Wednesday 23 January 2013

Breakthrough in storing 700 terabytes of data in 1 gram of DNA

Oh dear.. it’s starting.. things like this probably lead to the Revelation 666 imprinted on one’s body as a number

  • 5:39PM Thursday Jan 24, 2013

Breakthrough in storing 700 terabytes of data in 1 gram of DNA

January 24, 2013 - 9:42AM
  • 54 reading now

Richard Ingham

Data could be stored in DNA for years. Photo: Phil Carrick
Scientists in Britain on Wednesday announced a breakthrough in the quest to turn DNA into a revolutionary form of data storage.
A speck of man-made DNA can hold mountains of data that can be freeze-dried, shipped and stored, potentially for thousands of years, they said.
The contents are "read" by sequencing the DNA — as is routinely done today, in genetic fingerprinting and so on — and turning it back into computer code.
"We already know that DNA is a robust way to store information because we can extract it from bones of woolly mammoths, which date back tens of thousands of years, and make sense of it," said Nick Goldman of the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) in Cambridge.
"It's also incredibly small, dense and does not need any power for storage, so shipping and keeping it is easy."
DNA is the famous double helix of compounds - a long, coiled molecular "ladder" comprising four chemical rungs, adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine, which team up in pairs. C teams up with G, and T teams up with A.
The letter sequence comprises the genome, or the chemical blueprint for making and sustaining life. Human DNA has more than three billion letters, coiled into packages of 24 chromosomes.
The project entails taking data in the form of zeros and 1s in computing's binary code, and transcribing it into "Base-3" code, which uses zeros, 1s and 2s.
The data is transcribed for a second time into DNA code, which is based on the A, C, G and T. A block of five letters is used for a single binary digit.
The letters are then turned into molecules, using lab-dish chemicals.
The work does not entail using any living DNA, nor does it seek to create any life form and in fact the man-made code would be quite useless in anything biological, the researchers said.
"We have absolutely no intention of messing with life," said Goldman.
Only short strings of DNA can be made, which means the message has to be chopped up into small sections of 117 letters, each attached to a tiny address tag, rather like packet-switching in internet data, which enables data to be reassembled.
To prove their concept, the team encoded an MP3 recording of Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" speech; a digital photo of their lab; a PDF of the landmark study in 1953 that described the structure of DNA; a file of all of Shakespeare's sonnets; and a document that describes the data storage technique.
"We downloaded the files from the web and used them to synthesise hundreds of thousands of pieces of DNA. The result looks like a tiny piece of dust," said Emily Leproust of Agilent, a US biotech company that took the digital data and used it to synthesise molecules of DNA in the lab.
Agilent then mailed the sample back across the Atlantic to the EBI, where the researchers soaked the DNA in water to reconstitute it and used standard sequencing machines to unravel the code. They recovered and read the files with 100 per cent accuracy.
The work follows a big step last year when scientists at Harvard announced they had stored 700 terabytes of data — enough for around 70,000 movies — in a gram of DNA.
The new method eliminates the risk of error when the DNA is read, say the researchers, whose work appears in the journal Nature.
"We figured, let's break up the code into lots of overlapping fragments going in both directions, with indexing information showing where each fragment belongs in the overall code, and make a coding scheme that doesn't allow repeats," said co-author Ewan Birney.
"That way, you would have to have the same error on four different fragments for it to fail, and that would be very rare."
Data is accumulating massively around the world, and storing it is a headache. Magnetic and optical discs are voluminous, need to be kept in cool, dry conditions and are prone to decay.
"The only limit [for DNA storage] is the cost," said Birney.
Sequencing and reading the DNA takes a couple of weeks with present technology, so it is not suitable for jobs needing instant data retrieval.
Instead, it would be appropriate for data that would be stored for between 500 and 5000 years, such as a doomsday encyclopaedia of knowledge and culture.
But on current trends, sequencing costs could fall by a factor of 20 within a decade, making DNA storage economically feasible for timeframes of less than 50 years, the authors claim.

I'm desperate for salvation (salvage-tion) -- Does His blood still cover me today?

I'm desperate for salvation (salvage-tion). There is nothing I can do to guarantee me an entry, so I find myself clinging to Your feet at the cross desperately asking for Your help. Somehow You can present me blameless, somehow the Righteousness from Your death and Resurrection can give me certainty in escaping hell fire. 主啊,袮能夠救我— 救我!救我!救我!I repent! Whatever it is! And in exchange for presenting me faultless, You have my life, which I never had -- it came from You anyway. Just tell me what to do, and I'll listen to all of it. Just save me. I beg You. As You are in Paradise, remember me.

Brian 回我: 上帝會的 

上帝會。。。嗎?因為有很多自以為肯定記載在生命冊的人最後都竟然發現自己在地獄!進天國的人少,因為那門是窄的,找到的人也少。救恩雖然是免費的,但是只有門徒才能進天國,而作門徒的代價是一個人的全部的整個生命,包括在道德上、思緒上完全離開罪惡,心思心意更新而180度方向改變。我們當自我這麼地省察,問自己:昨天我有確信自己若死了得救,但是今天呢?基督是否今天還是為我死了?祂的血是否今天還是遮蓋我?Does His blood still cover me today?
並且不止問這個,還問:我今天也在十字架面前與祂同死了,嗎?Every day, going to the cross, saying "He died -- not just for the whole world but personally for me." And not just that, go to the cross every day and say, "And I died with Him."

因為只有那些能確實說:"如今活著的不再是我,乃是基督在我裡面活著" 的才會得救。只有神自己在那人裡面住下來的才有那得救的確據、得救的印記。 而上帝的居所清的潔條件是:完全聖潔。祂的血是否今天還是遮蓋我?
Only those who can actually literally say that "It is no longer I that lives, but Christ who lives in me" who will be saved. You've got to really have God inside You living to be saved. And to have God living inside you, He demands nothing less than a completely Holy life, for His cleanliness standard is -- completely specklessly sinless. Does His blood still cover me today?

I'm desperate for salvation (salvage-tion)

上帝會。。。嗎?因為有很多自以為肯定記載在生命冊的人最後都竟然發現自己在地獄!進天國的人少,因為那門是窄的,找到的人也少。救恩雖然是免費的,但是只有門徒才能進天國,而作門徒的代價是一個人的全部的整個生命,包括在道德上、思緒上完全離開罪惡,心思心意更新而180度方向改變。我們當自我這麼地省察,問自己:昨天我有確信自己若死了得救,但是今天呢?基督是否今天還是為我死了?祂的血是否今天還是遮蓋我?Does His blood still cover me today?
並且不止問這個,還問:我今天也在十字架面前與祂同死了,嗎?Every day, going to the cross, saying "He died -- not just for the whole world but personally for me." And not just that, go to the cross every day and say, "And I died with Him."

