Monday 30 April 2012

Where meaning lies; instant noodles vs ramen

Had a friend who found working in the finance industry meaningless, and full of made up packages, made up numbers....
As one who works in the finance industry also, I share the same view. This friend was seeking to perhaps change his career to serve in full time ministry.

While that is admirable and a very courageous and encouraged road to walk, we the Christ followers might be tempted to the following misconception: That if we serve in full time ministry, we will always find life meaningful, since we are serving God!

I always sigh when I meet  pastors who have spent their whole lives caught up in ministering a church but yet has been a long time since they actually worked on earth in a ‘real-world, full time job’. Before I go on any further, I would like to point out that being a pastor/ preacher/seminary lecturer etc are all valid full time jobs, and they are as real as any other job, but I guess the distinction I am pointing out by calling the other jobs ‘real-world’ is: a job whose master is and revolves around this world and the things of this world, as opposed one of the Kingdom Above.

Why do I sigh? It is because over time, these pastors who are supposed to advocate for the Kingdom Above, and the will of Him Who Was, Is and Is to Come, they get so disconnected with what is happening with the rest of the world, to the point where firstly, what they preach on the lecterns are no longer real-life & daily-life relevant to the audience; and secondly, instead of setting their focus on the Kingdom Above, they get tricked miserably by satan into building their own empire, down in the kingdom below which is earth. These pastors, elders, deacons, so-called respected church leaders then are next tricked into changing the Lord’s Prayer from:
For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power, the Glory, now and forever
-------- to-----------
For MINE is the Kingdom, the Power, the Glory, it’s gotta be NOW or never.

And in order to build their empire on earth, NOW, they are then next tricked into desiring for quantity-wise revival of ‘Christians’ – that is, they want the whole world to become Christians! NOW! As many as possible!! And will do ANYTHING, try ANYTHING to get that! And many times, this means they give in to lots of instant-noodle remedies – including seeking bulk healing of sicknesses, following the Charismatic church movement, seeking after speaking in tongues, seeking after every supernatural experience, including ones where you fall backwards when some false prophet ‘prays’ for you (many times rather, ‘pushes’ you?). For these phenomenal effects which are not God’s Word are flashy, seen by the eyesss, easy to be observed, and easily persuasive. The demon is a sly cunning snake, my brothers and sisters, do not be fooled. Instant noodles are quick and easy to cook and very cheap, but they are not good for you. You want ramen, where it takes time to hand-make, and takes longer to cook, but one full of life, one full of stretchiness and one that gives you satisfaction when you eat it – and much more costly than instant noodles.

When you are faithful to your wrong husband, Church, will you be looking for your real husband?? It is only when you realise that you have married the wrong husband, Church, that you will repent and return to your betrothed husband. (~Stephen Tong)
And in order to have numerical revival, they have just sold their souls, to the dark prince of this world. Satan told Jesus – bow before me, and I will give you the whole world --- including --- numerical revival. If Jesus did that, then the entire world will automatically become Christians, cuz the whole world’s people will automatically worship Christ. However, the whole world would be worshipping a Christ whom Himself knelt to the devil.
--- The wise and true Christ follower should see: the danger in this. For the road we are called to walk is, by very nature, the narrow road, that many are called to walk but few do tread on. The small door beside the large one that few end up finding and entering into. And thankfully for us, Jesus Christ threw the Bible at Satan in that duel, and told the fallen angel to worship his REAL God instead. Get-That-Order-Right. Christ chose the narrow road, one that is, by nature, filled with difficulties, and by that, He retained the assurance he gained from The Father when He was baptised on earth – The Assurance of His Sonship.

--- The wise Christ follower should heed: He/She shall count the cost. Count the cost very very very very very carefully – every single penny, every single cent as the smart business man does --- count the cost of following Christ and be prepared to sacrifice every single thing, even that one single breath that God breathed into you to give you life --- we must count the cost, and see that it is Worth it. This, Christians, means that you will not necessary gain the revival in numbers you hope for, and that in order to gain the true quality-based revival, you will need to shed many many tears. You will need to work under the heat of the bright noon sun till sweat drips from your neck onto the ground of the many hearts you are trying to work on and lead back to our Three-One God. Think about how long it took you to understand what you now do about Christ. Think about how many years and how many struggles and how many confessions of sin it took. My very dear brothers and sisters in Christ, you wise ones will see – that it is a very long process, filled with many pains and much effort, not because we Christians are crazy sorrow-bearing wishers, but rather, because God’s Word is, by nature, not easy. It is un-understandable to the population of this world.

As it said in HEBREWS??? “you should know, that the Word you now understand is something that is not usually understandable”,  and it is only understandable to us because the Trinity is at work – 1) The Father wills that His people understand Him 2) His Christ came the full way from Heaven to Earth to reveal the Father and everything He heard from the Father to us 3)His Spirit who art ultimately Holy, who came out from both The Father and The Son now lives and works in us to help us understand everything that Father hath imparted and Christ hath revealed.

This process of progressive sanctification, i.e. this process of the continual baptism of the Holy Spirit, my friends, takes time. This process takes a lot of effort, and a lot of will to lay down one’s life for those whom you are trying to save. To shepherd these sheep, you need to walk with them – go through life with them and that means not just on a Sunday doing church things, but really living life as a community in communion together, helping each other with true needs, even down to helping each other with homework, cooking, flood relief, sorting out arguments they are having with their family... i.e. real stuff. Life takes time.

So we ask: where is meaning?
Dear friend, with a heavy heart I would like to put this out to you -- if you are not finding meaning in your daily, non-pastoral work, you will never find meaning in full time ministry either.
Why? Because meaning does not lie in investment banking, it does not lie in your every day work, nor does it lie in full time ministry. And meaning doesn’t “lie in God”, but rather, God IS meaning. Get-This-Order-Right.
You will come to see, since God IS meaning, that when you come to Him and uphold Him as Meaning, that every other part of life then becomes meaningful, including while you’re working in the meaningless 9am-5pm day job, because while you see the packagedness of the financial instruments (bonds, contracts etc) and how made up and fake the accounting numbers are, it brings you to your knees in reverence of how real and unfake God is. When you see unrighteous infect the church as if yeast in dough as a full time minister, it brings you to your knees in reverence of how righteous and uncompromisingly Holy your God is.

In conclusion I want to put this out to you, it’s something my mum came to understand as she read Ezekiel?????,
“The ultimate purpose of Salvation is not only to redeem the world of sin, but to bring people reverence before God.”

I AM; I AM the Way, that Truth, that Life; that Meaning; I AM That everything you need; I AM that He – the Alpha and the Omega, That Beginning, That End -- the only One with the power to throw your life in eternal separation from Me in hell, and the only One with the power to redeem you from all your inequities as far as the East is from the West. Apart from Me, I know not another who can do that.

Revere Me, my son, says the Lord.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Psalm 23 - The Lord is my Shepherd - Teochew

This is one of the few Teochew 潮洲/潮语 songs that I've learnt in children's choir (combined with adults choir) many many years ago, to me, one can sing the opening "Jehova 耶和华" really really captures just how big He is (didn't do such a good job of capturing that in my cover). Love this song, haven't heard it sung in Teochew for at least 12 years, and the last time I heard it sung in Mandarin it was a different arrangement which was not quite as grand.

