Monday 21 January 2013

God's Heart -- Variety in the Church

The church God wants is a church with variety. Yes, it will take more co-ordination to put together an orchestra and many more practices to get it right, but the sound is much fuller than compared to just an organ in a big hall on its own. In the same way let our church buildings be filled with people of most infinite variety, each one to their own strengths, each one to their own core, and united and harmonised by the accommodating-and-teamwork-love which comes from the Spirit as glue. Not just when we get the resurrected body, but now while we are still in this one.

是的,神要的教会是一个总类繁多的教会。嗯,知道说,就像比起一个钢琴独奏来说,一个和乐团需要付出更多的代价来练习、彩排、更多次数来把拍子、节奏、音量大小、声音高低都融汇在一起,但是那个和乐团所带出来的声音是那么的更加丰满。同样的,让我们的教会建筑物里也充满了种类繁多的人,个性繁多、生活经历繁多、属灵见识繁多、恩赐繁多; 旦以从圣灵发的那又包容又团体的爱为强力胶,把繁多的种类蜘蛛网般地连接起来,不用等永恒,现在 在世时就成为一个名副其实的基督的生体。

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