Wednesday 23 January 2013

I'm desperate for salvation (salvage-tion) -- Does His blood still cover me today?

I'm desperate for salvation (salvage-tion). There is nothing I can do to guarantee me an entry, so I find myself clinging to Your feet at the cross desperately asking for Your help. Somehow You can present me blameless, somehow the Righteousness from Your death and Resurrection can give me certainty in escaping hell fire. 主啊,袮能夠救我— 救我!救我!救我!I repent! Whatever it is! And in exchange for presenting me faultless, You have my life, which I never had -- it came from You anyway. Just tell me what to do, and I'll listen to all of it. Just save me. I beg You. As You are in Paradise, remember me.

Brian 回我: 上帝會的 

上帝會。。。嗎?因為有很多自以為肯定記載在生命冊的人最後都竟然發現自己在地獄!進天國的人少,因為那門是窄的,找到的人也少。救恩雖然是免費的,但是只有門徒才能進天國,而作門徒的代價是一個人的全部的整個生命,包括在道德上、思緒上完全離開罪惡,心思心意更新而180度方向改變。我們當自我這麼地省察,問自己:昨天我有確信自己若死了得救,但是今天呢?基督是否今天還是為我死了?祂的血是否今天還是遮蓋我?Does His blood still cover me today?
並且不止問這個,還問:我今天也在十字架面前與祂同死了,嗎?Every day, going to the cross, saying "He died -- not just for the whole world but personally for me." And not just that, go to the cross every day and say, "And I died with Him."

因為只有那些能確實說:"如今活著的不再是我,乃是基督在我裡面活著" 的才會得救。只有神自己在那人裡面住下來的才有那得救的確據、得救的印記。 而上帝的居所清的潔條件是:完全聖潔。祂的血是否今天還是遮蓋我?
Only those who can actually literally say that "It is no longer I that lives, but Christ who lives in me" who will be saved. You've got to really have God inside You living to be saved. And to have God living inside you, He demands nothing less than a completely Holy life, for His cleanliness standard is -- completely specklessly sinless. Does His blood still cover me today?

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