因為只有那些能確實說:"如今活著的不再是我,乃是基督在我裡面活著" 的才會得救。只有神自己在那人裡面住下來的才有那得救的確據、得救的印記。 而上帝的居所清的潔條件是:完全聖潔。祂的血是否今天還是遮蓋我?
Only those who can actually literally say that "It is no longer I that lives, but Christ who lives in me" who will be saved. You've got to really have God inside You living to be saved. And to have God living inside you, He demands nothing less than a completely Holy life, for His cleanliness standard is -- completely specklessly sinless. Does His blood still cover me today?

Monday 21 January 2013

God's Heart -- Variety in the Church

The church God wants is a church with variety. Yes, it will take more co-ordination to put together an orchestra and many more practices to get it right, but the sound is much fuller than compared to just an organ in a big hall on its own. In the same way let our church buildings be filled with people of most infinite variety, each one to their own strengths, each one to their own core, and united and harmonised by the accommodating-and-teamwork-love which comes from the Spirit as glue. Not just when we get the resurrected body, but now while we are still in this one.

是的,神要的教会是一个总类繁多的教会。嗯,知道说,就像比起一个钢琴独奏来说,一个和乐团需要付出更多的代价来练习、彩排、更多次数来把拍子、节奏、音量大小、声音高低都融汇在一起,但是那个和乐团所带出来的声音是那么的更加丰满。同样的,让我们的教会建筑物里也充满了种类繁多的人,个性繁多、生活经历繁多、属灵见识繁多、恩赐繁多; 旦以从圣灵发的那又包容又团体的爱为强力胶,把繁多的种类蜘蛛网般地连接起来,不用等永恒,现在 在世时就成为一个名副其实的基督的生体。

Thursday 17 January 2013

Worldly ministry vs Holy Ministry -- 屬靈的事工 對比 屬世界的事工

常常有人會把一些什麼所謂 "屬靈" 的事跟"屬世界" 的事或工作分開來, 例如當牧師或全職傳道人就是"屬靈"的, 做社會工作的就是"屬世界"的。我不知道是從哪個愛迷惑人的惡者藉著哪一位讓魔鬼留地步的人得了逞,把這個病毒觀念散潑到了許多許多教會甚至會友的頭腦中。
弟兄姐妹,這個觀念是錯到極點的,若有人細查神的道,不就會明白了嗎?你看,就算是以色列的支派裡,也不都是利未人!更好的說,利未人對非利未人的比例是1:11. 每有一位利未人,就必須有至少11個非利未人。更準確地說,每有一家族的利未人就有十一個家族的非利未人。

但祂更愛的就是那一切這種的人: 該事奉、讀經、禱告、傳福音的時候就服事祂,並且在每一天的生活中的那一些所謂的"屬世界" 的工作中為了祂而發奮圖強,甘願親手勞碌做工來糊口,但在工作的時候清楚了解--- 這世界非我家,金錢雖好但它不是我的主人,神才是,我要逼金錢非得當我的僕人為我效勞才是好。而我這拼,是為了訓練自己有在小事上的忠心,以致以後我的主人CEO回來了,必稱讚:"你這又忠心又良善的僕人啊!你在不多的事上忠心,看哪!我必賜你更多的事來管理。"


--- 當一個人給另一個什麼起名的時候,那個意思就是--- 起名的在那位被起名的的身上有掌控權,那位被起名的伏制於那位給他起名的權下 (the one who names has authority and is lord over the one who is being named) -- 所以上帝名亞當,要亞當名萬物,要亞當名夏娃。 當管理者是一份actively doing something 親手下功夫的工作。
然後被趕出伊甸園後,上帝要他去耕種神原本用那邊那一片泥土的一些組合了把亞當捏成形的同樣一片泥土田地。說:"你就是要這樣地辛辛苦苦、汗流滿面地為了生存、為了幾塊錢養活自己親手而幹活。"。。。。"祂讓你飢餓、又把你祖宗所不認識的嗎那賜給你,使你知道--- 人活著不是單靠食物,乃是靠上帝口中所出的一切話語。"

因為亞當起先就是不信神說:"你吃了這個必定會死!" 所以上帝要他知道:"你以為你吃了這個就能成為我,成為上帝嗎?就能擺佈自己的生命?我告訴你-- 在我一句要你遵守的話下,你尚且能夠存活着,也在我一句話之下你從此永遠被卒禁在伊甸園之外。好叫你知道--人活著不是單靠食物,乃是靠上帝的話語。"


不要被迷惑,以為平常的工作不是聖工,因為,就是你這個 '不屬靈' 的工作,神用來在肉身上養活傳道人,你看見嗎?真的看見了?看見了,看懂嗎?


只要不犯罪,都是神所分別為聖的。每一位基督徒在工作崗位管理者那塊牛肉、那些水果、 那個電腦系統、那些客戶、 那些數據、 那個家。。。你有沒有發現你正在統治呢?因為你確實是在統領。真正地在那裡做 聖潔主所差派的工作--- 這就叫"聖工",是屬靈的,不是屬世界的,因為重點不在你做什麼職位,而是你是在為誰做。 是的,我這些常用頭腦思考的朋友們 --- 你想得對:這麼說來有一些所謂在"屬靈工作崗位"的牧師們也有可能不在為神做。如此的給魔鬼留地步,這是很可怕的。

聖潔主所差派的工作才叫 "聖工",所以在此也要對每一位信徒有個提醒--- 上帝呼召人去做非全職傳道人工作的人的那個比例永遠比呼召人去當全職傳道人更多、更多,為的是要每一位人都"去!" 到社會的不同層次裡面 "使萬民作我的門徒!"
所以我們中間若有要讀神學院的,你當問自己:"神有沒有呼召我?神真的有沒有呼召我?真的真的有沒有呼召我?" 因為很多人之所以去當傳道人是因為在世界混不下、失敗了、用神學當一個逃避。這些人,上帝並沒有呼召,那一天會對那個人說:"我從來都不認識你。你這做惡的,離開我去罷!" 這些人的結局就是地獄,因為神的名是不可冒犯的。讓我們所有的行為與蒙召的相稱吧!照著上帝真實呼召你的對的崗位上來發奮圖強,以致問心無愧地見主的面。加油加油!