Trying to look for the lyrics and sheet music, but for now, please enjoy a vocal cover I did just so that I can remember this beautifully majestic song. It's not the full song, cuz I think towards the end, the adults sang more so I didn't learn those bits..... *really need to find that sheet music*....

Enjoy!! ^_^

Lyrics (according to what was in the cover)

耶 和 华 是 我 的 牧 者 , 我 必 不 致 缺 乏 。
耶 和 华 是 我 的 牧 者 , 我 必 不 致 缺 乏 。
他 使 我 躺 卧 在 青 草 地 上 , 领 我 在 可 安 歇 的 水 边 。

祂 使 我 灵 魂 苏 醒 , 使 我 灵 魂 苏 醒 , 为祂 的 名 引 导 我 走 正 义 的 路 。
我 虽 然 行 过 死 荫 的 幽 谷 , 也 不 怕 遭 害 ,
我 虽 然 行 过 死 荫 的 幽 谷 , 也 不 怕 遭 害 ,
耶 和 华 是 我 的 牧 者 , 我 必 不 致 缺 乏 。

Recorded vocal cover here:

Source2: (Intro blurb)
(actual song)

Full Psalm here for reference purposes:::::::::::::::

詩 篇 23
( 大 卫 的 诗 。 )

 1 耶 和 华 是 我 的 牧 者 , 我 必 不 致 缺 乏 。
 2 他 使 我 躺 卧 在 青 草 地 上 , 领 我 在 可 安 歇 的 水 边 。
 3 他 使 我 的 灵 魂 苏 醒 , 为 自 己 的 名 引 导 我 走 义 路 。
 4 我 虽 然 行 过 死 荫 的 幽 谷 , 也 不 怕 遭 害 , 因 为 你 与 我 同 在 ; 你 的 杖 , 你 的 竿 , 都 安 慰 我 。
 5 在 我 敌 人 面 前 , 你 为 我 摆 设 筵 席 ; 你 用 油 膏 了 我 的 头 , 使 我 的 福 杯 满 溢 。
 6 我 一 生 一 世 必 有 恩 惠 慈 爱 随 着 我 ; 我 且 要 住 在 耶 和 华 的 殿 中 , 直 到 永 远 。

Psalm 23

A psalm of David. 1 The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
 3 he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
   for his name’s sake.
4 Even though I walk
   through the darkest valley,[a]
I will fear no evil,
   for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
   they comfort me.
 5 You prepare a table before me
   in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
   my cup overflows.
6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me
   all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD

Tuesday 24 April 2012


这首歌也是GNLC住在Minden Luther Court 那几年写的,应该算是最后的几首,然后时间到了,我就离开了那众山围绕着的小平原区。

那时,我正听了唐崇荣(好像是希伯来书)讲到了普遍启示和特殊启示的差别: 普遍启示是上帝藉着大自然和其中所有被造物所启示关于自己的道。特殊启示就是藉着道成肉身 的基督所启示关于上帝自己的一切,including 救恩。

今天因为要把歌词打上来,重读了一遍 — 神那么生气,还是头一次看见。那也是因为最近的教会会堂的讲台上传的只有 “啊!耶稣很好,祝福我们,平安、平安。爱、爱、爱、恩典、恩典、恩典、医治、医治、医治、神多么荣美的荣耀!十字架的光芒,温柔又慈祥!荣美的荣 耀!yay yay yay yay! 来信主,得永生,得医治!” 只讲福不讲祸。 

正在打这些字时,有两架战斗机从我们家窗外看得见的天空飞过去,其声音很大、使人战兢、天空的鸟也速速逃飞。使我想起:以色列的那地,像Ray Vander Laan 说的一样— God has placed Israel strategically at a crucial military cross path, and at the main roads of business and trading. 

并且-- 当人说平安、平安的时候,灾祸就临到了! 好像January 2011 时 QLD Floods 一样。 QLD Floods 就淹到离我Goodna 家的两条街外,那时候人心的惶恐、惧怕、不安,我们自己家pack 了好多包包,准备逃难,我才亲身明白什么叫: “当洪水泛滥的时候, 耶和华稳座皇位掌权。” 

神保守,我家没被淹,使我明白— 不是我有特权不被淹到,乃是神有定意施恩,叫那水只能淹到两街外,就不能越过,被圈住了。当水不知道会不会淹到我的房子,我们大家都在等待3am的 high tide 会不会使那洪水淹之处扩张,紧张的时候,我对神说: 祢给我的产业,祢为我持守。 赐给的是神,收取的也是神。我们从耶和华的手中受福,不也受祸吗?不论如何,耶和华的名是应当称颂的。”


  • 1 耶和华藉玛拉基传给以色列的默示。2 耶和华说:我曾爱你们。你们说:你在何事上爱我们呢?
    耶和华说:以扫不是雅各的哥哥麽?我却爱雅各,3 恶以扫,使他的山岭荒凉,把他的地业交给旷野的野狗。
    4 以东人说:我们现在虽被毁坏却要重建荒废之处 。
    5 你们必亲眼看见,也必说:耶和华在以色列境界之外被尊为大
  • 6 藐视我名的祭司啊,万军之耶和华对你们说:儿子尊敬父亲,仆人敬畏主人我既为父亲尊敬我的在哪里呢?
  •  7 你们将污秽的食物献在我的坛上,且说:我们在何事上污秽你呢?因你们说,耶和华的桌子是可藐视的 8 你们将瞎眼的献为祭物,这不为恶麽?将瘸腿的、有病的献上,这不为恶麽?你献给你的省长,他岂喜悦你,岂能看你的情面麽?这是万军之耶和华说的。
    9 现在我劝你们恳求神,他好施恩与我们。这妄献的事,既由你们经手,他岂能看你们的情面麽?这是万军之耶和华说的。

    ***EN 加:读到这里,我很心痛,连教会/圣殿都关门。。。
     10 甚愿你们中间有一人关上殿门,免得你们徒然在我坛上烧火。
     11 万军之耶和华说:从日出之地到日落之处,我的名在外邦中必尊为大。在各处,人必奉我的名烧香,献洁净的供物为我的名在外邦中必尊为大。
  • 14 ...我大君王,我的名在外邦中可畏的。这是万军之耶和华说的。


  • 1祭司啊,这诫命传给你们的。2 万军之耶和华说:你们若不听从,也不放在心上,将荣耀归与我的名,我就使咒诅临到你们,使你们的福分变为咒诅;是的 因你们不把诫命放在心上,我已经咒诅你们了

    ***EN 加: 不要以为
    耶和华我们的上帝只祝福,不咒诅。 不要轻看神的管教,要悔改,回到神这里,免得你虽一度得救仍必灭亡。 3 我必斥责你们的种子,又把你们牺牲的粪抹你们的脸上;你们要与粪一同除掉4 你们就知道我传这诫命给你们使我与利未(或译:利未人)所立的约可以常存。这是万军之耶和华说的。
     5 我曾与他立生命和平安的约。我这两样赐给他,(EN 加:目的是)使他存敬畏的心他就敬畏我,惧怕我的名。6 真实的律法在他口中,他嘴里没有不义的话。他以平安和正直与我同行,使多人回头离开罪孽。

