunder."

    To this, the Word says (Psalm 2)
    Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain?
    The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the Lord and against His Anointed One. 
    "Let us break their chains," they say, "and throw off their fetters".

    The One enthroned in heaven laughs. The Lord scoffs at them.
    Then He rebukes them in his anger and terrifies them in His wrath, saying,
    (you want to have your own king?) "I -- have installed my King on Zion, my holy hill."

    [Christ, King on Zion, speaking] 
    I will proclaim the decree of the Lord:
    He said to me, "You are my Son; today I have become your Father. Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. You will rule them with an iron sceptre; you will dash them (who currently gather against you) to pieces like pottery."

    Therefore, you kings, be wise (i.e. choose which kingdom you want to belong to, and choose carefully); be warned, you rulers of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son (i.e. pay your homage and allegiance to Him the Christ) lest He be angry and (hence) you be destroyed in your way, for His wrath can flare up in a moment (just like it did with Moses and circumcision, Book of Exodus Chapter 4).
    Blessed are those who take refuge in Him (Blessed are those whom -- God to them is their salvation and saviour rather than their horror. To satan, Christ is his horror.)

    Satan will gather the kings of the earth from Gog and Magog (See book of Ezekiel). They will gather for battle, and their numbers will be like sand on the seashore. They will ambush and surround the equivalent parliament houses (or wherever those rulers are) -- i.e. the headquarters of those who are officially ruling -- the citizen of the new Kingdom that will soon come. The kings of the earth and their armies will march across the breadth of the earth and surround the camp of God's people to make war -- which is located in the city God loves (I largely suspect it will obviously be Jerusalem? So those preparing for ruling, I hope you are in for a bit of travelling and Jewish food...). But it will be a non-event in the end--- there will be no war, for fire will come down from heaven as it did in Elijah's days, and devour them. Then finally, the incredibly twisted and contorted in his mindset of a devil, Satan, will be finally binned into Hell -- the lake of burning sulphur where the beast and the false prophet will be thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
  • Then, the dead will be judged. Ever been hated accountability? Well... be prepared, cuz now you have all the time in the world to recount every single thing you did in front of Christ Jesus the God-and-human. Christ had to come to earth to become a human so that humans cannot use the excuse that "you are God, always a spirit, how do you know how we feel as humans? you've never even been one! You don't know what I've been through."

    Well, tough luck, those who like to use that line for everything. Because you won't be able to use that on that day. "You don't know what it is like to be born as an illegitimate son!" someone will say. And Christ will go... "actually, I do. Because I was."

    "You don't know what it is like to have all your dignity taken away from you in one night, that's why I been on drugs, that's why I tried those things."
    And Christ will go... "actually, I do. Because in one night they captured me and subsequently stripped me naked and hung me on public display on a cross for absolutely everybody to see without giving me any chance to cover myself and my body."

    Someone will go "They insulted me and accused me of a crime I didn't do. So I killed them. You don't know what it's like to be accused of a crime that you are innocent for and be called all these names."
    And Christ will go, "Actually, I do. Because they did exactly that to me and killed me."

    This Christ will sit on a white throne, and the end of the world will come -- the Earth and Sky will flee from his presence because there will be no place for them. Many books which record the lives of each human will be opened. And then another book will be opened -- the book of Life. The sea, death and Hades all gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what he had done. Then death and Hades were also chucked into the bin (Hell) -- the Lake of Fire cuz God was done with them. And if anyone was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.
  • How does it end? Ans: The earth will be rolled up (Psalm 2, Hebrews 1)"In the beginning you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. They will perish, but you remain; they will all wear out like a garment. Like clothing you will change them and they will be discarded. But You remain the same, and your years will never end. The children of your servants will live in your presence; their descendants will be established before You."

  • (Revelation 21)
    Then there will be a new heaven and a new earth, and the first heaven and the first earth has passed away (i.e. God is moving house... better hope you're not a removalist on that day cuz there is a heck load to move... spare a thought for your future servants the angels... they will be flat out -- please only call them if you have emergencies... if you broke a nail... just grab the first aid kit yourself, okay??)

    And the new Jerusalem will come down out of heaven, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And a loud voice from the throne says, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and He will live with them (as was His wishes since ages ago, like.. He went through all the trouble of the cross to do this). They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes (for He knows they have suffered much). There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."

