Tuesday 17 April 2012

Chat with Peter Koay Yi Wei 17.4.2012


Perspectives on Christian Movements - theological seminary textbook

 The Forgotten Ways - Alan Hirsh - about churches and returning it's form to the early church.

So basically had a chance to chat to PKYW after work today, I'd asked if he could disagree some time out as I had many questions about the church, the Uganda experience with people falling over. I wanted to figure out, as Christians, what is our attitude on these things, should we tolerate it? Is it from God?

We started talking about his engineering experience n how there was someone with a heart attack at his workplace today, then we talked about all the training as a first aid officer n how he had to evacuate from a helicopter under water pressure submerged. How he had to basically as a last resort training just walk from 2 storeys high air and then fall into pool, and it's not even diving, but rather feet first cuz u don't wanna hit your head. N that he once tried just walking into a pool to feel what or would be like to step into Jordon river. He said it was a really different feeling. Then we talked about how we gotta sometimes be willing to just take the risk n let everything loose n have uncertainty so that God can accomplish His work in His people.

What I learnt

You r much bigger than all these false looking phenomenon

P: Jesus to the Pharisees -- You preach all these theology n doctrines but why don't u come to Me n have eternal life? 
To come to God Jesus n have eternal life is to know Love who is much more bigger than theology, liturgy, doctrines n all things false and temporal 

 Your love for this group its much bigger than the false effects. Don't let all these effects distract u from the work that u gotta do. Infiltrate n influence.

Love prevails. Our objective of knowing all these Truth, the Word, teaching people about Christ, the ultimate motive should be to teach and inspire others to walk with God and love God and show them that God loves them.

Do you love me? Then feed my sheep. Do you love me? Then feed my little sheep. Do you love me? Then shepherd my sheep.
We need to know about the world as well -- 洪光

One question we have to constantly ask: Gotta multiply us in the church outside of the church setting. How to?

 There's lots of tears, and pain to train up someone like us, and in essence, God really has to be the one training, as for our bit, we gotta learn to let go and take risk and learn to jump down two storeys of height into the water feet first and see that people n groups do survive n grow. It's called tough love. 
Christ discipled by giving these instructions: don't bring anything, just go and beg, and I will give u what u need as you need it.

 We keep caring n leading n living n get very hurt n laying down our lives, n ask, we r doing this for everyone but who's caring for meeeee? 

If You don't feed me then what am I gonna feed your sheep?

Then we realize the full meaning of "Apart from You, who else do I have?"
  P to God: 我就只有这条烂命,祢要就給你吧。
me to God : is that story that mum told me in her young children evangelization: about a little girl who had no money for offering but put herself on the plate - I don't have money, I don't have anything else, but I got me, got this life, and it's Yours. That faith that Daniel and his 3 friends had- man, I want it too. Only got one breath in me that You blew, and man, that breath is powerful, it's sustained me for 25 years now...

 How did our churches get to the state that it its in? P talked about how one emperor made Christianity the official religion and by doing so, it killed the church. Only good thing that came out of it was that it enabled time for the Bible to be compiled while Christians didn't have to worry about persecution. So our church now is all about being led by a pastor, with lots of structure and bounded by tradition.

The church is not the building. Which church do u belong to? Ans: which church do youuu belong to? There's only one Church which is God's church, and that's the one I belong to.
-when Peter said that, I realized that his 神观和教会观很大。 他真的既看见又信神的教会是普世和超世代的。我也要更加的这样子信。

 It's only the small segment of the church building's sun attenders who will ultimately be saved. It's these ppl that we are called to shepherd. 

In our church, there is Too much talk, not enough life and living. Not enough doing. Too many this its the theory component and not enough "yes just go out and try! Give it a go!" P noted that All revival we see in church are not because we have a church building but rather because we live the life of Christ and most come in the form of a movement.

 Even if we did Bible studies the traditional verse by verse, passage by passage way instead of just through a topic, we can still get a lot out of it. The main thing is the life n how u 带 the session.
-EN notes: it is all about the essence after all. And the main purpose is to impart God so that people understand Him and love Him in their daily lives.

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