  • ***EN 加:这是给我们这些当领袖的劝勉和忠告:

     7 祭司的嘴里当存知识,人也当由他口中寻求律法,因为他是万军之耶和华的使者。8你们却偏离正道使许多人在律法上跌倒你们废弃我与利未所立的约。这是万军之耶和华说的。9所以我使你们被众人藐视,看为下贱因你们不守我的道,竟在律法上瞻徇情面
     10 我们岂不都是一位父麽?岂不是一位神所造的麽?我们各人怎麽以诡诈待弟兄,背弃了神与我们列祖所立的约呢? 11 犹大人行事诡诈,并且在以色列和耶路撒冷中行一件可憎的事;因为犹大人亵渎耶和华所喜爱的圣洁(或译:圣地),娶事奉外邦神的女子为妻。
    ***EN 加:惟有圣洁是生命中装不出来的本质。撒旦也没有办法装出圣洁,从此,就知道 (this is the distinguishing point for) 哪一些是真正奉主名来宣讲上帝国的道,哪一些不是。
     12 凡行这事的,无论何人(何人:原文是叫醒的,答应的),就算是献供物给万军之耶和华,耶和华也必从雅各的帐棚中剪除他。
  • 13 你们又行了一件这样的事,使前妻叹息哭泣眼泪遮盖耶和华的坛以致耶和华不再看顾那供物也不乐从你们手中收纳14 你们还说:这是为甚麽呢?因耶和华在你和你幼年所娶的妻中间作见证。他虽是你的配偶,又是你盟约的妻,你却以诡诈待他。15 虽然神有灵的馀力能造多人,他不是单造一人麽?为何只造一人呢?乃是他愿人得虔诚的後裔。 所以当谨守你们的心,谁也不可以诡诈待幼年所娶的妻。
    16 耶和华─以色列的 神说:休妻的事和以强暴待妻的人都是我所恨恶的所以当谨守你们的心,不可行诡诈。这是万军之耶和华说的。
    17 你们用言语烦琐耶和华,你们还说:我们在何事上烦琐他呢?因为你们说:凡行恶的,耶和华眼看为善,并且他喜悦他们;或说:公义的 神在哪里呢?

  • 1 万军之耶和华:我要差遣我的使者在我前面预备道路。你们所寻求的主必忽然进入他的殿;立约的使者,就是你们所仰慕的,快要来到。2 他来的日子,谁能当得起呢?他显现的时候,谁能立得住呢因为他如炼金之人的火,如漂布之人的硷3他必坐下如炼净银子的,必洁净利未人,熬炼他们像金银一样;他们就凭公义献供物给耶和华4 那时,犹大和耶路撒冷所献的供物必蒙耶和华悦纳,彷佛古时之日、上古之年。
    5 万军之耶和华说:我必临近你们,施行审判。我必速速作见证,警戒行邪术的、犯奸淫的、起假誓的、亏负人之工价的、欺压寡妇孤儿的、屈枉寄居的,和不敬畏我的。
    6 因我─耶和华是不改变的,所以你们雅各之子没有灭亡。 7 万军之耶和华说:从你们列祖的日子以来,你们常常偏离我的典章而不遵守。现在你们要转向我,我就转向你们 (EN 加:是生命方向的问题 -- it's a matter of life direction)。 你们却问说:我们如何才是转向呢? 8 人岂可夺取 神之物呢?你们竟夺取我的供物。你们却说:我们在何事上夺取你的供物呢?就是你们在当纳的十分之一和当献的供物上。9 因你们通国的人都夺取我的供物,咒诅就临到你们身上。
    10 万军之耶和华说:你们要将当纳的十分之一全然送入仓库,使我家有粮,以此试试我,是否为你们敞开天上的窗户,倾福与你们,甚至无处可容。 11 万军之耶和华说:我必为你们斥责蝗虫(原文是吞噬者) ,不容他毁坏你们的土产。你们田间的葡萄树在未熟之先也不掉果子。 12 万军之耶和华说:万国必称你们为有福的,因你们的地必成为喜乐之地。

  •  13 耶和华说:你们用话顶撞我,你们还说:我们用甚麽话顶撞了你呢?
    14 你们说:事奉 神是徒然的,遵守神所吩咐的,在万军之耶和华面前苦苦斋戒,有甚麽益处呢 ? 15 如今我们称狂傲的人为有福,并且行恶的人得建立;他们虽然试探 神,却得脱离灾难。
     16 那时, 敬畏耶和华的彼此谈论耶和华侧耳而听,且有纪念册在他面前,记录那敬畏耶和华、思念他名的人
    17 万军之耶和华说:在我所定的日子,他们必属我,特特归我。我必怜恤他们,如同人怜恤服事自己的儿子。18 那时你们必归回,将善人和恶人,事奉 神的和不事奉神的,分别出来。


  • 1 万军之耶和华说:那日临近,势如烧着的火炉,凡狂傲的和行恶的必如碎秸,在那日必被烧尽,根本枝条一无存留。2 但向你们敬畏我名的人必有公义的日头出现(EN 加: 基督) , 其光线(原文是翅膀)有医治之能。你们必出来跳跃如圈里的肥犊。
  • 3 你们必践踏恶人;在我所定的日子,他们必如灰尘在你们脚掌之下。这是万军之耶和华说的。***EN 加: 给今天的基督徒们:
    4 你们当记念我仆人摩西的律法,就是我在何烈山为以色列众人所吩咐他的律例典章。5 看哪,耶和华大而可畏之日未到以前,我必差遣先知以利亚到你们那里去。6 他必使父亲的心转向儿女,儿女的心转向父亲,免得我来咒诅遍地。


那时,我正在读玛拉基书,我主耶和华严厉的斥责刺穿了我的心,使到我明白什么叫敬畏耶和华-- revere Me, set your heart to honour My Name (Malachi 2:2)。 大学一年级时,有一度我很无知,又很恶,mum 费尽了心思,教导我什么叫敬畏耶和华,远离恶事。记得她有一天把我drop off 在Walloon train station 的时候,在汽车上以沉重的心情和口气对我说:“璇璇,你要敬畏耶和华。” 这句话刻在我心里很深。


 1 众子啊,要父亲的教训,留心得知聪明。 2 我所给你们的是好教训不可离弃我的法则(或译:指教)。3 我在父亲面前为孝子,在母亲眼中为独一的娇儿

4 父亲教训我说:你心要存记我的言语,遵守我的命令,便得存活。 5 要得智慧,要得聪明,不可忘记,也不可偏离我口中的言语。 6 不可离弃智慧,智慧就护卫你;要爱他,他就保守你。

7 智慧为首;所以,要得智慧。在你一切所得之内必得聪明.(或译:用你一切所得的去换聪明) 。8 高举智慧,他就使你高升;怀抱智慧,他就使你尊荣。9 他必将华冠加在你头上,把荣冕交给你。

