Saturday 9 March 2013

Which Passion?

If only people were as passionate about God as they are about sports.
If only people were as passionate about knowing the Holy One Himself! --- rather than being passionate about doing all these supposed "church things", feeling good about being all "religious" and yet shut God outside the the church building's doors and the doors of the homes/places we use for "Bible study"... My friend, your religiosity will not save you 朋友,你的宗教熱誠不能救你 ---- the pharisees tried that too, and they were more fervent than you 法利賽人也這麼樣試過,只是他們比你更熱誠、更義,卻仍然落空.

If you are passionate about sports/work/your partner/kids/love/dog/whatever else, then where is that same passion for your God?

People, to replace The Almighty One with a passion for other "things/gods".. 以別神/物 代替耶和華的,this is a snare subtly planned by Satan, and you're just walking straight into his trap, do you not realise that it leads to destruction? Don't you know that God's Spirit who is inside of you yearns for your attention, passion and commitment to the extent that He is zealously jealous of everything else that can threaten to take His place? 你們這些一腳踏兩船的人哪!難道你們不知道,與世界為友,就是與神為敵嗎?所以,如果有人想要和世界做朋友,他就成了神的仇敵! 或者,你們以為經上所說的「神使聖靈住在我們裡面,他愛我們到嫉妒的地步」是空話嗎?(James4)

Therefore, whatever other passion you have, be sure to give God more. Whatever other commitment you have put in your heart, be sure that you are committed to Him above all others. Make sure that God has the upperhand, in your life.

----- 對耶和華的敬重和畏懼是智慧的根基;而自己親自認識這位至聖者便是這個人的聰明。
For the fear of The Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
----- For the reverent fear of The Lord is the foundation for wisdom, and Knowing the Holy One personally is intelligence in understanding.

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