Thursday 27 December 2012

Some people just makes me so..... @*(_&$##)%#argggggh

Some people just like to stuff Christianity down other people's throats, Bible bash and hammer it into people 247. They think that this is being a testimony for God, but they don't understand that this happens to be most uneffective and causes a huge backlash of people coming into contact with Christianity and yet rejecting the cross, and HATE Christ and Christians and their version of Christianity.

CHRISTIANS! Be a little bit more tactful, PLEASE! Don't you realise this is what makes Christianity most uncool???? It's because of this that I am ashamed, not of God but of the so called Christians and their supposed gospel. They make me so exasperated.

Look! Your targets don't understand the context you are trying to say things in. Don't just put up Christian slogans and think that Salvation and God can be summarised into bumper stickers!!!!!! It's NO WONDER Christians get persecuted! It's like... serves us right, you know??

Take the time to explain with gentleness, please, because we happen to have the coolest God, the Truth, the most experienced tour guide to heaven (The Way), the largest expression of love in the Cross, best bleach to get white clothes (salvaged righteousness), the most meaningful purpose in life (preparation for reigning eternally), a new kingdom to come that we are recruiting citizens for (new Jerusalem), and the killing blow to sin (Christ on the cross and His resurrection) -- once and for all, a sin-fixing weapon called Baptism, real freedom (when we walk in and by the Spirit), which gives us an anchor called Hope (with certainty) for our heart, soul, mind, and even physical body despite our present lack of health -- all these, in Christ our overcoming King, and a guarantee and personal tutor the Holy Spirit in baptism, and a merciful yet Holy God our Abba Father.

There's so much to say, Christians, so let's go and inspire someone to Christ, taking the time to explain to them everything that Christ has taught us, and surely He will be with us from now till eternity. and... I'll meet you at heaven's lobby -- if you are interested, I'll be the one with thick rimmed glasses and funky hip hop clothes. C U there.  

靈巧像蛇,馴良像鴿子 (as tactful as snakes yet sinless and innocent as doves),that's how we do this.
*(ref: Matthew 馬太福音 10:16)

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