Friday 22 June 2012

How to survive persecution

The Lord's taught me how to survive persecution today as I was listening to Pawson's Revelation, part 4--different schools of interpretations of Revelation.

"Wear each persecution as if you are bound with them. Bound with those being persecuted, n as if you are suffering the persecution too. That way, when u get to the real persecution, it will be nothing new to you."
So God reminded me about The Costly Call book 1 and book 2 we recently bought from VOM (Voice Of The Martyrs), and I said, "I'maa go read that." And the Lord said, "you go do that." So I'll go 'head n start reading that tomorrow. Why I was inspired was cuz Eunice passed me the VOM newsletter which had a vietnam feature report on people that our donations got used for. There was a photo of the CEO VOM Australia hugging a Viet pastor who's just come out of persecution, released from prison. The Viet pastor had an almost in tears or maybe in tears expression that was such a radio cry from his heart like he's been through a lot n a lot..... his son had broken leg but too poor to seek medical help but the mum said he never complained.

But don't get worried to such an extent that you are too impaired/paralysed to do anything at all. Just be prepared.

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