Monday 7 January 2013

Are you a -- CHA-LLEN-GER?

People fear the unknown; this is natural, for there is uncertainty and anxiousness. But God wants us to look at the unknown in front and hear Him say from the back "Here, take my hand. And jump. into Jordan."

Why do you fear the unknown when you have a known God?
What fun is life without a bit of risk*?

It is hard for real revival of one's spirit and spirituality to ignite like a spark plug without us takin' a bit of risk ---- and deliberately think to God -- "I'ma give You full control. You dictate. I follow." Doing this, you will find that, unlike the messages from Hollywood, you will not lose control and lose yourself -- but you will find yourself in full control and with all the freedom in Christ. You will find -- you got wings -- you can soar, and you can soar high when you see things with eagle's eyes.

We don't take risks because we fear that God will get us to do something that is beyond us and we are not willing to do, or scared to do, or scared that He will make us feel embarrassed or look stupid in front of those who know us. If that is you, then remember God's gentleness. He will be gentle with you. He does not expect you to be Elijah right away. He will take time to train up your courage until you are ready. Then He's gon' entrust big things to you. So get ready.

It is my personal belief that almost every single person has something in their life that they know God is prompting them to do/into/to fix/to learn/to go for. Then how about praying about it? And instead of waiting for God to send down what you asked God to give you, all wrapped in sparkling glitter paper, take action to make it a reality. Because the heavens work if we do, and they work at the same pace we do.

If it is not God's will then ask Him to please shut the door as you are actively aiming for it. If it is God's will then ask Him to please open the door/s as you are madly racing for it.

Christ reminds us that the disciples He wants are not the rest of the army who are cowering in their tents. He wants men and women who have a heart like David's -- confident and courageous in Christ to be -- a cha-llen-ger. And He reminds us that when we jump into Jordan we will not drown. And even Goliath will come crashing down.

So today, how about taking that risk in Christ? In the aspect of work, in the aspect of life, in thinking or going through a relationship, in the aspect of studies, in the aspect of spiritual maturity in your walk with God, in your thiscircumstancethatonlyyouknowabout...

Do you feel the engines revving? Do you hear the high pitched spinning? Do you feel that adrenaline pumping? Just like king David ARE you -- a cha-llen-ger??

Let your faith in Christ be the foundation for your trust in Him, and let Him be your assurance and confidence. When you have these eagle's eyes -- when others are going 'why...',
you say: "why not?"

*Disclaimer: by risk, we do mean risk that is good in nature -- as in not evil, not risk that results in sin. =)

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