Friday 22 June 2012

Fairness, Truth and Skepticism together

As Christians who want to stay true to God Himself in these end times where false prophets are everywhere and lots of anti-christ theories and debates and "ism"s (atheism, evolution, religiousity) have and are emerging, we are called to be careful, and not just take in everything the person on the lectern proclaims, but to bring your Bible with you and always compare and contrast anything new or traditional against what is really put forth in all the wholistic principles, teachings, motives and objectives of the Bible and of God Himself.

This act of being careful calls for a little bit of skepticism. As one of the higher educated intellectuals of the world that I would categorise myself as, I am someone who doesn't mind cracking a good nerdy joke about instead of meeting locked in a tower combing my hair in front off the mirror endlessly while waiting for prince charming (the more you comb, the more hair falls off.... very bad for health), I'd rather be out there fighting the dragons using actuarial models such as the Incured Chain Ladder or the PCE (Projected Case Estimates) models; modeling the development factors for dragon fire lengths, frequency and size..... also, one tip with the dragon flames, is that you can always Bornheutter Ferguson (BF) them to get the number you want! It all depends on your BF starting point. Actuaries are fearsome indeed. It's the quiet ones you gotta look out for = P.

So, as you can see, giving the benefit of doubt and a little skepticism can't hurt now, can it? At least with us intellectuals we try to avoid being seen as naive or simple beings anyway (the dragons might outsmart us...). 

 But what I found, when I applied the same principle of skepticism first then talk later to Godly things, is that I get caught up in the tangled web of bitterness and disbelieving of everything that comes my way, and I get very very twisted. Over time, I've come to realize that that state of mind is very bad for health indeed, very bad indeed. It robs me of all the blessings, all the joy and all the peace that comes with being the child of God, and it even robs me of the freedom, the free heart that I have gained in Christ through His salvation! that its because, I realised, that I now reject everything, even those that/who are right. Oh, what horribly unhappy days those were (pardon the language, I'm still in medieval dragon slaying mode....).

Myself aside, some others I know, because of their giving of the benefit of skepticism and not accepting anything while accepting everything at the same time, have fallen into the dangerous trap of imbalancing God's Truth, undermining God's commands, and compromising God's Will. That, my dear friends, is a very dangerous situation and state to be in indeed.

But we can't be naive!
And, in fact, the Christian will find that he/she is not called to be naive. We are called to be shrewd as serpents yet inexperienced in evil like doves (Matt 10:16).

Don't be overcomed by skepticism. Overcome skepticism with good.

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