如果你不是個基督徒,又被基督徒們煩得很,什麼救恩,什麼三位一體,什麼十字架的荒唐道理像說書一樣,那麼這篇是給你的—— 其實講道重點就是很懇切地不想要你去到那個叫地獄的那個沒有水、沒有好的地方。
在許多的講道和聖經分享中,有的時候我們被夾在很多的理論、問題、思想,卻忘了大體。在祂面前我們認罪,並宣告我們對祂的敬重和畏懼、並對祂的效忠------拿一生來證明我們的忠誠。因為祂是我們的王。親愛的兄弟姐妹們,請問,你的主有多大?親愛的兄弟姐妹們,請問,你的主有多大?我們這些知道地獄的存在和苦的人,讓我們真真的因為愛我們周圍的人,就告訴他們這些事實,使到我們周圍的人們不會忽然間走到生命的盡頭發現他們竟然被丟在地獄裡而又沒有人事先告訴他們而嚇到——那時已經太晚了!!! 因為有很多人就像我們一樣,忙著建立事業、忙著讀書、忙著賺錢、忙著排隊、忙著戀愛、忙著滿足一切的慾望和飽食。。。而就忽略了救恩,並且並不知道說他們現在的路的終點竟然是一個懸崖!!!而要是不趁還在肉體裡活著有機會的時候去改變腳下的方向的話就有比現在能感受到、更激烈的折磨和痛苦等著他們,並且是沒有希望的--- 因為永遠也逃不出去!
讓我們不要忘記最基本的根本--明天就是受難節了,在這受難節和復活節期間,讓我們記得人類為什麼需要救恩,讓我們回想我們是怎樣信的,並且認罪,從心打底地後悔以前犯過的罪並改過,也記得我們為什麼要急切誠懇的去!使萬民作主的門徒。讓我們記念的耶穌不是一位對大家都很寬容、很溫柔、很沒力的好好先生——祂雖然曾一度騎著驢駒子進耶路撒冷,但是那個時期已經過了!!而是記得:下一次來的祂:是那位騎這將軍元帥的白馬,率領全軍擊殺一切抵擋祂的 --- 並叫他們全軍覆沒,以致屍首遍地,成為老鷹和飛鳥的宴席的 --- 的這位以色列的至-聖-者.
因為關心我們生命周圍的人,我們真的是有必要告訴他們---- 一位公義的(和三位一體的)上帝(三位一體的聖父)故意將祂自己(三位一體的聖子)釘在十字架上死了,因為要代替抗了你我的罪,而又復活了 ---- 就只有這位上帝 有夠力量能夠救你我脫離上帝對罪的憤怒和地獄的火。而只要相信這是真的,並且後悔自己平身所犯的一切罪,並立志因為這位上帝耶穌而離開罪惡,永遠不重蹈複測,又去找教會讓牧師用水給你洗禮,又求父上帝(聖父)藉著基督(聖子),用三位一體之聖靈(上帝的靈)給你洗禮並在你裡面居住、 並忠心守這道致死,你就能得永遠逃脫地獄,和永遠稱為乾淨的,並且成為上帝這大君王的領養兒女,與三位一體的祂一同享受政權。
In amongst all the preaching and testimonies and sharing of faith, sometimes it is very easy for us to get caught up in pesky little details, and arguments on different doctrines/theologies.In amongst all the preaching and testimonies and sharing of faith, sometimes it is very easy for us to get caught up in pesky little details, and arguments on different doctrines/theologies.But tomorrow is Good Friday. And this Good Friday, let us revise and not forget the basic facts;Let us remember what forms the core of our faith this Easter and why there is an urgency for us to spread the way out.Let's Praise God for good Friday, and magnify the Lord through Easter. Let us remember Christ not as "gentle Jesus, meek and mild", but the conqueror who will come very soon in a white army horse to slay all who are against Him and to judge every human that ever walked the earth. Let us restore fear and reverence unto Him for He is Life. Let us restore allegiance in a pledge to use our entire life to proof our faith in faithfulness. For He is our King.My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, may we each ask ourselves -- "How big is my Lord?"Let's Praise God for good Friday, and magnify the Lord through Easter. Let us remember Christ not as "gentle Jesus, meek and mild", but the conqueror who will come very soon in a white army horse to slay all who are against Him and to judge every human that ever walked the earth. Let us restore fear and reverence unto Him for He is Life. Let us restore allegiance in a pledge to use our entire life to proof our faith in faithfulness. For He is our King.My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, may we each ask ourselves -- "How big is my Lord?"My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, may we each ask ourselves -- "How big is my Lord?"My friends, don't Bible bash the unbelievers. Just let them know. Let them know that this is real.
And knowing Hell, let us, out of love and a genuine concern tell those around us about this reality, so that they do not unknowingly get caught in shock at their ending. For many of those around us and even we ourselves sometimes forget and just tread on with life, building a career, raising a family, party, enjoy life.... not knowing that the road ends in a sharp cliff and there is destruction awaiting us -- if we do not take active steps to change the course of our paths right now while we are still alive.
My friends, don't Bible bash the unbelievers. Just let them know. Let them know that this is real.