    He who was seated on the throne said (with much excitement), "I am making everything new!" Then He called out to the palace scribes, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true."

    Then, He said to John his disciple when John was getting book of Revelation for us, "It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega -- the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of water of life. (only) him who overcomes will  inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son (btw, and daughter... by mathematical induction..). But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practise magic arts, the idolaters (and note greed = idolatry in God's eyes) and all liars -- their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulphur. This is the second death."
  • Yes, and then we are shown the beautiful picture of the new city in Revelation 21, made of pure gold, like transparent glass. There are twelve foundations that the city is built on -- (in order from the bottom) Jasper, Sapphire, chalcedony, emerald, sardonyx, carnelian, chrysolite, beryl, topaz, chrysoprase, jacinth, amethyst ------- the 12 stones on the Jewish high priests' breastplate. And not-coincidentally these 12 are all "anisotropic", as in, when they are in pure light they look radiant and marvelous and turn into all the colours of the rainbow. Other precious stones such as diamonds, ruby, spinel, pyrope look completely black and colorless in pure light. And we are told that God will be the light for the city, there will be no need for sun or moon, and we are told that He is the pure light.

    Watch Video: Anisotropic vs Isotropic Precious Stones
  • Lastly, there is a lot in Revelation 21-22 about the new Kingdom and heaven and earth etc, but I just wanted to conclude with this:

    (Revelation 22)
    "Behold, I am coming soon!" says the Lord. "My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

    Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practises falsehood.

    "I, Jesus, have sent my angels to give you this testimony for the churches. i am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star."

    The (Holy) Spirit and the bride (i.e. the citizens of this new kingdom) say, "Come!" and let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty (literally and also those who thirst for life and for truth and for righteousness to be enacted in the world), let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.

    I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.

    He who testifies to these things says. "Yes, I am coming soon.""

    And John says, "Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people. Amen (i.e. Amen = let God's will be done)."
    And what John is saying is Amen, Come, Lord Jesus -- even when coming means that all these disasters will come, and all these persecution will happen to the church, and all these wars and the whole financial system collapsing... even so.... come, Lord Jesus, for we understand, that this marks a new beginning.

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
  1. To him who overcomes, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.
  2. He who overcomes will not be hurt at all by the second death.
  3. To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name (identity and position) written on it, known only to him who receives it.
  4. To him who overcomes and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations -- 'He will rule them with an iron sceptre; he will dash them to pieces like pottery' --- just as I have received (that) authority from my Father. I will also give him the morning star.
  5. Yet you have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes. They will walk with me, dressed in white, for they are worthy. He who overcomes will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out his name from the book of life, but will acknowledge his name before my Father and his angels. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
  6. I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no-one will take your crown. Him who overcomes I will make a pillar (someone relied upon, and someone who testifies like a standing stone, a member of the Body) in the temple of my God. Never again will he leave it. I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on him my new name. He who has an ear, let him hear that the Spirit says to the churches.
  7. Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door (to invite him to participate with them), I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.

    To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

And that, my friends, is a brief nutshell of the timeline to the end of the world... as much chronological as I could muster (still may not be totally spot on...)

Hope it helped clarify a few things.... ^_^

Coming close to Christ's birth commemoration date "Christmas", so here is wishing everyone a merry Christmas, do take the time out to think about what He's done for us, and also about the new Kingdom and how about becoming a citizen?

And to those who, like me, are painstakingly wadding our way through life and searching His heart, may God's mercy and grace be upon you and may He prompt you to the right path. Stay cool, stay persevering and enduring, for the reward is great -- don't give that up for what's this here temporal.

Peace out, dudes.

P.S: I know the skepticals will be asking this question: Do you really even believe everything you have just put forth on this blog post?
Well, the answer is... Yes. I do, however because of the world that I grew up in, it is very hard for me to comprehend what it is going to be like with such perfect peace that the lions and tigers graze grass like the ox.. and in fact, I was just thinking today... does that mean that the mosquitoes will also behave and go eat honey instead of sucking my blood, and does that mean leeches will be extinct? I've lived all my life in such a sinful world.. what would it be like without Beyonce's songs and all the pop without the sex and lust? Honestly, it is very very hard to comprehend. But because I know God never lies, so something inside me knows for certain -- these things will come to pass. But let me assure you --- this something inside me... must be the Holy Spirit and my spirit testifying together, cuz it sure isn't my brain. Something so obscure... is way beyond my comprehension and understanding. It is honestly beyond me. Brain's not big enough nor complicated enough for this. But this much I can say: this, and whenever I meet something that I can't quite get or is hard to believe but is of God and from God and His revelation, I would rather choose to believe, and then if one day it is not right then wrong that way, than choose not to believe and be wrong that other way. Because the consequence/price is too big to pay... the risk too high to be wrong the other way (being a mathematician and an actuarial analyst we like minimising risk) --- because being wrong the other way means hell. And Hell hath no second chance. (Because it's a permanent rubbish tip).