Worldly ministry vs Holy Ministry -- 屬靈的事工 對比 屬世界的事工

常常有人會把一些什麼所謂 "屬靈" 的事跟"屬世界" 的事或工作分開來, 例如當牧師或全職傳道人就是"屬靈"的, 做社會工作的就是"屬世界"的。我不知道是從哪個愛迷惑人的惡者藉著哪一位讓魔鬼留地步的人得了逞,把這個病毒觀念散潑到了許多許多教會甚至會友的頭腦中。
弟兄姐妹,這個觀念是錯到極點的,若有人細查神的道,不就會明白了嗎?你看,就算是以色列的支派裡,也不都是利未人!更好的說,利未人對非利未人的比例是1:11. 每有一位利未人,就必須有至少11個非利未人。更準確地說,每有一家族的利未人就有十一個家族的非利未人。

但祂更愛的就是那一切這種的人: 該事奉、讀經、禱告、傳福音的時候就服事祂,並且在每一天的生活中的那一些所謂的"屬世界" 的工作中為了祂而發奮圖強,甘願親手勞碌做工來糊口,但在工作的時候清楚了解--- 這世界非我家,金錢雖好但它不是我的主人,神才是,我要逼金錢非得當我的僕人為我效勞才是好。而我這拼,是為了訓練自己有在小事上的忠心,以致以後我的主人CEO回來了,必稱讚:"你這又忠心又良善的僕人啊!你在不多的事上忠心,看哪!我必賜你更多的事來管理。"


--- 當一個人給另一個什麼起名的時候,那個意思就是--- 起名的在那位被起名的的身上有掌控權,那位被起名的伏制於那位給他起名的權下 (the one who names has authority and is lord over the one who is being named) -- 所以上帝名亞當,要亞當名萬物,要亞當名夏娃。 當管理者是一份actively doing something 親手下功夫的工作。
然後被趕出伊甸園後,上帝要他去耕種神原本用那邊那一片泥土的一些組合了把亞當捏成形的同樣一片泥土田地。說:"你就是要這樣地辛辛苦苦、汗流滿面地為了生存、為了幾塊錢養活自己親手而幹活。"。。。。"祂讓你飢餓、又把你祖宗所不認識的嗎那賜給你,使你知道--- 人活著不是單靠食物,乃是靠上帝口中所出的一切話語。"

因為亞當起先就是不信神說:"你吃了這個必定會死!" 所以上帝要他知道:"你以為你吃了這個就能成為我,成為上帝嗎?就能擺佈自己的生命?我告訴你-- 在我一句要你遵守的話下,你尚且能夠存活着,也在我一句話之下你從此永遠被卒禁在伊甸園之外。好叫你知道--人活著不是單靠食物,乃是靠上帝的話語。"


不要被迷惑,以為平常的工作不是聖工,因為,就是你這個 '不屬靈' 的工作,神用來在肉身上養活傳道人,你看見嗎?真的看見了?看見了,看懂嗎?然而上帝說:"我所潔淨的,你們不可稱它為不潔。" 只要不犯罪,都是神所分別為聖的。每一位基督徒在工作崗位管理者那塊牛肉、那個電腦系統、那些客戶。。。你有沒有發現你正在統治呢?因為你確實是在統領。真正地在那裡做 聖潔主所差派的工作--- 這就叫'聖工'。

聖潔主所差派的工作才叫 "聖工",所以在此也要對每一位信徒有個提醒--- 上帝呼召人去做非全職傳道人工作的人的那個比例永遠比呼召人去當全職傳道人更多、更多,為的是要每一位人都"去!" 到社會的不同層次裡面 "使萬民作我的門徒!"
所以我們中間若有要讀神學院的,你當問自己:"神有沒有呼召我?神真的有沒有呼召我?真的真的有沒有呼召我?" 因為很多人之所以去當傳道人是因為在世界混不下、失敗了、用神學當一個逃避。這些人,上帝並沒有呼召,那一天會對那個人說:"我從來都不認識你。你這做惡的,離開我去罷!" 這些人的結局就是地獄,因為神的名是不可冒犯的。讓我們所有的行為與蒙召的相稱吧!照著上帝真實呼召你的對的崗位上來發奮圖強,以致問心無愧地見主的面。加油加油!

Worldly ministry vs Holy Ministry -- 屬靈的事工 對比 屬世界的事工

常常有人會把一些什麼所謂 "屬靈" 的事跟"屬世界" 的事或工作分開來, 例如當牧師或全職傳道人就是"屬靈"的, 做社會工作的就是"屬世界"的。我不知道是從哪個愛迷惑人的惡者藉著哪一位讓魔鬼留地步的人得了逞,把這個病毒觀念散潑到了許多許多教會甚至會友的頭腦中。
弟兄姐妹,這個觀念是錯到極點的,若有人細查神的道,不就會明白了嗎?你看,就算是以色列的支派裡,也不都是利未人!更好的說,利未人對非利未人的比例是1:11. 每有一位利未人,就必須有至少11個非利未人。更準確地說,每有一家族的利未人就有十一個家族的非利未人。

但祂更愛的就是那一切該事奉、讀經、禱告、傳福音的時候就服事祂,並且在每一天的生活中的那一些所謂的"屬世界" 的工作中為了祂而發奮圖強,甘願親手勞碌做工來糊口,但在工作的時候清楚了解--- 這世界非我家,金錢雖好但它不是我的主人,神才是,我要逼金錢非得當我的僕人為我效勞才是好。而我這拼,是為了訓練自己有在小事上的忠心,以致以後我的主人CEO回來了,必稱讚:"你這又忠心又良善的僕人啊!你在不多的事上忠心,看哪!我必賜你更多的事來管理。"

要記住:當上帝把亞當放在伊甸園裡面的時候,第一樣給他的工作不是日日夜夜呼求跪拜祂,乃是叫他持有管理所有被造的動物等、給它們起名--- 當一個人給另一個什麼起名的時候,那個意思就是--- 起名的在那位被起名的的身上有掌控權,那位被起名的伏制於那位給他起名的權下 (the one who names has authority and is lord over the one who is being named) -- 所以上帝名亞當,要亞當名萬物,要亞當名夏娃。 當管理者是一份actively doing something 親手下功夫的工作。
然後被趕出伊甸園後,上帝要他去耕種神原本用那邊那一片泥土的一些組合了把亞當捏成形的同樣一片泥土田地。說:"你就是要這樣地辛辛苦苦、汗流滿面地為了生存、為了幾塊錢養活自己親手而幹活。"。。。。"祂讓你飢餓、又把你祖宗所不認識的嗎那賜給你,使你知道--- 人活著不是單靠食物,乃是靠上帝口中所出的一切話語。"

因為亞當起先就是不信神說:"你吃了這個必定會死!" 所以上帝要他知道:"你以為你吃了這個就能成為我,成為上帝嗎?就能擺佈自己的生命?我告訴你-- 在我一句話要你遵守的話下,你尚且能夠存活着,也在我一句話之下你從此永遠被卒禁在伊甸園之外。好叫你知道--人活著不是單靠食物,乃是靠上帝的話語。"


