Friday 22 June 2012

When the whole world shakes --- *That* Great Earthquake....

When the whole world shakes, His Kingdom come. As the whole world right down to its foundations shake in that great worldwide global earthquake prophesised by God in Revelation which is to come true, He tells us that His unshakeable Kingdom is come: at that time.

So when the whole of your little world shakes, know that we belong to His unshakeable kingdom, which on a smaller, local scale, is come within you, and keep yourself. have faith in God.

Lately, I'm so sad... So many things happening that makes me feel as if a large part of my whole world has turned on me in terms of the possibility of finding a future partner n being socially in place (not out of place), that I feel like a complete social failure. 
Psalm 31 & 30 helped me a lot today, saying that my future biggest events in my life are in God's hands. 

When your whole world collapses on you, know that God is training you up to be able to take n withstand the great tribulation.

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