Hope those who are reading this and inside, if you are wavering, please make your decisions carefully, and know what the implications are. "Count the costs," says Jesus. Well, I counted the costs, and saw that it was worth it to believe.


In response to 21DEC2012, the end of the Mayan calendar, just for documentation purposes i'll post it here too....
I posted on facebook------
Look.... 21Dec2012 was once again a non-event. One tip with regards to the end of the world: start panicking when you see the strong Christians fleeing, when it follows a 3.5 year period of continuous disasters, wars, and diseases; when you see widespread persecution of Christians and people in church betraying each other out of fear. Because then, Revelation is coming to pass.

Another tip to tell that the end of the world is very near. ----> By then, the entire finance system would have collapsed and many (including me) will be jobless due to another financial crisis, and the politicians this time, will with one heart allow it to collapse instead of bailing it out with rescue packages and stimulus, because they are sick of always cleaning up after the ass of all those multi-millionaires + multi-national corporations who are not worried about making a mess of their financials thinking that the government will always bail them out because they are too big to fail. 

The GFC and all the prolonged issues in the Eurozone and the domino effect that has so far lasted for over 4 years is a foreshadow of what is to come. Christians should take heed-- your King is returning soon, so better get on with the job of raising disciples instead of thinking that life is all about work, love, money, family, football, cricket and churching. We are not called in the great commission to build a church, but rather to FIND the church ---- I.e. find His people your allies, n educate them so that they know and are prepared. Convince those around you to be your allies while there is still daylight, for every one you fail to convince might turn on you out of fear to become your enemy when the night arrives. Let's finish the work, Christians (and stay faithful and persevering), cuz we're on a job (inspired by Lecrae's "Just like you". Have a listen).

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Black Tie Mousse Cake II

I think this one is more real…

*the Real* Black Tie Mousse Cake by Olive Garden

By baylor_gal on September 28, 2009

Photo by baylor_gal

10 Reviews

  • Prep Time: 1 hrs
  • Total Time: 3 hrs
  • Serves: 8-10, Yield: 1.0 cake

About This Recipe

"This is IT. The real deal. Very time consuming, but WORTH IT. Delicious and decadent, this is a four-layer chocolate mousse cake."



    • 1 (18 ounce) boxes of ordinary cake mix ( devil's food)


    • 1 teaspoon knox unflavored gelatin
    • 1 tablespoon cold water
    • 2 tablespoons boiling water
    • 4 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips
    • 4 ounces cream cheese, cubed
    • 3/4 cup heavy cream
    • 1/2 teaspoon granulated sugar


    • 3 egg yolks
    • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
    • 3 tablespoons flour
    • 1 teaspoon knox unflavored gelatin
    • 1 3/4 cups heavy cream
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


    • 1 1/2 cups heavy cream
    • 2 tablespoons butter
    • 18 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips
    • 1/2 cup white chocolate chips (optional)

Page 2 of 3*the Real* Black Tie Mousse Cake by Olive Garden (cont.)


  1. There are FOUR layers to make:


  1. BOTTOM LAYER (cake):
  2. Bake according to directions on box using 2 round pans, then cool. Once cooled, use the cake from one pan as one layer (you do not need the second cake from the second pan. In other words, you only need half the box cake recipe). Place this round cake at the bottom of a CHEESECAKE PAN. Press it with your fingers and flatten the cake a little. This is the bottom layer out of four layers.

  3. SECOND LAYER (the chocolate mousse):
  4. Melt chocolate and cream cheese together. Let cool. Soften gelatin with cold water for 1 minute, then add boiling water, stir until dissolved and clear. Let this cool while you start whipping the heavy cream and sugar. As cream starts to thicken, add gelatin. Continue to whip until stiff peaks form. Add 1/4 of the cream to the chocolate mixture and mix thoroughly. Then fold this into the remaining cream. Once you have it completed, spread this chocolate mousse onto the cake and refrigerate.