10 我儿,你要听受我的言语,就必延年益寿。11 我已指教你走智慧的道,引导你行正直的路。 12 你行走,脚步必不致狭窄;你奔跑,也不致跌倒。13 要持定训诲,不可放松;必当谨守,因为他是你的生命。

 14 不可行恶人的路;不要走坏人的道。 15要躲避,不可经过;要转身而去16 这等人若不行恶,不得睡觉;不使人跌倒,睡卧不安; 17 因为他们以奸恶吃饼,以强暴喝酒。 18 但义人的路好像黎明的光,越照越明,直到日午19 恶人的道好像幽暗,自己不知因甚麽跌倒。
 20 我儿,要留心听我的言词,侧耳听我的话语,21 都不可离你的眼目,要存记在你心中。 22 因为得着他的,就得了生命,又得了医全体的良药。 23 你要保守你心,胜过保守一切(或译:你要切切保守你心),因为一生的果效是由心发出。 24 你要除掉邪僻的口,弃绝乖谬的嘴。 25 你的眼目要向前正看;你的眼睛(原文是皮)当向前直观。 26修平你脚下的路,坚定 一切的道。27 不可偏向左右;要使你的脚离开邪恶 。

当我二十一岁的那年,因为是大日子,我向神要一个生日礼物,所以就问他:“你要给我什么呢?” 然后当天,mum就很兴奋地一大清早就叫我和全家:“快!快!过来看!彩虹!” 我马上从床上跳起,冲到大门,那彩虹不偏不倚地正正被挂在了我们家大门前面,我家大门前的roundabout 刚刚好就在中间! 相机在哪里?? 我和妹妹拿了张椅子出到花园最前面去,想拍个照,然后才看着彩虹,好像那时候的彩虹就让我们看个够,所以没有把它“送走” (i.e. 看它消失)。 然后mum 就说:“神手脚真快,我跟你爸本来就快要把生日礼物拿给你了,想不到神抢了先!” 我又看见了两只鸟 (不太记得是不是鹦鹉,可能是乌鸦),摆成那一上一下的阵形, 往花园前面飞去了, 使我想起 双羽 blog 那里提起两只鹦鹉的经历— 上面的是神,下面的是我,一直以来,就是我们两个一神、一人地一起走 >> (日语:Itsumo futari de -- いつもふたりで -- 何时も二人で -- Always the two of us)。

很是感动。我相信:就算现在正下着大雨,终久,祢还是会让我看见 我们的晴天。

我就在思想,要怎么样才能够纪念这些事的发生? 又探讨要怎么样才能够就像小鸟们所预表的一样,就这样神与我、我与神地走下去? 所以就写了这首歌。



听听!风所吹之音— 这是:神所造之音;

静静,诸世界聪明 — 表明:基督是真理;

敬惧我 使我赐福土地!




GNLC 那几年写的歌,有一天在Minden Luther Court 家的花园里看见一群粉红和白的鹦鹉,因为我走近了就翩翩飞起,飞走了。正飞走时,有两一对鹦鹉,一个在上,一个在下,往天空一起飞去,我就对神说,上面的是你,下面的是我。你的一双羽陪着我一起去度过难关,观看着打不倒我们的风雨。为了想记念这事和神的温柔和体谅,就写了这首歌。希望那些像我一样,事奉主和跑天路被逼迫,受了不义的待遇,受上及多艰辛痛苦的这些主内同工和牧人们也能藉这首歌得到欣慰,安慰,因为主whisper 说,你们安慰,安慰我的百姓。


那天遇见你 独自在床边哭泣,
你是否明白 你常哀叹的声音 已经上达我的天宇?

因为要你坚强 不能将它挪去,
不想见你因疲劳 这样就此放弃,
也必需要告诉你 你的纯真 我真的 非常珍惜。

你尽心做的事 ,不必感到内疚,
这一切有一天 终必成为过去,

最重要还是: 你别再伤心,你看!
有双羽 陪你去 看风云--就算落的是泪雨,
熬过去,等看见: 我亲手成就应许。


Sent from Samsung Mobile

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Chat with Peter Koay Yi Wei 17.4.2012


Perspectives on Christian Movements - theological seminary textbook

 The Forgotten Ways - Alan Hirsh - about churches and returning it's form to the early church.

So basically had a chance to chat to PKYW after work today, I'd asked if he could disagree some time out as I had many questions about the church, the Uganda experience with people falling over. I wanted to figure out, as Christians, what is our attitude on these things, should we tolerate it? Is it from God?

We started talking about his engineering experience n how there was someone with a heart attack at his workplace today, then we talked about all the training as a first aid officer n how he had to evacuate from a helicopter under water pressure submerged. How he had to basically as a last resort training just walk from 2 storeys high air and then fall into pool, and it's not even diving, but rather feet first cuz u don't wanna hit your head. N that he once tried just walking into a pool to feel what or would be like to step into Jordon river. He said it was a really different feeling. Then we talked about how we gotta sometimes be willing to just take the risk n let everything loose n have uncertainty so that God can accomplish His work in His people.

What I learnt

You r much bigger than all these false looking phenomenon

P: Jesus to the Pharisees -- You preach all these theology n doctrines but why don't u come to Me n have eternal life? 
To come to God Jesus n have eternal life is to know Love who is much more bigger than theology, liturgy, doctrines n all things false and temporal 

 Your love for this group its much bigger than the false effects. Don't let all these effects distract u from the work that u gotta do. Infiltrate n influence.

Love prevails. Our objective of knowing all these Truth, the Word, teaching people about Christ, the ultimate motive should be to teach and inspire others to walk with God and love God and show them that God loves them.

Do you love me? Then feed my sheep. Do you love me? Then feed my little sheep. Do you love me? Then shepherd my sheep.
We need to know about the world as well -- 洪光

One question we have to constantly ask: Gotta multiply us in the church outside of the church setting. How to?

 There's lots of tears, and pain to train up someone like us, and in essence, God really has to be the one training, as for our bit, we gotta learn to let go and take risk and learn to jump down two storeys of height into the water feet first and see that people n groups do survive n grow. It's called tough love. 
Christ discipled by giving these instructions: don't bring anything, just go and beg, and I will give u what u need as you need it.

 We keep caring n leading n living n get very hurt n laying down our lives, n ask, we r doing this for everyone but who's caring for meeeee? 

If You don't feed me then what am I gonna feed your sheep?

Then we realize the full meaning of "Apart from You, who else do I have?"
  P to God: 我就只有这条烂命,祢要就給你吧。
me to God : is that story that mum told me in her young children evangelization: about a little girl who had no money for offering but put herself on the plate - I don't have money, I don't have anything else, but I got me, got this life, and it's Yours. That faith that Daniel and his 3 friends had- man, I want it too. Only got one breath in me that You blew, and man, that breath is powerful, it's sustained me for 25 years now...

 How did our churches get to the state that it its in? P talked about how one emperor made Christianity the official religion and by doing so, it killed the church. Only good thing that came out of it was that it enabled time for the Bible to be compiled while Christians didn't have to worry about persecution. So our church now is all about being led by a pastor, with lots of structure and bounded by tradition.