不要被迷惑,以為平常的工作不是聖工,因為,就是你這個 '不屬靈' 的工作,神用來在肉身上養活傳道人,你看見嗎?真的看見了?看見了,看懂嗎?然而上帝說:"我所潔淨的,你們不可稱它為不潔。" 只要不犯罪,都是神所分別為聖的。每一位基督徒在工作崗位管理者那塊牛肉、那個電腦系統、那些客戶。。。你有沒有發現你正在統治呢?因為你確實是在統領。真正地在那裡做  聖潔主所差派的工作--- 這就叫'聖工'。

聖潔主所差派的工作才叫 "聖工",所以在此也要對每一位信徒有個提醒--- 上帝呼召人去做非全職傳道人工作的人的那個比例永遠比呼召人去當全職傳道人更多、更多,為的是要每一位人都"去!" 到社會的不同層次裡面 "使萬民作我的門徒!"
所以我們中間若有要讀神學院的,你當問自己:"神有沒有呼召我?神真的有沒有呼召我?真的真的有沒有呼召我?" 因為很多人之所以去當傳道人是因為在世界混不下、失敗了、用神學當一個逃避。這些人,上帝並沒有呼召,那一天會對那個人說:"我從來都不認識你。你這做惡的,離開我去罷!" 這些人的結局就是地獄,因為神的名是不可冒犯的。讓我們所有的行為與蒙召的相稱吧!照著上帝真實呼召你的對的崗位上來發奮圖強,以致問心無愧地見主的面。加油加油!

Saturday 12 January 2013

Brian's Baptism on 6JAN2013

Brian got baptised on 6JAN13 along with Ah Qiang and 3 other YAG people

God came.


Told Brian about it and ask Brian to tell Ah Qiang, and then since TG was there he also heard about it.
So he asked me about it just then when we went to his house to talk to Lucas about the wedding catering plans for J&W's wedding 27JAN13....


u interested in what happened during baptism?

actually there's more that happened that sunday

i just didnt say to Brian because it didn't concern him. It concerned the pastor...

TG: Sure!

XN: now?


TG: Yes

or find some time face to face?

TG: 8:07pm
Thank you

XN:  yea, sorry was aware was cutting you short just before
since was trying to figure things out with Lucas.....
super soz

TG: Not at all

yea... so
for a few weeks now
i usually... when i sit at church
i leave a seat for God right beside me

TG: Wow , special favor

XN:  the seat will be empty, and i invite Him to attend it with me if He feels like it

because u know the verse "Here I am, I stand at the door and knock, whoever hears my voice, opens the door, I will come in, and eat with him, and him with me"

(hopefully quoted correctly)

well, that Bible verse in the Biblical context was such that -- actually some people in the olden churches/synnagogues were so caught up with supposed church things, church 'worship', that they completely forgot God, and just left Him out of the whole picture

so he said, if even one of you invites me into the church, I will come in, and be with you, and you with me.

so i .. make it a habbit to

anyways, so

He did, that time

a few times Christ came and sat beside me, to my right.

TG: What an anointing


i actually am very fearful

what that happens

cuz i know.. i'm a sinnner

as the service goes on, He would sometimes get up and walk around... seeing what each of His individual believers' worship ministry, see how they worship Him

that was a few months ago now

but anyway

last week, I invited the Holy Spirit to sit to my left

cuz there was a seat

and as they got up the stage, there was a prompt, like a voice but not audible

prompting, "watch carefully. 細心看。"

so ... I did.

TG: Wow

XN: just as all the people go up the stage, remembering a Bible verse, I asked God the Father to ask Jesus to baptise each one of them in the Holy Spirit, because there are some who are baptised in water yet God Himself does not live in them -- such a scenario is recorded in the Bible

but ... i usually ask Jesus to do so anyway, every single time Logos has baptism, so nothing special there on my part

so anyways, back to current time, I watched.

TG: So tangible His presence!

XN: yea, absolutely, He is present alright.

and there was He, I remember Brian's most vividly because firstly I was interested since Brian is my friend, and secondly, He was wearing a grey blazer which was easier to see

so as each person knelt down at basin

the Holy Spirit stood just right behind the person

like.... i would guess probably touching the blazer close. No gap.

and when pastor take the water out of the basin, once for Father, once for Son -- He eagerly patiently waits

once for Spirit -- and at that very moment simultaneously an energy who is the Spirit Himself in me would split, like..... a .... spiritual pillar which gets one corner pulled out.... and yet almost like those cell splitting photos we learnt in science, the original cell is complete, and the new cell is linked -- and although two things u know it is one and the same

that is on where i am sitting, and then that new cell which is still the Holy Spirit would be somehow transmitted on stage so fast, and then... the Holy Spirit would enter the person from his back.

'enter' feels like u gotta lift up your feet, but it is nothing like that. like... suddenly He is outside, then suddenly He is inside, you dont know how it happen -- and the Holy Spirit who was waiting behind Brian lived in Him

like a circular Spirit

like a fuzzy static disc of energy but it's more than energy -- you know it's not an "it" but a "who" because He is living

entered from his back near the heart

so upper back

and the first thing He did when He entered was to expand -- bigger bigger bigger until He completely filled Brian's whole body, not just back, and including his knees which were kneeling down and not really visible from where i was sitting



u know... i learnt something from this -- u know how we always sing "Holy Spirit, please fill us 聖靈充滿

but actually it is no need... for us to sing that. Because we have been completely filled with Him the moment we got baptised in the Holy Spirit by Jesus.

and I realised that He never half-fills someone. He always fully fills someone


because that is what he did with Brian

and at that moment, i also felt something interesting -- i felt like the body of Christ just added another member, and a joy from the Holy Spirit swelled up in my heart

it's not from me feeling happy of my own accord, if u see that distinction

and that actually that new split out part of the same Holy Spirit joins Brian to me like the house got one more brick added....

TG: Mom calling

XN: hehe
lemme know when u finish reading the last part and i will continue

TG: I did now.obviously my iPhone can't do two things at a time

yea, no probs

same with my phone haha

God created us very special... we can do 10 things at a time....

or more...


super machine of flesh He hath made

so fearfully and wonderfully made but His exact hands, we are.

