Wednesday 6 March 2013

I feel so lost -- The Bifurcation - Fork in the road. 兩條路的岔口和選擇 -- 心煩的解答

When we feel frustrated, lost, and at the verge of losing hope and thinking about just giving up, what do we do?

Have we ever realised.. that every good thing honestly really exactly comes from The Lord? 我們何曾真正想、明白、或體會過,說每一件的好 真真實實且實際地來自那擁有萬軍的耶和華?

That is, every single thing we ever thought was good and nice and like and appreciate in and on this earth, do we realise they ALL belong to heaven? 也就是說,每一件小小的 大大的什麼、每一點溫馨、每一點漂亮的夜景、每一片漂亮又悅人眼目的樹上的葉子、每一朵花、每一顆乾淨的空氣原子,在種類分佈中都是屬於天堂的那一類?

While on earth we get a bifurcation - a two way road co-existing on the same planet, we get a mixture of things that are good and things that are bad. In the future it is not like this. 這個世界是一個岔口—— 是交通路的十字路口:在這世界我們好和不好的兩者並參、兩樣皆有,使得我們兩個都能同時親身體會到,但是我們的未來卻不是這樣的。

In the future things will be separated into two distinct groups --- there will be such stark contrast as heaven is to hell, that one is independent of the other, and all good things get separated to heaven and are emphasised with more good in full, while all bad things get separated to hell and are emphasised with more un-good(i.e. bad) in full, as if through a sift. The same way that the farmer separates the wheat from the tares, and the rice grain from its shells -- and keeps one group, and throws the other group away. The good things will get even better; the bad aspects and the suffering burdens will get even worse. And between the two there is a deep gulf such that one cannot cross to the other from either way.所謂‘未來’,就是我們現在選擇走的路。。的目的地。在這就快到的未來中,一切都全部會被分別為兩大組、兩大捆—— 而兩大捆之間的對比根本天差地遠。。更對的形容應該是 ’天堂差地獄遠‘ 的天差獄遠。極致兩捆中間有個極度深的鴻溝,以致互不相連,這一方不能到那一方去,那一方也不能到這一方去。而好的,把它帶到一方,叫它更加好;不好的把它帶到另一方,使它跟更加不好的聚集在一處。

例如,一切的漂亮風景叫它更加大規模地好、一切美食更加地好味兒、一切分別為聖的門徒叫他更加聖潔完全美好、一切的喜樂在門徒心裡更加豐盛樂上加樂、一切的親情朋友間的聯繫 叫他們在聖徒相同中更加更加甘甜。。。而一切的不好—— 一切的苦毒憤恨,叫他們因為地獄的火難受就更加苦毒憤恨、 本來在世界上有的什麼稱兄道弟的道義會因為被折磨得甚痛苦而化為無有,就算母親也不再愛自己的孩子,反而彼此想爬出無底坑而就彼此踐踏,想爬在對方上面。一切的黑暗,更加叫它黑暗極致那種黑暗是感覺得到、嘗得到的。一切的惡人和罪惡,把他們配在比他們更惡的鬼魔-- 就是那些故意墮落的天使下面管制。而那些墮落的鬼魔因為憤恨自己被上帝貶位、處罰而更加恨死那些照著上帝形象造的墮落在地獄裡的人。在鬼魔他們心裡沒有所謂的憐憫、恩慈——這些憐憫恩慈的概念都是由上帝而來,是屬天的,所以他們必晝夜不停不歇地一面自己受痛苦,一面用盡各種主意折磨著選擇地獄的人、譏笑來消遣他們的痛苦。他們用聖經的話來譏笑那些曾經知道上帝的道卻離開祂去走滅亡世界的路的人,使那些人分分秒秒都不能忘記他們做了這樣的選擇,所以現在自食其果、那麼痛苦。

Knowing this, Pick carefully your way. 小心選擇你走哪裡。

我 思 想 我 所 行 的 道 , 就 轉 步 歸 向 你 的 法 度 。我 急 忙 遵 守 你 的 命 令 , 並 不 延 遲 。(詩篇119) 因為袮的話--就是那道的本體--- 袮的話是我的命 -- 我最深的渴慕 (渴了就羨慕想得的)、又是我最深的需要。沒有袮在的一刻,我就不知道我在哪裡。袮的道就是祂 -- 生命祂自己住在我裡面-- 生命就是基督。When I think about my ways, then I turn my steps to walk your statutes. I quickly hasten and will not delay to obey all your commands. (Psalm 119). For Your Word is life to me. My truest longing, my deepest need. Without You one moment, I don't know where I'd be. You Word is He -- is Life The Christ who lives in me.

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