  5. THIRD LAYER (the custard):
  6. Beat egg yolks until pale. Add sugar, flour, and gelatin, then beat until mixed. Bring cream and vanilla extract to a boil. Add a small amount of cream to egg mixture while stirring. Gradually add until all of the cream has been added and then pour entire mixture through a strainer into the pan. Continue to cook until custard begins to thicken. Cool slightly, then pour on top of the chocolate mousse layer and freeze while getting the fourth layer ready.

  7. FOURTH LAYER (the icing):.
  8. Please note: this makes a lot of icing so feel free to half this part of the recipe (I just happen to like a lot of icing on top). Bring butter and cream to a boil, pour over chocolate and let sit for 5 minutes. Stir until smooth. Let cool until it starts to thicken. Remove cake from freezer, remove the cheesecake pan collar, then pour some of the icing and use a spatula to spread it evenly across the top and sides of the cake. While this is still wet, put chocolate chips onto the side of the cake. Optional: Melt half a cup of white chocolate chips (in the microwave) and swirl into the icing if you want yours to look like the picture.

  9. Refrigerate the cake. Be sure to see the picture. Serve cold. Delicious!
  10. Enjoy! --Adrienne.




1 (18 ounce) box chocolate cake mix
1 1/4 cups water (or whatever quantity your cake mix calls for)
3 eggs (or whatever quantity your cake mix calls for)
1/2 cup vegetable oil (or whatever quantity your cake mix calls for)

Second Layer Dark Cream Cheese Mousse

1 teaspoon unflavored gelatin
1 tablespoon cold water
2 tablespoons boiling water
4 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips
4 ounces cream cheese, cubed
3/4 cup heavy cream
1/2 teaspoon sugar

Third Layer Italian Custard Mousse

3 egg yolks
1/4 cup sugar
3 tablespoons flour, sifted
1 teaspoon unflavored gelatin
1 3/4 cups heavy cream
1 teaspoon vanilla

Fourth Layer Dark Chocolate Ganache

1 1/2 cups heavy cream
2 tablespoons butter
18 ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped


Bake according to package directions using 2 round cake pans.
When cake is cool, remove from pans and make a collar out of wax paper about 4 inches taller than each cake.
Second Layer: Dark Cream Cheese Mousse.
Melt chocolate and cream cheese together.
Let cool.
Soften gelatin with cold water for one minute then add boiling water.
Stir until dissolved and clear.
Let this cool while you start whipping the heavy cream and sugar.
Continue to whip until stiff peaks form.
Add 1/4 of the cream to the chocolate mixture and mix thoroughly.
Fold this into the remaining cream.
Once you have completed, spread onto cake and refrigerate.
Third Layer:Italian Custard Mousse.
Beat egg yolks until pale.
Add sugar, flour and gelatin, beating until mixed.
Bring cream and vanilla to a boil.
Add a small amount of cream to egg mixture while stirring.
Gradually add until all of the cream has been added and then pour entire mixture through a strainer into the pan.
Continue to cook until custard begins to thicken.
Cool slightly and pour on top of chocolate mousse.
Freeze while getting the icing ready.
Fourth Layer:Dark Chocolate Ganache.
Bring butter and cream to a boil.
Pour over chocolate and let sit for 5 minutes.
Stir until smooth.
Let cool to slightly warmer than room temperature until it starts to thicken.
Remove cake from freezer and remove the collar.
Pour some of the ganache over top of cake and spread it evenly across top and sides.
While the ganache is still wet, cover sides of cake with chocolate chips.
Let remaining ganache cool and pipe through decorating bag onto cake.

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Black Tie Mousse Cake

I’m cravin sugarrrrrr….

And this is the day after I officially decided to quit sugar cuz I’m getting fatttttt…… L


So I felt like having a chocolate Dianne… and had to google to satisfy my craving…

Found that my impression of chocolate Dianne is actually what they call a black tie mousse cake….

I thought I might blog this for future reference…


And also… There’s that chocolate mud cake in the freezer

… and some whipping cream…

… really, I need is the cream cheese…..