*made by His exact hands



back to baptism

so anyways, this exact same experience happened every single time to the four people i witnessed

the Holy Spirit like a static grey living energy being would 'hover' outside and go in and live with the person being baptised

but with each person it is a new split of the original cell.... so new distinct 3D cell that is given to each person but yet still one and the same Holy Spirit, compeltely linked

and why i saw only 4 out of 5 was because i realised i didn't take a photo with one of the girls kneeling down on the cushion so i wanted to take, and I was looking through the phone camera screen and not directly at her.

so i didn't deliberately go see if the Holy Spirit lived in her or not, but now I really regret not looking





and then it came Holy Communion time

and you know how the pastor says "on the night Jesus was betrayed, He took bread, broke it and said --- this is my body, do this in remembrance of me" ?

well... the most intersting thing happened!

this is the part i didnt tell Brian about

there, where the pastor was behind the pulpit, was the Son of Man

i want to say "like the Son of Man -- 有一位好像人子的。"

but I am so sure it is Him that I would just say it "is" , rather than

now He, He is very different from the Holy Spirit

He had a body

a head


*He has

and He glows



... lemme quickly finish typing anyway since... i gotta run... gotta finish the wedding doco



the Son of Man

or maybe a messenger of His

was where the pastor was

and as pastor said "this is my body, given for you, do this in rememberance of me" and broke the bread, Jesus's hands were at the same place where the pastor's were

but they were bigger

much bigger hands

and they broke the bread together

Just finish call

Jesus was taller than pastor, his head about at least 30cm or 50cm taller than pastor

same thing with the cup, "this is my blood of the new covenant, shed for you, do this in rememberance of me." and the Son of Man lifted the cup with pastor


i was baptised back in 2000, so 13 yrs ago

and for the first time in the 13 years.... I felt that I received my little bread and cup directly from Jesus




TG: Finish reading now, I can only say, thank you Jesus

yes, verily.

i learnt something while that happens

u know how we always say Trinity is three but one

i always have trouble. I know it in my brain, but i dont understand how three is one

i believe it but dont understand

doesnt work with a maths brain

But see this little diagram

is how/what i felt when Holy Spirit was sitting beside me and the Son of Man on stage --- the first one shows how Holy Spirit (white) and Jesus (blue), actually one circle, then they separate themselves out to do different things.

the second diagram is -- even though now out and independent, see how the blue one overlaps inside the white one still (i can only draw 2D but i actually felt a 3D understanding)

then likewise are the Trinity inseparable

even though three distinct persons, but still one

(3D version actually is 光在光的里面,雖然分出來, 卻還在裡面)


Monday 7 January 2013

Are you a -- CHA-LLEN-GER?

People fear the unknown; this is natural, for there is uncertainty and anxiousness. But God wants us to look at the unknown in front and hear Him say from the back "Here, take my hand. And jump. into Jordan."

Why do you fear the unknown when you have a known God?
What fun is life without a bit of risk*?

It is hard for real revival of one's spirit and spirituality to ignite like a spark plug without us takin' a bit of risk ---- and deliberately think to God -- "I'ma give You full control. You dictate. I follow." Doing this, you will find that, unlike the messages from Hollywood, you will not lose control and lose yourself -- but you will find yourself in full control and with all the freedom in Christ. You will find -- you got wings -- you can soar, and you can soar high when you see things with eagle's eyes.

We don't take risks because we fear that God will get us to do something that is beyond us and we are not willing to do, or scared to do, or scared that He will make us feel embarrassed or look stupid in front of those who know us. If that is you, then remember God's gentleness. He will be gentle with you. He does not expect you to be Elijah right away. He will take time to train up your courage until you are ready. Then He's gon' entrust big things to you. So get ready.

It is my personal belief that almost every single person has something in their life that they know God is prompting them to do/into/to fix/to learn/to go for. Then how about praying about it? And instead of waiting for God to send down what you asked God to give you, all wrapped in sparkling glitter paper, take action to make it a reality. Because the heavens work if we do, and they work at the same pace we do.

If it is not God's will then ask Him to please shut the door as you are actively aiming for it. If it is God's will then ask Him to please open the door/s as you are madly racing for it.

Christ reminds us that the disciples He wants are not the rest of the army who are cowering in their tents. He wants men and women who have a heart like David's -- confident and courageous in Christ to be -- a cha-llen-ger. And He reminds us that when we jump into Jordan we will not drown. And even Goliath will come crashing down.

So today, how about taking that risk in Christ? In the aspect of work, in the aspect of life, in thinking or going through a relationship, in the aspect of studies, in the aspect of spiritual maturity in your walk with God, in your thiscircumstancethatonlyyouknowabout...

Do you feel the engines revving? Do you hear the high pitched spinning? Do you feel that adrenaline pumping? Just like king David ARE you -- a cha-llen-ger??

Let your faith in Christ be the foundation for your trust in Him, and let Him be your assurance and confidence. When you have these eagle's eyes -- when others are going 'why...',
you say: "why not?"

*Disclaimer: by risk, we do mean risk that is good in nature -- as in not evil, not risk that results in sin. =)

Friday 4 January 2013

Fruit of the Spirit vs Works of the flesh

加 拉 太 書 5

你 們 要 謹 慎 , 若 相 咬 相 吞 , 只 怕 要 彼 此 消 滅 了 。
我 說 , 你 們 當 順 著 聖 靈 而 行 , 就 不 放 縱 肉 體 的 情 慾 了 。
因 為 情 慾 和 聖 靈 相 爭 , 聖 靈 和 情 慾 相 爭 , 這 兩 個 是 彼 此 相 敵 , 使 你 們 不 能 做 所 願 意 做 的 。
但 你 們 若 被 聖 靈 引 導 , 就 不 在 律 法 以 下 。
情 慾 的 事 都 是 顯 而 易 見 的 , 就 如 姦 淫 、 污 穢 、 邪 蕩 、
拜 偶 像 、 邪 術 、 仇 恨 、 爭 競 、 忌 恨 、 惱 怒 、 結 黨 、 紛 爭 、 異 端 、
嫉 妒 ( 有 古 卷 在 此 有 : 兇 殺 二 字 ) 、 醉 酒 、 荒 宴 等 類 。 我 從 前 告 訴 你 們 , 現 在 又 告 訴 你 們 , 行 這 樣 事 的 人 必 不 能 承 受 神 的 國 。
聖 靈 所 結 的 果 子 , 就 是 仁 愛 、 喜 樂 、 和 平 、 忍 耐 、 恩 慈 、 良 善 、 信 實 、
溫 柔 、 節 制 。 這 樣 的 事 沒 有 律 法 禁 止 。
凡 屬 基 督 耶 穌 的 人 , 是 已 經 把 肉 體 連 肉 體 的 邪 情 私 慾 同 釘 在 十 字 架 上 了 。
我 們 若 是 靠 聖 靈 得 生 , 就 當 靠 聖 靈 行 事 。
不 要 貪 圖 虛 名 , 彼 此 惹 氣 , 互 相 嫉 妒 。

Galatians 5

New International Version (NIV)

Freedom in Christ

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Mark my words! I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no value to you at all. Again I declare to every man who lets himself be circumcised that he is obligated to obey the whole law. You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace. For through the Spirit we eagerly await by faith the righteousness for which we hope. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.
You were running a good race. Who bewitched you to keep you from obeying the truth? That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you. “A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.” I am confident in the Lord that you will take no other view. The one who is throwing you into confusion, whoever that may be, will have to pay the penalty. Brothers and sisters, if I am still preaching circumcision, why am I still being persecuted? In that case the offense of the cross has been abolished. As for those agitators, I wish they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves!