The church is not the building. Which church do u belong to? Ans: which church do youuu belong to? There's only one Church which is God's church, and that's the one I belong to.
-when Peter said that, I realized that his 神观和教会观很大。 他真的既看见又信神的教会是普世和超世代的。我也要更加的这样子信。

 It's only the small segment of the church building's sun attenders who will ultimately be saved. It's these ppl that we are called to shepherd. 

In our church, there is Too much talk, not enough life and living. Not enough doing. Too many this its the theory component and not enough "yes just go out and try! Give it a go!" P noted that All revival we see in church are not because we have a church building but rather because we live the life of Christ and most come in the form of a movement.

 Even if we did Bible studies the traditional verse by verse, passage by passage way instead of just through a topic, we can still get a lot out of it. The main thing is the life n how u 带 the session.
-EN notes: it is all about the essence after all. And the main purpose is to impart God so that people understand Him and love Him in their daily lives.

Monday 16 April 2012

Justice and Love in coexistence

主啊, 求你指教我公义和爱心是怎么样共存在一个人的生命里面的,因为我相信这是办得到的,也是你在启示录二章教导责备以弗所教会的。

真希望有哪一篇讲道是能仔 仔细 细地讲明这其中的原理。。。


God's Double Testimony, His Power and His Word

17.4.12, Tues, for Sunday 15.4.12

Sunday was uncle Ben's second time preaching on stage, to me, it's his first official debut. He said he always avoided preaching sermons because he is nervous on stage. So I listened carefully to his debut message, wanting to know where he was coming from, and what forms his central message and the focal point of his entire 'career' on the lectern.

He shared with us John 17:3, which is rare being one single verse only:
3 Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.
3 認 識 你 ─ 獨 一 的 真 神 , 並 且 認 識 你 所 差 來 的 耶 穌 基 督 , 這 就 是 永 生 。

Now, I'd heard a similar message from Stephen Tong before, so I was expectant of some great message to come out of this verse.

What uncle Ben preached was what eternal life is -- eternal life is not a once off acceptance of Christ prayer into your heart only. He mentioned four key points for faith:
  1. To Solely believe -- 單單地信
  2. To Truthfully believe -- 真實地信
  3. To Repentfully believe -- 悔改地信
  4. To Continuously believe -- 不斷地信
And when he mentioned one of the final points, he revealed what he was believing:: He believes in -- Christ Jesus 信耶穌基督。This is true faith, a faith in all those four aspects, in Christ Himself. As opposed to a faith in "faith" -- i.e. as opposed to a faith in the belief which comes about because you want to believe the belief, or believe the faith. Or as opposed to a belief in the healing as opposed to believing the God who heals.

So I found out: That the Word in its pure form, when humans do not add their own words to The Word in their prepared sermons, it is in this case that everything each Christian believes in is the same. It is the same and it is common because it is pure and it is right. 

And I make it a point to add that many pastors of today's lecterns no longer preach a faith whose focal point is God Himself, but rather they have adulterated themselves to detract their focus onto something that is less than God Himself -- they want His healing physically, emotionally, etc, but they just want His something, as opposed to wanting God Himself.  This is a sad state that so-called Christians all over the world has watered their faith down into, and they take an increase in numbers as revival. Which can be but is not necessarily true. It is when we stop watering down our faith and what we think we believe in, and return to focus on God in all His Holiness, Righteousness, Justice, Mercy, Love, Grace, Judgement, Humour, Kindness, Wisdom, Knowledge and Intellect, and End-to-end Accountability (Alpha, Omega), and His Will (from The Father), His Word which became flesh (The Son), and the Him who imparts Himself as He dwells within us (The Holy Spirit) -- it is when we solely focus on our One Trinity God (三個位格而一體的一位神), that there will we find meaning, we will find that fuller life, and there we will find Joy.

Now anyway, the main purpose of writing this post is that... I wanted to share what I realised lately. I realised that God's power through His Word is not bounded by our expression of His Word. Uncle Ben, when on stage, was firm, but a lot more soft spoken than Tang, and yet because of his firmness and true believe, without raising his voice, God's power manifested through him, and God's authority through His Word was with him.

This is me understanding more and more, it is not about how loudly or sternly I speak (as I am a little ungentle at times in my expression), but rather His Word is powerful as it is. There are times that we need to be stern but there is also no need to be too stern. This is a breakthrough point for me, so now I will seek to speak God's Word gently in a manner that people will be able to listen easier, with the aim of inspiring people to Love God and come respond to Jesus' calling: "Come to me, and have eternal life".

Sunday 15 April 2012

Forever Yours, Forgotten Land, Candle of Hope

Continuing the drive to jot down all those songs...

Forever Yours
This was written for my not yet completed novel Da Downfall, in the Ellery Lannter series... Where Renalron Wettham who was the class monitor, fell in love with Ellery because of her funky character, and upon finding out she was the grand princess he had a bit of an internal issue and battle of awkwardness, then finally deciding that he loved her so much that he’d even risk his life for her sake during battles

F Major

You touched my heart
like You’ve never touched it before
You soothed my tears,
when I needed you most, you’re near/here.

When I look into your eyes,
I saw love
and I gazed into your heart.
I felt no regrets or doubts in your smile,
but instead I could never be yours (alt lyrics: but you said I could never be yours).

Don’t you know I’m forever yours tonight?
Forever yours tonight;
Just let me hold your hand –
one chance for that love to remain,

Don’t you know I’m forever yours tonight?
Forever yours, I swear, tonight,
Just give me one more moment
to take your breath away –

Forgotten Land
This song was written... I think after I watched The Magic Sword one day, back in Springfield house... (that’s the first house we moved into when we got to Aust). This is for the next Ellery Lannter series’ book after Da Downfall, where Ellery meets her long lost brother who had been banished to the outlands... This must have been back in 2004 cuz I remember writing part of the story as my QCS practice narrative. Lightning struck, there was a guy in a cloak, rocked up to E’s balcony, jumped into the room and touched her face. His hands were cold and woke E up, then he freaked out and escaped. Did that a couple of times, then E, being as nice as she was, treated him with hospitality, baked him some chicken nuggets/hot food ... then finally found out that he’s her eldest bro, even older than Brandon Lannter.. either that or he’s actually a previous prince, originally betrothed to E, I hadn’t quite decided... It’s a hard decision since E’s relationships never work out... so.. not sure if I want another main male character dying... afterall, Zechs, Heero both died....

Anyway... This song is his song to her, to be played as the scene above acts out.

You want to know who I am?
you'll find me in (the) forgotten lands
no matter where I am, or how I am,
my heart is – with you.

I’ve been reaching you through your dreams,
and visit(ing) you in your sleep,
the only way we meet –
held those memories so sweet –
the times I share with you.

Faith brought me back into your life,
hope gave me strength to survive,
I just can’t let you go,
I gotta let you know,
I love you.

I wanna see you face to face,
give me chance to lock your gaze;
you’ll be in my embrace and we will
soar through space

I really do love you.

Candle of Hope
Wrote this song back in high school, probably about 2002 or 2001 since this was originally me trying to help Tiska with her music composition assignment.

Nothing in life can compare to the ...... ???? (forgot the lyrics.... x_x!!)
And nothing in life can be more
pleasurable than to know you.

