Thursday 27 December 2012

Rocket and Relativity

Walking home from the train station today, I looked up and saw a vertical stripe of clouds.... what looked like a rocket shooting vertically up. I couldn't help but stop to look -- it just kept going up and up and up and up... weird, I didn't know there was an army base nearby... I didn't understand... "why does whatever it is want to go so high? Even if they went that high, they wouldn't be able to see God, you know?" Recalling my recent Sydney trip, when I was up in the skies, I looked out, and did not see God. I was a little disappointed somehow, although I already obviously knew that God is Spirit, but I still wanted to..... Then I realised, that God was in the plane with me. He's "not" out there (He is Omnipresent), Xuan, I told myself, He is "in here" (the Holy Spirit lives within me). Then I was com-forted (fortified).

Anyways, back to the weird phenomenon -- And then, after a while, the rocket thing was rather high and then it went horizontal instead, and I saw it -- it was a plane. I've never seen a plane fly vertical before... So it then flew rather quickly, horizontally from in front of me to behind me, and then next thing you know, it went downwards as quickly as it went upwards!!!!! Like a shooting star or a meteorite..... !!! When it came to that point, I was really thinking.... "Man.... must be coming close to the end of the world.... people are going nuts and doing more and more crazy things..... 到底是為什麼會這樣呢?是因為裡面的人想找刺激嗎?"

The plane went down the same way it went up....then it reminded me of Satan --- Satan says -- "I want! To get right up there! As high as possible! Higher than God! I want to be God and replace God!" and then God went << BAM >> and slapped Satan down the same way Satan tried to shoot up. It's relative, isnt it? The trajectory up is relative and comparable to the trajectory downwards....

It got me thinking about relativeness. And how we have been taught in Australian high schools that everything is relative --- and Eunice's friend Dan also saying that because he is a buddist, there is no absolute, and so he has some uncertainties and difficulties with what is actually the right thing to do. What is actually "right", is something he's thought a lot about.

Then I came to the conclusion -- the Australian high school teachers and syllabus were right -- every thing is indeed relative. So imagine ball and stick models of atoms, all being relative to each other. Then think many and many and many of them, all in a big balancing act. The attraction and repulsion between them are all relative. And indeed they are all relative, but that is only half the story. The other half of the story, is this --- they are all relative to God's laws -- 面對著神的律, 它們都是相對的。The God who told the seas "Thus far you will come and you will come no further." He drew that line, and the seas stayed within it. In the rare occasion that God allows it to breach its boundary, humans cry, for there loss of lives happened.

Hence, in fact, everything is indeed relative -- relative to the absolute God. Like iron shavings to the magnet, everything, when aligned with the absolute God, their relativity makes sense. When Satan did not align himself to God in his rightful place, he no longer made sense. And God then binned whatever didn't make sense. Heaven hath no more place for Satan. Though he is still allowed to roam in the short term in midair and on earth, he will be disposed of.

Everything is relative -- relative to the absolute God. When we align ourselves to God, we make sense.

p.s: attached are photos of the rocket plane on the way up and down

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