Life by the Spirit

You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh[a]; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”[b] If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.
So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever[c] you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.

  1. Galatians 5:13 In contexts like this, the Greek word for flesh (sarx) refers to the sinful state of human beings, often presented as a power in opposition to the Spirit; also in verses 16, 17, 19 and 24; and in 6:8.
  2. Galatians 5:14 Lev. 19:18
  3. Galatians 5:17 Or you do not do what


而 且不像“情慾的事 works of the flesh” 那 ”事“字是多數的 (pural),聖靈的這”果子 fruit of the Spirit“是單數的(singular) -- 是一個九味果喔!有時你咬一口基督徒,覺得味道好像是仁愛,再咬一口同樣的一位基督徒覺得比較像是喜樂、但是有時咬一口又覺得是和平,或是忍耐、有時候卻 是良善,但是今天咬一口比較是信實、明天可能是溫柔和節制。基督徒的生活真是多汁多踩呀!(故意用錯字的)。。。

Unlike the "works of the flesh", where 'works' is pural (meaning many works), the fruit of the Spirit is singular (only one fruit). In fact, it is a nine-flavour fruit. When persecution comes and others bite (not literally) Christians, sometimes they taste love. Other times they taste real joy. Another bite and they taste peace, or forebearance. Perhaps today they will taste kindness, and tomorrow goodness, or faithfulness or self-control.
The non-believers, they can't figure 'em out -- these Christians are very confusing! That's how they get attracted to Christ -- even the worse persecutors notice a difference, as it was during the Roman reign. And they have to check out who these Christians are exactly.

人 能做出”事“,但是只有神能造出”果子“ man produces "works", but only God grows "fruit" (you can't "make" fruits like you factory-manufacture works), and He does so in us automatically provided we completely give ourselves to the Holy Spirit and always choose to walk His way when we have a choice to make in our daily lives. Glory be to Him 

I once heard of you but now...從前我風聞有祢 -- more about Hell, Holiness, Fighting as a leader

從前我風聞有祢。他們說祢住在我心裡,雖然從小就活在祢面前但是我還是會很擔心。 。 。是真的嗎?真的有住?怎麼個住法?祢那麼大,我那麼小,開什麼玩笑,祢來真的哦?

而且,我覺得祢很吝嗇——摩西要見祢,祢就讓他見祢的背,大衛也找到了祢的心,以利亞也聽到了祢的聲音,以西結見到至聖者—是啦,然後他就嚇呆了, 但我嚇到也甘願啊!還有一大堆的那個誰那個誰都不計勝數地在聖經裡提到祢跟他們"會面"喔! ——就只有我啦!祢就是不疼我(更諷刺的就是我明明知道祢很疼我還讓我落到這個地步)。看到祢的背我都甘願唄。

就只有我啦,祢的三位一體那麼難懂,祢的福音那麼的深奧而且不但是福音又是禍因,我想好久,一直思考但是要在腦裡完全地像拼圖拼好,還差遠哩!阿祢 是怎樣?我看祢莫非是想我(祢的這民) 因為沒有知識,不認識祢就滅亡、我看祢是非想看我在不認識祢中悲悲慘慘的下陰間不可。是,我從所造物看得見祢的榮耀,我也看了,也信。祢一生領我,這刻在 我心板上,是無可否認的。但又怎樣?我還是不認識祢。祢好像把自己藏起來,還虧我們倆那麼好,但是祢懂我有什麼用?我不懂祢呢?有好朋友這樣不認識的哦? 祢簡直是不夠朋友!又不能見到祢,又不認識祢,祢是想我煩死?又不敢死,因為死後還有審判。我真是生不如死,好累好苦好煩喔!


我小子們哪,我將這些話寫給你們,是要叫你們不犯罪。若有人犯罪,在父那裏我們有一位中保,就是那義者耶穌基督。他為我們的罪作了挽回祭,不是單為 我們的罪,也是為普天下人的罪。我們若遵守他的誡命,就曉得是認識他。人若說「我認識他」,卻不遵守他的誡命,便是說謊話的,真理也不在他心裏了。凡遵守 主道的,愛上帝的心在他裏面實在是完全的。從此,我們知道我們是在主裏面。人若說他住在主裏面,就該自己照主所行的去行。 。 。
我寫信給你們,不是因你們不知道真理,正是因你們知道,並且知道沒有虛謊是從真理出來的。誰是說謊話的呢?不是那不認耶穌為基督的嗎?不認父與子 的,這就是敵基督的。凡不認子的,就沒有父;認子的,連父也有了。論到你們,務要將那從起初所聽見的,常存在心裏。若將從起初所聽見的存在心裏,你們就必 住在子裏面,也必住在父裏面。主所應許我們的就是永生。我將這些話寫給你們,是指著那引誘你們的人說的。你們從主所受的恩膏常存在你們心裏,並不用人教訓 你們,自有主的恩膏在凡事上教訓你們。這恩膏是真的,不是假的;你們要按這恩膏的教訓住在主裏面。
這恩膏就是聖靈,聖靈不是什麼神秘力量乃是一位"誰" (not a force, but a 'who') 。從尼西亞信經裡我們宣布: “我們信聖靈,是主、是賜生命者,祂由父和子同出,與父及子同受敬拜,同受尊榮。祂曾藉著眾先知說話。”

可見我們若遵行主的道,就曉得是真認識祂,主聖靈也常在我們心裡住,我們就常住在聖父、聖子、聖靈---- 三位一體的一位上帝里面了。雖然我常覺自己不足,但是主說:不然,你愛我的心在我眼裡實在是完全的。讀到了好欣慰,被激勵,被堅固,想跟多奮發。

然後,今早恰好較早起,想說下載幾個比較有音律(tune )的詩歌來聽,因為最近聽太多hiphop 歌覺得有點乏調,就剛好看見以下這個video。看了看,跟聖經對比,沒有找到不符合的,在我裡面的聖靈也沒有責備我,可見這見證是可信的。於是在選擇信 中看著,聽著,使我在好幾處都心驚。 。 。有好幾樣我之前的猜想可能會是那樣都被應證的確是如此。例如神曾告訴我們說非聖潔不能見神的面,非聖潔不能進天國,看了video 我才深深體會到到底要多聖潔才叫聖潔—— 聖潔就是完全聖潔。聖潔剪一點不叫聖潔。白衣有一個斑點就不叫白衣了 --- 這是神對聖潔的定義。 那時,我深深的感觸到--- there is absolutely nothing I can do to be Holy enough for You 就算我完完全全地生活,沒有犯一件罪,就算是如此,我的‘完全’和神的聖潔公義中間還是有個深淵。

– this calls for humbling and requiring of salvation. This means that no matter how godly others think a Christian is, know then – that it really is no where near enough to get you there. Truly, apart from Jesus Christ, there is no other way.

