Monday 31 December 2012

Happy 2013!!! 2013年 新年快樂!和一段勉勵!

Happy 2013, my friends!!
2012 was fraught with disasters from an insurance and economic perspective, I wonder what the arrival of 2013 will bring. But all in all, I am glad that God is in control over it all.


“我已經立我的君在錫安-- 我的聖山上了。” 現在,你們君王應當省悟!你們世上的審判官該受管教!當存畏懼事奉耶和華,又當存戰兢而快樂。當以嘴親子獻上忠誠, 恐怕他發怒,你們便在道中滅亡,因為他的怒氣快要發作。凡投靠他的,都是有福的。

原來祂在錫安山上所立的君王和那國度永不動搖。神之所以許可錫安山經過大地震 -- 為的是要證明: His Holy Hill and His Anointed are both Over and not under the circumstances -- 祂的聖者並祂的聖山兩者都是超過、跨越環境的,並且跨越歷史,超過時間,擴至永恆的。 所以依靠耶和華的人好像錫安山,永不動搖 -- 因為是永遠長存、常存的。After the storms and the wars and the suffering and that great earthquake to come, when we see the green grass -- remember -- this is prove that in the ultimate, our God is the one who gained victory. Just like the land of Israel. Just like Jesus the Christ。

世界中千山萬山,唯有錫安山是神所選來立祂的君王的-- 就是在這個山上君王的神跟人會面。這個會面就使到一個人永不動搖。Out of all the numerous hills and mountains in the earth, only Mt Zion did God choose as the pinpointed location where He establishes His Anointed One -- that is, the pinpointed location that the reigning God meets man. It is a place where humans encounter God. And the encounter is what makes the difference -- the encounter is that which causes one's life to be forever unshaken; fortified.
(~Tang 不能動搖的根基,1a, approx 0:32)

甚願我們警醒,預備自己像那有帶備用油的使女們,也在這裡勉勵大家務要忠心致死,才能夠得到永遠的生命為冠冕。要心志堅定,剛強地站立-- 並且站穩了,全副軍裝,又有勇敢,不論轟轟動動或安安靜靜,兩班皆可地管轄著這地、衛道、彼此建立,精明地深深認識我們所信的不但是‘什麼’,而更是‘誰’,認真預備主的再來。

因為白日不多了,所以讓我們好好數算我們還剩下的日子,去尋找基督的教會--就是祂的民 (這民大過叫作‘教會’的建築物)-- 就是我們同營的軍人們。當兵的,不將世物纏身,乃是奮勇地朝著目標直行。2012年過了,白日又少了一年,讓我們深深將這事實刻在我們的心板上,再接再厲地往前跑,不退後,因為我們---靠那加給我們力量的,凡主需要我們執行的都能做!以致榮耀歸於祂至上、聖潔又公義的名。

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