Black Tie Mousse Cake

This, quite simply, is chocolate decadence. Olive Garden charges $7 a slice for this. I made the whole cake for about $5. The recipe is not a simple one, but nearly all the reviews I've read from people who have made it concur--it's worth the time.

It begins with a few of my favorite things:

You can make the first two layers the night before, like I did.

Layer one is a chocolate cake. That part actually went together so quickly I forgot to take a picture. You could even use a cake mix, although you would have a lot of leftover batter.

Layer two is a chocolate cheesecake. If you have a favorite recipe for chocolate cheesecake, feel free to use that.

Layer three is an Italian mousse. I used a recipe that involved a mixture of cream cheese and heavy whipping cream, but I've also found recipes that are for a more custard like mousse. I'd like to try it that way next time.

Layer four is a dark chocolate ganache. All I have to say about that is: chocolate and cream were made for each other.

Drizzle a little white chocolate in three circles around the cake and swirl with a toothpick before the ganache sets up.

For the grand finale, take some mini chocolate chips and press them along the edges to create a crust.

Oh, wait, we're not done yet... there's not quite enough chocolate here yet. Let's make a little chocolate whip cream to decorate the edges.

And there you have it. Chocolate. Decadence.

A little Hershey's syrup for presentation if you can handle just one more kind of chocolate:

Olive Garden copycat recipe for

Black Tie Mousse Cake

Layer 1 Chocolate cake "crust":

3 Tablespoons butter, softened
2/3 Cup sugar
2 eggs
1/2 Teaspoon vanilla
1/4 Cup baking cocoa
1/4 Cup flour

Preheat oven to 350. Lightly grease bottom only of a 9 inch springform pan. In medium bowl cream butter and sugar. Add eggs, beating well after each addition; add vanilla and mix well. Add flour and cocoa and mix well to combine. Batter will be stiff. Spread in pan. Set aside.

Layer 2 Baked Chocolate cheesecake:

8 Ounces cream cheese, softened
1/2 Cup ricotta cheese
3/4 Cup sugar
1 Ounce unsweetened chocolate, melted and cooled
2 eggs
1 Tablespoon flour

In large bowl cream cheeses with sugar until smooth. Add small amount to melted chocolate and combine well, add chocolate mixture and beat until well combined. Add eggs and flour and beat well. Smooth over top of cake batter in pan. Bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes or until cheesecake is set in center. Cover with foil during last 10 minutes if needed to prevent over browning. Remove from oven and cool.

Layer 3 Italian mousse:

3/4 c. heavy whipping cream
12 oz marscapone or cream cheese, softened (or 6 oz of each)
1/4 c. sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1 T. cold water
1 T. boiling water
1 tsp. unflavored gelatin

Beat cream until stiff. In separate bowl beat cream cheese with sugar and vanilla until smooth. Combine with cream and fold to combine. In small bowl soften gelatin in cold water for about 1 minute. Pour boiling water over gelatin and stir to dissolve gelatin. Cool five minutes. Fold into cheese mixture until just combined. Spread mixture over baked cheesecake layer and chill well (freezing the cake at this point works well and makes spreading the final layer easier).

Layer 4 Dark chocolate/white chocolate ganache:

9 oz dark chocolate, either chips or bars broken in pieces
3/4 cup heavy whipping cream
1 Tablespoon butter
3 Tablespoons white chocolate chips
1 cup mini chocolate chips

Heat cream and butter over low heat until just boiling (may also microwave). Place dark chocolate chips/pieces in large bowl. Reserve 1 1/2 tablespoons cream mixture. Pour cream mixture over dark chips and let set about 2 minutes, or until chips begin to melt. Stir to combine. Repeat for white chips using reserved cream mixture. Let ganache cool until spreading consistency (set in refrigerator to speed this part up).

Using a sharp knife gently run blade around edge of cake to loosen. Remove cake sides from pan and place bottom with cake on serving plate or stand. Spread frosting over top and sides. Drizzle white chocolate lightly over top. Using a knife or toothpick run it lightly over top to swirl to create desired effect. Press mini chips into frosting on sides until completely coated to create a "crust".

Mousse frosting:

1/2 heavy whipping cream
1/4 c. powdered sugar
1/8 c. baking cocoa
1/8 tsp. vanilla

Combine all ingredients and whip until peaks form. Pipe generously around cake top edge, and center. Chill well and serve. Serves 12-16.


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