And in the Abyss, according to the lady in the video, she mentioned that there are many Christians who are half way, and a lot of Christians who are in there because of unforgiveness, and a lot in there because they preach only the half truth. 我嚇了一跳--- 那麼說來,很多去教會的人不都是得不到永生的嗎?我心寒了一阵 --- 我也很有可能被丢入地狱。"Go! Go and tell my people that they need to start forgiving -- there needs to be more forgiveness especially inside the church! Because the price of not forgiving is that you will be thrown into hell." said Jesus to the lady. 耶穌對那個小姐說: “去!你去告訴我的民,叫他們開始赦免 -- 尤其在教會的裡面更是這樣,因為不赦免的人的結局就是地獄。”

And to those people who, just like Pope John Paul II begged Jesus for mercy in the Abyss – Jesus said to him: “You! You knew better! You knew the whole Truth and gospel and chose not to preach it – because of money and because of sexual fornication.” And the repeating message I observed – was that every single one in Hell begged Jesus for mercy 每一个在地狱里牢房里的人都伸出手来, 向耶稣求饶, and the overarching phrase Jesus repeated was “It’s too late.” And each time Jesus said “It’s too late”, tears would roll down his white robes 每一次耶穌對那些人說“已經太晚了”的時候,祂都哭了。“就是因為地獄是這樣的,所以我才給了我的生命來代替你的使到你沒有必要來。曾經給過你機會但是你 決定不接受。。。現在,就只有那些還存留在地上還沒死的還有機會了。” “This is why I gave my life for you so that you do not need to come here. You were given chances but you did not choose to listen. But only those alive on earth right now have the chance.” There will be a lot of regret going on. But it would be too late.  And when they saw that Jesus didn’t do anything for them, they cursed Him.

So be careful, my people, don’t you, knowing the whole truth, only preach half. And don’t you believe that only half a truth could possibly save you. 那些懂完整的真理卻只講一半真理的 –– 就是好聽、容易聽那半的---的你要知道這條道的結局就是地獄。那些聽了一半真理,以為神只降幅不降禍的,以为你只需要说‘耶稣我爱你’,却不在真理(神 自己)里 面居住也不做神喜悦的事和守他的诫命的 ---- 不要以為你這種信能夠救你。地獄也有你的份。 

Do not be deceived by the devil --- God is not coming for those who are halfway – 不要被撒旦迷惑 ---- 你当确知耶穌不是為了那些半生不熟的人而來的。Only those who are Holy and how not gone astray from His walk, a person who is not living the double life, prepared, without spot, without blemish and not contaminated will gain salvation. "Go! Go and tell them to return to their ancient way." "只有真正聖潔,潔淨自己的衣裳的, 沒有活個雙重身份的, 預備好的,沒有斑點瑕疵,沒有被污染的那些人才是我來找的人。所以你要去,去告訴他們要歸回到那古時的道— 就是他們起初鎖聽見的道。”

所以当趁神还相近的时候寻求祂,因为有一天,机会会过去的,祂会离你甚远。到那时候,你就要自己背你的罪的沉重结局了。主說:“去!去!告訴我的 民:“回 去你們以前的事奉,因為他們不再像以前這樣敬拜我了。 因為我要來了!我來是為了找那些以心、靈、誠實尋求我的。”Only those who are Holy will be saved, only those who are Holy can enter the Celestial Kingdom. So seek God whilst He is still near and you are still alive, because one day, the chances will be over, and He will no longer be near. At that time, you will have to shoulder the deadly weight of your own sin. "Go, go tell me people to return to their ancient ministries, because they don't worship me like they used to, because they don't seek me like their used to. Because I'm coming! I'm coming for people who seek me in spirit and in truth"

Another thing that shocked me in this video was this--- I since early last year have come to the conclusion that Satan is this extremely twisted creature, going to be chained at last but in the meantime runs around like a maniac twistedly deceives the world with lies upon lies upon lies, half truths, and then leave the person to realise the hard truth when it is too late. 另外一件使我心驚的,就是照著聖經的話的了解,我近期在腦海裡對撒旦的印象就是一個非常非常神經病似地瘋了卻又完全理智,完全知道他自己在做什麼的邪惡活 物。他用盡甜言蜜語,一切情慾來騙一個人和迷惑他的心,然後讓他們或有知覺、或不知不覺地掉入他的陷阱裡面。以致那些人有一天會發現撒旦自己所說的半真理的實踐時,已經太晚了(他從來只告訴你甜頭那一面)。

而那個video裡面竟說到--- 不只是撒旦,但那些惡鬼都是一模一樣像這樣的性質,抱著這種心態做工的!!And the lady mentioned in the video that she saw in Hell, not only Satan but those demons of all shapes and sizes all behave maniacally-evily, just as twistedly! They would torture the humans in jail with darts and poke them and wrap them around with serpents that had thorns and have worms eating the people’s faces and as they are torturing the humans, they would have these Cynical laughs saying – “this is your kingdom now! Sing praise and worship!! You chose this, so This is your kingdom now! So sing praise and worship!!” they threw a special kind of spear to a woman who was in amongst burning fire, who knew God, went to church but went astray from His way.
Then many demons gathered to conjure up what was like rain/clouds, but then all the people who were there ran away -- and the lady realised that it was not normal rain but sulfuric rain. And after the rain, she saw how the worms would multiply, and how the fire would be burning even hotter.

I had always thought the worms and fire and sulphur Jesus mentioned, and how it was like Gehenna (the rubbish tip) were all metaphors. But they are not metaphors – they are real, I realised today.

"If that person has not repented, they have to repeat here (again and again) what they did on earth."Said Jesus.

And then after the sulfur rain, the demons would laugh at the tormented ones and say --
"worship and adore, because this is your kiinggdom, this is your kingggdom, you have to worship and adore for this is your kinnnngdom, forever and ever." For this person they were tormenting and mocking used to be a Christian who later forsook God's ways and chose to sell his soul for all the worldly things -- money, fame, greed, idolatry, sexual fornication...

