Thursday 20 October 2016

Sometimes God Works Wonders

After catching up with Zephyr... You'll notice that I'm always the least successful with him. .. trying to tell him about the Gospel but not Bible bash. .. is so difficult... so today, Thurs 20Oct I went Taichi practice. After feeling more like friends last time and feeling half dead today... I just wanted to really practice Taichi and build on the friendship.

However, today's practice was a disaster... I felt like a total incompetent fool as he finished teaching me the level 1 moves and moved onto the 18style sequence. The moves were so complex I felt like an idiot. He had to repeat so many times he was running out of patience. And cuz I got there late, we didn't finish till around 8pm... which was later than he'd expected. 
And afterwards he was chatting about the difference between 师傅 (specialty) vs 师父 (teacher father, like rabbi)。and told me how when he used to learn he only had 30mins each day, not like how many times he repeatedly teaches me (there and then when he said that I felt really small..... plus he had to simplify one of the moves sighs).

And once again after the whole session passed I didn't get to spread one word of the gospel. Cuz yesterday I'd told him,  he is made in God's image because he, like God in James 1, teaches without rebuking those without wisdom. So I wanted to join the line and personally speak words about God so that he doesn't feel like I only talk God to him online. But. Zip. Nada. Fail. Not one word was spoken. 

Feeling totally incompetent and stupid I went to woolies at QV, and met Marcel and Della there. And told them about the incident and also invited them to my birthday dinner. Then I sobbed to Vinka and she encouraged me with many many words. And Lukas, whom I'd felt bad because I'd spammed him about fvid and my Japan vision didn't reply but just nice he replied a heap right there and then and shared about his Japan calling that originated with PaTong. Ori also text to encourage because I'd posted on Facebook about my incompetence and also God let caramel mudcake go on special so I bought it to drown my sorrows. 

So with those 5 and these words, I felt so inspired that I looked around woolies and got concerned for the international student's souls again. Then as I walked to the tram stop to head back to the office, a thought came, "no one loves these souls like you do, your delight coincides with my delight", and I responded,  "O Lord, I'm so inspired by all these words that I feel like I could outreach and give out chill lax flyers all night (but unluckily I also bought icecream!) So with that thought I stopped at the tram station and beside me was an Asian. I got into my bag and pulled out a Chill Lax flyer and have it to him, he was drinking bubble tea but no milk. And then we got chatting. Nick. From HK. Been here 8yrs. Studying design. Rmit. So I invited him to ESL and my birthday BBQ as well. He says he prefers HK because it is his home. He's here by himself. Goes back to HK twice each year.

Then, he got off tram and so did I later and I switch to the horizontal tram along collins street. While waiting for the horizontal trams I was gonna outreach to a black girl but when I said hi she was too busy looking at facebook and didn't respond. Then next thing a girl who was Chinese came and sat down. So I said hi. Katy. From Here Guangzhou. I said i was teochew. Parents from northern part of China so they didn't speak canto rather mando. Then told her I came from qld. She went to great barrier reef and we spent the tram ride talking about her scuba diving experience (I was just looking up Rye Pier schuba diving at mornington island yesterday in prep for Vinka's visit on my birthday! )....

Etc etc ... Then got off tram and got to the office. A thought came as I had quiet time there -- I did tell God that I wanted to spend an extra day outreaching because this week is Chill Lax off week. He reminded me that I said that. (Cuz halfway through the week I was like. .. I'm tired. Let's ditch that idea. ).....

It was just incredible tonight. How He sent all of a sudden so much encouragement...and showed me that... When He took Fvid away (as he and Anne got together) as someone close, He gave me Vinka.

And what a roundabout way to meet and talk about mission and marriage... Lukas mentioned something about marrying someone with Aussie PR and unless I interpret it wrong, he's saying he's single. Lol. When I shared about Japan 2.5yr mission, he said it's a good idea and he'll pray about it too. And comparing vision and mission, I don't even know that dude, but you never know. Something could happen there. Watch this space. Cuz I'll be watching too.

God reminded me tonight that He can send help in floods (of people.). And that I'm loved and an apple in His eye.


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