Wednesday 6 March 2013

Every good thing honestly comes from The Lord; Large external social benefits and Christ

People like personal benefit. All for me, all to me, all about me, me, me, and me. But God likes large external benefits. Large external social benefits to the surroundings around you. For He lives in you. And His presence radiates out through your body -- like light through a semi-transparent cloth.

Therefore, while our governments worry more about their election statistics and securing a position and spending money on campaigns and spending money on those things that give them a better reputation, when Christ is the government, He will build infrastructure. He will invest on the things that from a selfish point of view will reap no visible reward. In His reign, He will get the flood mitigation done, the water desalination done, the recycling program underway.... in all these things the external benefits are large, and much needed. There will be such peace that the lions will graze with the ox and eat grass; such peace that there will no longer be any need for a national defence force and swords will be remelted and re-casted into ploughshares. 

When CEO's only care for their short term bonuses, and will rip money off the reserves and squeeze blood out of stone and make many redundant using the 'cost saving' excuse, in Christ's reign He will be fair. 

And He is happy to share His reign with us -- the ones whom He loves. Therefore let us adopt His ways, ascribing greatness to His wisdom, for we are His.

Do we realise.. that every good thing honestly really exactly comes from The Lord? That is, every single thing we ever thought was good and nice and like and appreciate in and on this earth, do we realise they ALL belong to heaven? While on earth we get a bifurcation - a two way road co-existing on the same planet, we get a mixture of things that are good and things that are bad. In the future it is not like this. In the future things will be separated into two distinct groups --- there will be such stark contrast as heaven is to hell, that one is independent of the other, and all good things get separated to heaven and are emphasised with more good in full, while all bad things get separated to hell and are emphasised with more un-good
(i.e. bad) in full, as if through a sift. The same way that the farmer separates the wheat from the tares, and the rice grain from its shells -- and keeps one group, and throws the other group away. The good things will get even better; the bad aspects and the suffering burdens will get even worse. And between the two there is a deep gulf such that one cannot cross to the other from either way.

Knowing this, Pick carefully your way. 小心選擇你走哪裡。 
我 思 想 我 所 行 的 道 , 就 轉 步 歸 向 你 的 法 度 。我 急 忙 遵 守 你 的 命 令 , 並 不 延 遲 。(119) 因為袮的話--就是那道的本體--- 袮的話是我的命 -- 我最深的渴慕 (渴了就羨慕想得的)、又是我最深的需要。沒有袮在的一刻,我就不知道我在哪裡。袮的道就是祂 -- 生命祂自己住在我裡面-- 生命就是基督。
When I think about my ways, then I turn my steps to walk your statutes. I quickly hasten and will not delay to obey all your commands. (119). For Your Word is life to me. My truest longing, my deepest need. Without You one moment, I don't know where I'd be. You Word is He -- is Life The Christ who lives in me.

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