那位video裡面的小姐提到在地獄裡,不僅是撒旦那麼癲狂,他的部下那些鬼門都是這樣的--- 他們會用槍刺人來折磨那人,讓他回想他生前做的每一件事,並且不斷重複它。那些惡魔用蛇來勒人頸項,加上叫蟲吃那人的臉,在火中丟槍在那人的身體上折磨他 們; 他們一面折磨,就一面會諷刺嘲笑人,說:“這就是你現在的國度!你跪拜吧!這不就是你自己選擇進入的嗎?這就是你現在的國度!你跪拜吧!” 然後有一群惡魔就聚集在一處又呼天喚雨般地招聚硫黃的雲,降下,然後降下了過後地獄的火焰又增加了,蟲的數量也增加數倍。然後惡魔就大笑,說:“敬拜瞻仰 吧!因為這是你的國度!這是你的國度!你必須敬拜瞻仰,因為這是你的國度!永遠永遠!” 因為那個被嘲笑的人曾經是個基督徒,但是後來卻選擇離開主,去追求金錢、名利、又貪心等等。我各人覺得很諷刺。
我曾以為聖經中耶穌所說的地獄好像欣嫩子谷那個垃圾堆只不過是個比喻而已。但是其實不是比喻 – 那蟲、那硫黃、那晝夜不停的折磨、那哀哭切齒都是真的 – 這是我今天發現的。

還有那些教會中的牧師、長老執事和教會中一切教導人和一切普通的忠心做神的工的人們,撒旦和鬼魔們都會召開秘密會議,商議怎樣破壞他們的家庭,把他 們擄到陰間去。為什麼?那是因為這些人的手下有千萬人,這些人是上帝所立來照管他們的牧者 ——我終於明白了—— 原來這是個領袖與領袖之間的爭戰。鬼魔們要把對方的領袖擊垮。可惜的是—牧人們還在自相殘殺呢,有幾個是真正認識我們真正的敵人是對面岸的那些呢?鬼魔們 未曾輕敵。而主耶穌說:"你們要小心不要開門,不要讓魔鬼有留地步的機會, 因為魔鬼如吼叫的獅子,到處尋找人吞吃。"
"去!去告訴他們我與他們同在!所以我的民啊,你們要奮勇抵擋。而你們需要配戴军裝 -- 不是一點,而是全部的軍裝才能夠抵擋並且站立得住。” 因為那在我們裡面的比在世上的更大更大
And as for the pastors, elders, deacons, mentors in church, Satan and the demons hold these secret meetings to plan how to destroy their families and bring them back here. The lady asked why, and Christ said – it is because these are the shepherd that He has put in charge of His sheep, and under them are thousands of people. It is a battle amongst the leaders of one army against the battle from other. Jesus said, "Go! Go tell my people not to open the door to let Satan in, for Satan is like a prowling lion, looking for people to devour. Go tell them that I am with them, and greater am I who is in them than those that are in the world. And they will need the armour to resist it --- the full armour." Have courage and know that your weapons are enough to block all the fiery spears the enemy chucks at you.

"Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people." (Ephesians 6)

“去!去告訴我的民我就像帖撒羅尼迦前書 4:16-17 所說的一樣的會回來地球上
不要告訴他們我必快來 --- 告訴他們我馬上就來-- 因為沒有人知道我什麼時候來 -- 連天使都不知道。我必忽然臨到並且我只為那些正在遵行我的旨意的和聖潔的來只有遵行我旨意和聖潔的,完全預備好了的人才能夠進入天國。” 因為當主來那日,很多人必沒有人料到,他們必吃驚,並當他們在電視上看見主說:“我只為我的聖民來” 的時候他們必會驚恐,擔心,因為自己沒有預備好。他們必想尋死,但是死亡必遠離他們。當那日,還活著的人就已經沒有機會悔改了-- 就算還活著的也已經太遲了

"Go! Go and tell my people I am coming to earth just like in 1Thess 4:16-17. Don't tell them that I am coming soon. Tell them I am coming RIGHT AWAY, and I am only coming a HOLY PEOPLE. ONLY THOSE WHO ARE LIVING MY WILL AND THOSE WITH HOLINESS will I take with me."
For no one knows the day or the hour that I am coming for My Church -- not even the angels. So tell them I am coming RIGHT AWAY so that they are always prepared. For when Christ comes in the day of Rapture, there will be many who will be caught in surprise and left behind on earth, they will look at the TV and hear Christ say "I am coming for my Holy People", and they will panic because they have been left behind. Death will leave them and it will be too late, there will be no more chances though they are alive.

看了這個Video, 我才發現--- 神正在回答我的禱告—如今我真是親自地認識了祂。但是看到的結論就是—小心你求什麼,因為當神讓你得到/看到了你就負有更大的責任必須把你所告訴別人了。 我從前風聞有袮,今天我親自見了袮。。。的背。如今我明白,我不傳就有禍了,因為看過就無法推諉了。讓我們心存敬畏,明白並且感受到那種緊急的急促,戰戰兢兢地認真悔改、預備、面對上帝吧!

After watching the video, I then realised that this is God’s way of answering my prayer – now I truly have got a glimpse of... His back, and really got to know Him better, just like I asked. But I have arrived at this conclusion – be careful  what you ask for, because the responsibility is greater on he/she who have seen to spread what he/she has now seen – for now he/she has no excuse not to. And if he/she does not spread what they have seen, then woe and condemnation will be on him/her. Let us treat God seriously, with all due reverence and fear, and face Him prepared (rather than 'still preparing'), and picking up that responsibility, while sensing that emergency urgency.

So much more to type from the video, but you should watch it yourself---
看那個片子--See that video here: 

Thursday 3 January 2013

I understand now - this war we are talking about

Why satan and the demons go against the pastors’ families.

It’s because we are those who have sheep under us. We are the leaders.

It is the fight between leaders of one army against another. We might not think much of them but they know very well who we are even if we don’t realise it.

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We Christians the hypocrites

有很多時候我們的屬靈是屬零的。因為我們只懂得講所謂神的道但卻在每一天的生活上沒有盡忠。例如我們只會講神的恩典,忘了上帝是一位殷勤的上帝,而也甘願親手勞力做工。我們講神的愛,但是我們的心裡存有仇恨,我們並不赦免。 我們說很多,又很會quote the Bible,但是並沒有認真的為我們所說的負責任,並且負責任到底。我們的言行並不一致。我們是粉刷的墳墓。

悔改吧!悔改吧!因為耶穌基督和施洗約翰的開頭道都是:"天國近了,所以你們當悔改" Repent and believe! For the Celestial Kingdom is near!
"悔改"明明是兩個字,為什麼我們這些基督徒常常有悔沒有改??從白日到晚上,我們成天使耶和華的名到處受羞辱。 Why do we Christians always "re"gret, in the "re" part of the "repent" but not live out the "pent" part of re-pent and change our ways to the right way? We are such hypocrites. We lose our testimony everywhere we go.

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that naturea will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, [when we still have the] opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. (Galatians 6)