The plan’s so simple yet we don’t realise
that the answer to our prayers’ so obvious –

Don’t you know you’re my candle of hope,
my ring of light,
ripply reflection of the twilight?

Your  presence moulds and fills my life,
through the thoughts of the night

For His Purpose, Unto You, For This I Pray

Wrote Friendship verse 2 on Sat 14/4/12, and after I played it for Eunice to hear last night (Sun), I got inspired to play all the Godly songs I’ve ever written. And then I realised two things: 1) I actually wrote quite a few songs! 2) I actually forgot the tune and lyrics for a lot of the verses but only remember their choruses....

So in an attempt to not forget, I am going to post the lyrics for as many songs I wrote as I can remember, not just the Godly ones, but the normal life ones too... The numbers are my crappy attempt at remembering and jotting down the tune, a dot . means one octave lower, a ^ means one octave higher.

For His Purpose
This song I wrote in first year uni (2005), walking down road leading towards Hawken Engineering Library and I remembered that I was thinking about my life, and why I’m on earth and where I am, and who I am, and what am I doing ....
I think there was a verse to it but I forgot... so...

1 2 3- 5 5--
And I’m made for You,
3 2 2 5 5
created by You,
2 1 3 3 1 7.
to solely do Your will,
1 7. 6. 7. 1. 5. 1 3 32 2--
and all things were made for His purpose

1 2 1 3- 5 5 --
Yes I am made for You,
3 2 2 5 5
created by You,
2 1 3 3 1 7.
to solely do Your will,
1 7. 6. 7. 1 5. 1 3 32 2 – 1--
cuz I’m simply made for Your purpose, Lord.

Unto You
Not sure which year I wrote this song but I wrote this when we were living at Tennessee Place which was probably GNLC years or just preceeding it... I didn’t like the verse’s lyrics as much, so maybe given time, creativity and inspiration I’ll go fix that up into a better song. Lots of triplets in this lively song...

--3-3-44 3222 -- 13--
I’ll bring You a pleasant surprise today –
3-5-1^ 6-6-5-4-3--
I’ll sing a new song unto You
for You’re the Lord of Thanksgiving
and in my song, I’ll sing of how
I’ll cast out all my burdens unto You,
--432---1-2-3----43-2--- ----
only peace, in me flowing.

There’s one thing I wanna say and that’s
Through the years I’ve seen You magnify
4-4-4-3-2-1-5.-2--- ----
Yourself to me my Saviour, and,
that's why I say –

“Through the years I’ll walk with You, my friend,
with a faith that can be verified,
-4 444 3-2-1-3-2--- ---- ----
and that is the reason why I say:
111 --- 5. 11 111---
unto You – that’s my gift unto You.”

For This I Pray
This is actually a song that Eda and I wrote together. I wrote v1, chorus, Eda wrote bridge, we wrote v2 together.
Song progression: v1, chorus, v2, chorus, bridge, chorus.

1 1 7. 1, 7. 1 11 7.5.
I stand alone, dear Lord stay by my side
1 17. 1 3 2
In all my daily needs,
1 1 7. 1
please by my guide

V2. (Change back down 1 tone to original key)
I stand amazed, dear Lord, You’re by my side
In all my daily needs,
I’ve seen You provide

(Chorus) – note change of key, transition up one tone.
1 5 3 3432 17.1
O grant me Your grace,
1 5 3 3 2
For this I pray –
1 5 3 3432 17.1
to carry on with my work
1 1 7.1
from day to day

(Bridge – written by Eda)
1 1 7. 1232 17.1
Create in me a purer heart,
1 7. 1232 ---
O Lord, cleanse me within
1 1 7. 1232 17.1
I know there’s sin in my inner parts,
5. 5 3 3432
O Lord, have mercy on me

Saturday 14 April 2012

Friendship Verse 2

Once wrote a song called Friendship, and today while I was playing the guitar with God, got inspired to write a second verse to it, to reflect some of the things I learnt about Him recently. I'll include verse one just for completeness.

So a little bit about the background and meanings behind this song.
I was looking out of my Minden room's window one day after the rain, and the lush greenness that came about in the distant tall trees and mountains delighted me. It then occurred to me that -- God created so many different types of trees and when you put them all together next to each other in the scenery, it was breathtakingly exquisite and perfectly united. It was only humans that kept fighting with each other due to politics, personal gain, and trying to grasp authority and power, even in a church.....

There are many things that I realise that I don't know when I keep tracing the source and asking "why" and "how did it come about" till the end. The wide sky contains the beauties in the world, but this wide sky also contains lots of different people. Under this sky, there is someone who comes from every world -- the world of arts, philosophy, finance, mathematics, sports, religion etc. There's not much that I know, but despite that, I know who the Creator is, and who is the one who 藉着他权能的万有托着诸世界 everyday and makes these wonderful things survive.

Then it goes on to the chorus, where I hope that God has found me His friend, as I've found God a friend cuz through the thick and thins, especially during those GNLC times when I shut myself behind my room's doors and just cried, He was the only One who knew my heart. Because I didn't want my sheep to fall because of my weaknesses or trials because of all the opposition we met at GNLC and how tired I was, there were many things I couldn't even tell my little sisters, but God knew all these secrets. And I know, God will always accept me. Even if I accidentally sin, God will disapprove of my sins but will always accept me. Sometimes when I am that tired and that pained to the point where I can't even manage any words, I know that I don't even have to try to ask God to stay beside me, cuz He is just right here.

I ask God why, why life is this difficult, why is it that although we do our best in spreading His authentic Word in depth we don't get the revival in numbers although we see revival in quality, and why is it that people don't understand or see value in what we're doing back in GNLC days. I kept asking and no answer. I can't explain why I am where I am, but then in the end, I understood something more important -- that God has the answers even if I don't, and that is ok with me. So I told God, it's ok, I don't need to know everything. Sure, I'll find out when I get back to heaven the answers to all my questions cuz I can ask Him face to face, but right now, I trust that His ways are perfect and if He leads and I follow, it must be the straightest road I can ever find, and one that I can live without regrets. So if I follow, it will be the most right and I have confidence in Him, so even if no answers, it's ok by me, cuz my shepherd will not lead me wrong.

God is the One who knows my heart -- what is my heart? how is my heart like?
Mum once told me when I was young about king David (the king Israel most admires) -- David is a man after God's own heart. A man who comes after God's own heart, so close, to the point where God would share His secrets with David that He has not told anyone else about too. Mum also talked about this story about a little girl, who went to church and when it came to offering time, everyone was passing the offering bag around, but because the little girl came from a poor family, she did not have money to put in the offering bag. So what did she do? Instead, she ran into the church kitchen, and took out a large plate. She put the plate on the floor and stood in it. She said "I don't have money, but I will give my entire self to God as my offering."
---- So when hearing this story (have heard it from mum about... 2-3 times? Very long ago, when I was very very young in Singapore and Taiwan), I told God every single time -- "I wanna be that girl -- who gives her entire self to You, and seeks after even Your own heart."
  • ---- And so as I grow up, life became difficult, hard, tiring, and I suffer from (quite) a few health complications too, including a slipped spinal disc at L4/L5, the chronic back pain tests all my patience to the absolute limit, to the point where I just simply cannot bear it anymore and beg God to alleviate it with tears in my eyes (I seldom pray for healing of this back pain as I'm convinced this in me is just like Apostle Paul's thorn in his flesh -- this suffering is there to make me stronger and more humble before God).
  • ----- so when suffering all this difficulties and being really really tired as I struggle to make ends meet financially, it becomes a significant challenge for me to keep that first Love, that first, innocent faith I pledged before God. Till this day, I look at myself, and thanks to God's unending love and plentiful redemption and mercy and grace, I renew that first Love, and now say-- "God, You know my heart. That heart to give my all to you as an offering. That heart to walk with You with a faith that can be verified through all these disasters and struggles so that the world may know::: That there is a God, and that He is greater than all these difficulties in life. Lord, You know that I want to be after your own heart just as king David captures Your delight."

