Friday 22 June 2012


Talk/ preach about hell in. story.

The head cannot cope today... Of knowing God cannot tolerate sin n knowing I'm sinful.... Need mercy. need 
 God to be the God of my mind. Need repentance. Need to throw away sin n sinful pleasure though enjoyable n choose God for fear of being cut off, n u know He can do exactly that at any point in time, e.g. right now. Don't wait till tomorrow, cuz God might not even let u live that long. Reminds me of when I first accepted Christ-- was cuz I feared being chucked into hell. Remember how you believed. Not some rosy fluffy idea about Jesus with a cute halo on His head n children n little lamb surrounding.

God is really angry with me. His wrath its simmering, n with every time I deliberately sin n not let go, I'm testing His patience to see how far I can go until He gives up on me. And when He lets go... hell is where I go cuz it's where God isn't, n I chose to be where God isn't. N there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth-- because of frustration, at weeping cuz regret all the chances given to us that we didn't take our cherish n even sneered at, and gnashing of teeth because we're angry at ourselves and at God for the chances we should have got, n for everything. Don't muck around with God's feelings and don't much around with Him, girl, it's so real it's not funny at all...

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