Friday 14 October 2016

Chill Lax ESL 20161013

Chill Lax Session yesterday...

after the video recording stopped, andika and myself shared our 'first real moment realising God is God'                         
and also one of the girls confessed that they're not sure if they're saved... so we talked about assurance in faith                         
the only guest we had was Sara, but the whole crew felt that it was as if the session was targeted for her                         
so she asked so many questions                         
as we talked about the personhood of Jesus                         
through Isaiah 42                         
she was asking questions like, how come God doesn't tell everyone He is God       
because they have no religion it is hard for her people to believe.
because she was wondering how come people from her country never heard of God and God doesn't tell them about Himself.
so we were saying, in Isaiah 42, He is not the kind of God who holds out a loudspeaker. But rather humble enough so that His voice is not blatantly heard on the streets -- but does that mean that He doesn't tell people? No. Look at how we met. Look at the Bible. Look at creation -- He did make Himself known -- but gently, but not giving up, not growing weary nor falter until He establishes the entire system of justice on earth -- from back then till this day.                    

We spoke about God being King of universe, she thought God was only God of this world so she asked how come He had no palace. and we said, His reign spans not only visible realm, all the stars, all creation known and unknown -- telescope or not, but also the invisible realm -- the angels and heavenly hosts. His palace and throne is not of the seen but of the unseen                         

and she ended up saying "my 'god' is too small"                         
We were exploring the servanthood of Jesus, and Josh shared about Luke 22 how His reign is not like the world's -- whoever wants to be great has to serve the others. His Kingdom is not one where everyone fights with each other for power.

Andika read on...Luke22
And he said to them, "When I sent you out with no moneybag or knapsack or sandals, did you lack anything?" They said, "Nothing." He said to them, "But now let the one who has a moneybag take it, and likewise a knapsack. And let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one. For I tell you that this Scripture must be fulfilled in me: 'And he was numbered with the transgressors.' For what is written about me has its fulfillment." And they said, "Look, Lord, here are two swords." And he said to them, "It is enough."

When Andika heard it -- he suddenly started looking up Bible commentaries                         
because one of the myaf crew Evelyn asked about the end of the world, and how she feels an increased urge to spread the gospel. so we talked about post modernism, how all the new aged kids are throwing off traditional boundaries, we talked about airbnb and peer to peer insurance and uber... and BreExit... and i was telling them "we don't know when He comes back. only Father knows. But when all these happens, we see that it is fulfilling the scriptures saying 'let us break their bonds asaunder'... and to one point, the kings, government and powerful will rise up to go against the Lord and all His laws. And say we want to break The Lord's bonds. But The Lord laughs. and scorns. and says ''I have installed My King on Zion -- Myyyy Holy mountain. that will not pass away."                         
Andika, when Josh shared about Luke 22, later told me after the session that -- he gets the sense that... the battle is intensifying -- now , like Luke 22, Christ was numbered amongst the transgressors -- a dark time. and we will need to bring our 'moneybags' and buy 'swords'... and though we only have two swords -- the small influence we have on the key authorities of this world -- it is enough.

And we both had the sense that... times are coming to the whole world... where things are not going to be so peaceful anymore - because we are heading towards the end, however long that takes. 
and so that makes us vigilant -- as we recall WWI etc started with a misunderstanding and something very small.
I sighed a few times after listening to his sharing -- the two of us, we always see things. Just like at the airport after ANZREC how we recognised that He stopped the rain for us. Just like noting how every time we outreach evil forces push back at us and it's not a coincidence. Or how, the last 2 chill laxes, the guests who were guys just didnt show up and didnt even answer my calls for some reason. And now, with the end times drawing near. Andika shared that John Piper wrote an article to show an increase in pace to reach the unreached minority groups lately.

I knew last night - was not just for Sara but for us too. 
Josh started using common language to evangelise
Andika got reminded about end times
Evelyn's shaky faith struggle got revealed and encouraged
Christin was reminded last week that God wanted her all during training and came this week with a different attitude
Kelvin got to share his testimony
Agnes comes as a new core committee member
Joses gets a chance to enjoy true friendship while i also shared my dating experience with him night before and heard that he just wants to spend time on real friendships -- hopefully this will build him up so that he has the time to learn proper dating mindset and not make the same mistakes we made.
God really led us yesterday -- i'd returned the reign to Him cuz i unknowingly stole it. and no matter if it was Joses praying, or Josh sharing Luke22, or Andika sharing his testimony and praying the concluding prayer etc etc He was with us all.

and i'm especially glad to see -- that through these sessions we really paint a true picture of God for the world and ourselves, slowly but surely, our swords are getting sharper, our inner convictions are getting purer, our love for God better informed, God is really great for accomplishing these in all of us.

through so much fun too                         
Vinka from Auckland also joined us for the first half of a session and I think she feels supported -- because in Auckland she's the big sister everyone relies on                         
And Praise God that 4G internet finally worked cuz last Chill Lax session on skype was a disaster -- yesterday plus the post Chill Lax Skype testing session with Kezia and the Twins was the first time Skype video worked -- 70-80% success connectivity rate.

Isnt this great? To God be all Praise, Glory and Honour ^_^

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