Sunday 15 April 2012

For His Purpose, Unto You, For This I Pray

Wrote Friendship verse 2 on Sat 14/4/12, and after I played it for Eunice to hear last night (Sun), I got inspired to play all the Godly songs I’ve ever written. And then I realised two things: 1) I actually wrote quite a few songs! 2) I actually forgot the tune and lyrics for a lot of the verses but only remember their choruses....

So in an attempt to not forget, I am going to post the lyrics for as many songs I wrote as I can remember, not just the Godly ones, but the normal life ones too... The numbers are my crappy attempt at remembering and jotting down the tune, a dot . means one octave lower, a ^ means one octave higher.

For His Purpose
This song I wrote in first year uni (2005), walking down road leading towards Hawken Engineering Library and I remembered that I was thinking about my life, and why I’m on earth and where I am, and who I am, and what am I doing ....
I think there was a verse to it but I forgot... so...

1 2 3- 5 5--
And I’m made for You,
3 2 2 5 5
created by You,
2 1 3 3 1 7.
to solely do Your will,
1 7. 6. 7. 1. 5. 1 3 32 2--
and all things were made for His purpose

1 2 1 3- 5 5 --
Yes I am made for You,
3 2 2 5 5
created by You,
2 1 3 3 1 7.
to solely do Your will,
1 7. 6. 7. 1 5. 1 3 32 2 – 1--
cuz I’m simply made for Your purpose, Lord.

Unto You
Not sure which year I wrote this song but I wrote this when we were living at Tennessee Place which was probably GNLC years or just preceeding it... I didn’t like the verse’s lyrics as much, so maybe given time, creativity and inspiration I’ll go fix that up into a better song. Lots of triplets in this lively song...

--3-3-44 3222 -- 13--
I’ll bring You a pleasant surprise today –
3-5-1^ 6-6-5-4-3--
I’ll sing a new song unto You
for You’re the Lord of Thanksgiving
and in my song, I’ll sing of how
I’ll cast out all my burdens unto You,
--432---1-2-3----43-2--- ----
only peace, in me flowing.

There’s one thing I wanna say and that’s
Through the years I’ve seen You magnify
4-4-4-3-2-1-5.-2--- ----
Yourself to me my Saviour, and,
that's why I say –

“Through the years I’ll walk with You, my friend,
with a faith that can be verified,
-4 444 3-2-1-3-2--- ---- ----
and that is the reason why I say:
111 --- 5. 11 111---
unto You – that’s my gift unto You.”

For This I Pray
This is actually a song that Eda and I wrote together. I wrote v1, chorus, Eda wrote bridge, we wrote v2 together.
Song progression: v1, chorus, v2, chorus, bridge, chorus.

1 1 7. 1, 7. 1 11 7.5.
I stand alone, dear Lord stay by my side
1 17. 1 3 2
In all my daily needs,
1 1 7. 1
please by my guide

V2. (Change back down 1 tone to original key)
I stand amazed, dear Lord, You’re by my side
In all my daily needs,
I’ve seen You provide

(Chorus) – note change of key, transition up one tone.
1 5 3 3432 17.1
O grant me Your grace,
1 5 3 3 2
For this I pray –
1 5 3 3432 17.1
to carry on with my work
1 1 7.1
from day to day

(Bridge – written by Eda)
1 1 7. 1232 17.1
Create in me a purer heart,
1 7. 1232 ---
O Lord, cleanse me within
1 1 7. 1232 17.1
I know there’s sin in my inner parts,
5. 5 3 3432
O Lord, have mercy on me

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