    Hence "I hope You've found a friend in me, as I've found a Friend in You -- one who knows my heart -- I can tell all my deepest secrets and know that You will accept me, I don't even have to try, especially when I'm tired to a point I can't manage any more words but I just want You by my side... and You're with me -- You're not some faraway God who doesn't really care, and I really know that You have the answers, for as I walk my life, You let me know that I'm truly in Your presence, not anybody else's presence (I have You as my shepherd, I shall not lack anything), and that's why in You, I place my confidence, and in You I trust; In You, I have found --- a Friend."

It's through all these things that God has let me know that He is really with me, and that's why I can trust and put my confidence in Him.

Verse 2 background:
Was reading Eunice's planets/stars Christian book, and met a page where it says "A God who just Spoke all these stars into existence is truly fearsome". Then it occurred to me.. that I really didn't understand why God wanted to make me using His hands. He could have just spoke. But He took the effort and time to shape and mould me... If that is not Love, I don't know what it is..

He didn't just stop at making me, but He prepared salvation for me, despite not preparing salvation for fallen angels. With His Word that became flesh, He attracts me like a magnet, drawing me to Himself, and Sanctifying me through progressive sanctification which is the continual baptism of the Holy Spirit (His wash is not a once off thing. It's continual). And sanctifying of my 'self' is a sanctifying in all aspects of what makes me me -- emotionally, conscious, mind, spirit, culture, mouth/words, actions, motives, thoughts....

I can't explain how God just draws me to Himself each day and teaches me so much as He leads and I submit and live a clean, holy life, or how He's made the different worlds I participate in  really vast and wide with lots of people from all different thought and emotional and cultural etc backgrounds. But what I can do is to admit that God is God and bow down and worship His Christ just as the heavenly hosts all worshiped The Christ when The Father asked them to. This is the defining difference between us and satan, because satan was prideful, he refused to worship Christ and God banished its place in heaven, and there was no more place for it. Then when on earth, satan still wanted Christ to bow to it, but Jesus Christ said "you must worship your God only". When Christ came to earth in that ugly human body, Father repeated saying "you must all worship Him" still.  So we Christians are different from satan in that Christ is our salvation but Christ is satan's doom.

In God I have found a Friend, and note that in this song I've used "friend" when pointing to me, and "Friend" (at the end) when I'm pointing towards my Trinity God, because it is an unequal friendship, an unequal partnership, just like it was unequal when Abraham made the covenant with God in Genesis 15 -- such that Abraham was freaked out to almost death, knowing that if he even dared walk in the trough of blood, he'd be a goner, cuz there was no way he could keep his promise not to ever sin. This unequal friendship is founded upon who God is Himself, as the Rock and my Salvation.

Now the actual song itself::

G Major

With one Word -- You made this beauty, oh Lord,
how much it amazes me.
With one thought You showed me how You created things
in perfect unity

I can't explain how the sun rises each day,
or how You've made a sky that's so wide
But what I can do is testify that: ---
through the years You've made these wonders survive!

I hope You've found a friend in me,
as I've found a friend in You --
One who knows my heart,
I can tell all my deepest secrets and
know that You will accept (me), I don't even have to try;
'especially when I just want You by my side.

You're with me --
You're not some far away God who doesn't really care
and I know -- that you Have the answers;
for as I walk You let me know --
I'm truly in Your presence,
That's why in You I place my confidence.

v2. (newly added from here on)
With Your hands You made me wonderfully,
how much it amazes me!
With Your Word You draw me to You
and sanctify my self from now till eternity.

I can't explain how Your Light leads me each day,
or how You've made the worlds vast and wide;
but what I can do is to revere You as the
heavens did bow to Your Christ.

(Back to Chorus)
I hope You've found a friend in me,
as I've found a friend in You --
One who knows my heart,
I can tell all my deepest secrets and
know that You will accept (me), I don't even have to try;
'especially when I just want You by my side.

You're with me --
You're not some far away God who doesn't really care
and I know -- that you Have the answers;
for as I walk You let me know --
I'm truly in Your presence,
That's why in You I place my confidence.

And so in You I place my confidence.
In You I have found a --- Friend.

25.4.12 add: w00t! I've finally got organised and recorded the friendship on guitar/vocal

Sunday 8 April 2012



約翰福音 1
Chinese Union Version (Traditional) (CUV)

1 太初有道, 道與神同在, 道就是神。
2 這 道 太 初 與 神 同 在 。
3 萬物是藉著他造的; 凡被造的, 沒有一樣不是藉著他造的。
4 生命在他裡頭, 這生命就是人的光。
5 光照在黑暗裡, 黑暗卻不接受光。

6 有一個人, 是從神那裡差來的, 名叫約翰。
7 這人來, 為要作見證, 就是為光作見證, 叫眾人因他可以信。
8 他不是那光, 乃是要為光作見證。
9 那光是真光, 照亮一切生在世上的人。

10 他在世界, 世界也是藉著他造的, 世界卻不認識他。
11 他到自己的地方來, 自己的人倒不接待他。
12 凡接待他的,​​ 就是信他名的人, 他就賜他們權柄, 作神的兒女。
13 這等人不是從血氣生的, 不是從情慾生的, 也不是從人意生的, 乃是從神生的。
14 道成了肉身, 住在我們中間, 充充滿滿的有恩典有真理。我們也見過他的榮光, 正是父獨生子的榮光。

15 約翰為他作見證, 喊著說: 「 這就是我曾說: 『 那在我以後來的, 反成了在我以前的, 因他本來在我以前。 』 」
16 從他豐滿的恩典裡, 我們都領受了, 而且恩上加恩。
17 律法本是藉著摩西傳的; 恩典和真理都是由耶穌基督來的。
18 從來沒有人看見神, 只有在父懷裡的獨生子將他表明出來。

19 約翰所作的見證記在下面: 猶太人從耶路撒冷差祭司和利未人到約翰那裡, 問他說: 「 你是誰? 」
20 他就明說, 並不隱瞞, 明說: 「 我不是基督。 」
21 他們又問他說: 「 這樣, 你是誰呢? 是以利亞嗎? 」 他說: 「 我不是。 」 「 是那先知嗎? 」 他回答說: 「 不是。 」
22 於是他們說: 「 你到底是誰, 叫我們好回覆差我們來的人。 你自己說, 你是誰? 」
23 他說: 「 我就是那在曠野有人聲喊著說: 『 修直主的道路』 , 正如先知以賽亞所說的。 」
24 那些人是法利賽人差來的( 或作: 那差來的是法利賽人) ;

