Friday 1 June 2012

Christ's love -基督的爱是何等地长阔高深

Nobody ever told me that Jesus is still a human now. Even with the resurrected body, He is now not the same as He was -- He didn't have a body before He incarnated. And now that He did, He can't go back to what He was before. And He choose to do that.

I'm not ashamed of Jesus because He was unashamed to bear the cross for me.
(Check out Lecrae's song Unashamed:

He was unashamed as he was walking down that road belittled, carrying the cross in place of me; as He was crucified stark naked n went through hell for me. He could have said: "why the hell am I bearing hell for these people for?" 

"I don't have the neeed to be doing this. At all." But He chose to go through with it all, my noble prince He did, and was unashamed. Even when He will be stuck with the human body irreversibly forever. And by adoption, He calls each of us His brother or sister, and said that He is unashamed to do so.

when You love me like this, it makes me want to repent of my sins n come to You.

Paul said in Romans 1:16-17 n must have thought the same while standing on that main road of Rome in chains, "I am not ashamed of the gospel; because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. For in it, the righteousness of God is revealed -- from faith to faith, just as it is written: “The justified will live by faith."
"我不以福音为耻。这福音本是上帝的大能要救一切相信的先是猶太人,後是希利尼人。因為上帝的義正在這福音上顯明出來這義是本於信,以致於。如經上所記:被稱義的義人必因信得生。” (羅馬書1:16-17)

Oh how Christ Himself would have said so too -- "I am not ashamed of the gospel."

祂清楚知道: 父神的旨意就是要將基督的義穿在我們身上,。。。
。。。。好讓我們懂得為自己的一切好行為悔改,是我們發現不論我們做多少善事,雖然幫助了周圍的人很多,但是對於幫助我們進天國是一點幫助也沒有的,所以我們應當脫去我們的自義,看為糞土,穿上基督的義, 因為我們不需要為自己出產任何一點點的義。我們既有了基督的義,就當與罪惡和惡事無份。

11 因 那 使 人 成 聖 的 和 那 些 得 以 成 聖 的 , 都 是 出 於 一 。 所 以 , 他 稱 他 們 為 弟 兄 也 不 以 為 恥 ,
12 說 : 我 要 將 你 的 名 傳 與 我 的 弟 兄 , 在 會 中 我 要 頌 揚 你 ;
13 又 說 : 我 要 倚 賴 他 ; 又 說 : 看 哪 , 我 與 神 所 給 我 的 兒 女 。
14 兒 女 既 同 有 血 肉 之 體 , 他 也 照 樣 親 自 成 了 血 肉 之 體 , 特 要 藉 著 死 敗 壞 那 掌 死 權 的 , 就 是 魔 鬼 ,
15 並 要 釋 放 那 些 一 生 因 怕 死 而 為 奴 僕 的 人 。
16 他 並 不 救 拔 天 使 , 乃 是 救 拔 亞 伯 拉 罕 的 後 裔 。
17 所 以 , 他 凡 事 該 與 他 的 弟 兄 相 同 , 為 要 在 神 的 事 上 成 為 慈 悲 忠 信 的 大 祭 司 , 為 百 姓 的 罪 獻 上 挽 回 祭 。

and now, as the procession comes in and He sits at the right hand of God and from the entrance the soldiers n the salvaged captives now unbounded walk in (both Christ followers), n the enemy prisoners keep rolling in in chains, n the spoils/booty of the enemies roll in, He reigns, and even now, this is still happening, taking its time.

Senkeept from Samsung Mobile

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