Wednesday 27 June 2012

God's messengers and persecution

How long more are we going to persecute each other without eternal reason?

A friend of mine got severely persecuted for singing 3 new songs out of the four one week at youth group, whilst being a youth leader in training. Guess who by? It was none other than three youth pastor himself. This particular pastor has hurt pretty much every one of the youth leaders who have tried to work with him, and every one is trying to put up with him and his dictatorship leading, and always wanting his way, openly rebuking people in front of others for things that don't matter the least bit in eternity and definitely are not even sin (e.g if someone does a sharing that is way too long, the sharer gets scolded, humiliated and condemned like there's no tomorrow, in front of me who just happened to walk by and was actually just trying to look for someone.....).

So anyway this friend of mine got so scarred from the condemnation about the new songs that even now she is locking herself in the house in fear, and told me that she doesn't even want to sing praises/hymns to God now because our was what she got rebuked for.

My sis told me, "sometimes I really don't know how to pray for these people."

I replied... "thunder bolts? Or how about this, Lord, you tie him up, I get the bamboo finger torture device." Sis laughed. "oh no, you're going to start with the brick and barrel analogy again." she said.
"yeah, our how about this, Lord, you brick, I barrel."......."no? Ok ok, how about I brick, and you barrel?"...... "no? how about you brick and barrel, and I'll kick the barrel down the hill......"

Then I remembered in the Bible (almost typed 'barrel' instead...phew), how Jesus said, if you cause Any one of this little ones to fall, it is better for the person to be tied to a huge boulder (rock) and thrown into the sea. ...... That's Jesus for you. See, the brick and barrel analogy wasn't actually too far off, actually......... It might be funny if I say it, cuz it's meant as a joke, but not so funny when the Almighty God says it -- He don't do this sort of crude jokes.....

As it says in the Bible: it is impossible for a prophet to lose his life outside of Jerusalem. I'm not sure if Jesus meant this quote for actual prophets, but if we now talk about those God disciples instead, we indeed have seen many who have died outside of literal Jerusalem, says Eunice. And I replied... "yes, it's possible to die outside Jerusalem, but only if they make it OUT of Jerusalem first. Most don't even make it out of Jerusalem..." Food for thought, isn't it?

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