25 他們就問他說: 「 你既不是基督, 不是以利亞, 也不是那先知, 為甚麼施洗呢? 」
26 約翰回答說: 「 我是用水施洗, 但有一位站在你們中間, 是你們不認識的,
27 就是那在我以後來的, 我給他解鞋帶也不配。
28 這是在約但河外伯大尼( 有古卷: 伯大巴喇) , 約翰施洗的地方作的見證。

29 次日, 約翰看見耶穌來到他那裡, 就說: 「 看哪, 神的羔羊, 除去( 或譯: 背負) 世人罪孽的!
30 這就是我曾說: 『 有一位在我以後來、 反成了在我以前的, 因他本來在我以前。
31 我先前不認識他, 如今我來用水施洗, 為要叫他顯明給以色列人。
32 約翰又作見證說: 「 我曾看見聖靈, 彷彿鴿子從天降下, 住在他的身上。

33 我先前不認識他, 只是那差我來用水施洗的、 對我說: 『 你看見聖靈降下來, 住在誰的身上, 誰就是用聖靈施洗的。
34 我看見了, 就證明這是神的兒子。
35 再次日, 約翰同兩個門徒站在那裡。

36 他見耶穌行走, 就說: 「 看哪, 這是神的羔羊! 」
37 兩個門徒聽見他的話, 就跟從了耶穌。
38 耶穌轉過身來, 看見他們跟著, 就問他們說: 「 你們要甚麼? 」 他們說: 「 拉比, 在哪裡住? 」 ( 拉比翻出來就是夫子。 )
39 耶穌說: 「 你們來看。 」 他們就去看他在那裡住, 這一天便與他同住; 那時約有申正了。
40 聽見約翰的話跟從耶穌的那兩個人, 一個是西門彼得的兄弟安得烈。
41 他先找著自己的哥哥西門, 對他說: 「 我們遇見彌賽亞了。 」 ( 彌賽亞繙出來就是基督。 )
42 於 是 領 他 去 見 耶 穌 。耶穌看著他, 說: 「 你是約翰的兒子西門( 約翰在馬太16 :17 稱約拿) , 你要稱為磯法。 」 ( 磯法翻出來就是彼得。 )

43 又次日, 耶穌想要往加利利去, 遇見腓力, 就對他說: 「 來跟從我吧。 」
44 這腓力是伯賽大人, 和安得烈、 彼得同城。
45 腓力找著拿但業, 對他說「 摩西在律法上所寫的和眾先知所記的那一位, 我們遇見了, 就是約瑟的兒子拿撒勒人耶穌。 」
46 拿但業對他說: 「 拿撒勒還能出甚麼好的嗎? 」 腓力說: 「 你來看! 」
47 耶穌看見拿但業來, 就指著他說: 「 看哪, 這是個真以色列人, 他心裡是沒有詭詐的。 」
48 拿但業對耶穌說: 「 你從哪知道我呢? 」 耶穌回答說: 「 腓力還沒有招呼你, 你在無花果樹底下, 我就看見你了。 」
49 拿但業說: 「 拉比, 你是神的兒子, 你是以色列的王! 」
50 耶穌對他說: 「 因為我說『 在無花果樹底下看見你』 , 你就信嗎? 你將要看見比這更大的事」 ;
51 又說: 「 我實實在在地告訴你們, 你們將要看見天開了, 神​​的使者上去下來在人子身上。 」


  • 剛剛才在12節說: 12 凡接待他的,​​ 就是信他名的人, 他就賜他們權柄, 作神的兒女。    就在

    35 再次日, 約翰同兩個門徒站在那裡。
    36 他見耶穌行走, 就說: 「 看哪, 這是神的羔羊! 」
    37 兩個門徒聽見他的話, 就跟從了耶穌。

    40 聽見約翰的話跟從耶穌的那兩個人, 一個是西門彼得的兄弟安得烈。
    41 他先找著自己的哥哥西門, 對他說: 「 我們遇見彌賽亞了。 」 ( 彌賽亞繙出來就是基督。 )


  • 昨天8/4/2012是複活節,杜牧師雖然最近被靈恩運動所牽去,但是上帝仍然保守潔淨祂自己的講台,定意使講台所傳的信息指向基督。所以當受難節時,有三位參加者信了主,其中有Vivian Wang的丈夫,復活節也有幾位。牧師在台上呼召,呼召,觀眾回應,我自己既然在詩班裡就與他們同坐,我旁邊的好幾位姐妹們都同我一樣,當牧師呼召時在台下為這些人默默或開聲禱告。歸回吧!歸回吧!回到你的創造者裡面。我一聽到這句話,就哭了。歸回吧!歸回吧!你們各人偏行己路還要到幾時呢?歸回吧!歸回到你的創造者裡面,與祂和好。

    詩篇90:3 3 你使人歸於塵土, 說: 你們世人要歸回。


    45 腓力找著拿但業, 對他說「 摩西在律法上所寫的和眾先知所記的那一位, 我們遇見了, 就是約瑟的兒子拿撒勒人耶穌。 」
    46 拿但業對他說: 「 拿撒勒還能出甚麼好的嗎? 」 腓力說: 「 你來看! 」
    48 拿但業對耶穌說: 「 你從哪知道我呢? 」 耶穌回答說: 「 腓力還沒有招呼你, 你在無花果樹底下, 我就看見你了。 」
    49 拿但業說: 「 拉比, 你是神的兒子, 你是以色列的王! 」
    50 耶穌對他說: 「 因為我說『 在無花果樹底下看見你』 , 你就信嗎? 你將要看見比這更大的事」 ;


    在這裡,腓力呼召了拿但業,又當拿但業回問時親自把他的視線指向基督,說:你自己去看吧!然後主就double testimony應證了腓力的傳道,親自在拿但業的身上成全救贖的工作,拿但業就信了主。

    就正思想的時候,就明白過來了: 原來上帝的呼召總是先於人的呼召、上帝的選召永遠在人的呼召之前。所以,非環境勢力、非自己的才能,乃是靠上帝的靈,方能成事。(撒迦利亞 4:6)



    Full 经节here: 他 對 我 說 : 這 是 耶 和 華 指 示 所 羅 巴 伯 的 。 萬 軍 之 耶 和 華 說 : 不 是 倚 靠 勢 力 , 不 是 倚 靠 才 能 , 乃 是 倚 靠 我 的 靈 方 能 成 事 。(撒迦利亞 4:6)

  • ps: 這篇分享結束之前,有一個有趣的問題:
    48 拿但業對耶穌說: 「 你從哪知道我呢? 」 耶穌回答說: 「 腓力還沒有招呼你, 你在無花果樹底下, 我就看見你了。

請問:拿但業在無花果樹下時到底在想且什麼?使到當耶穌一指著這件事時他就馬上信主了?到底是想什麼使到全知的主一說就impact 那麼大? ^_^

He knows where you are at, and what you are thinking and concerned about.