Thursday 19 July 2012

Baptised in the Holy Spirit

Be you holy because I am Holy

Baptiser – plunger, immerse, soaker


Ship baptised in Laconia – Ship sunk – to put a solid in a liquid

we heard....Holy Spirit is in us. No. wrong thinking... rather.... We are in the Holy Spirit – I have always wondered how can such a big God shrink Himself to live in a small me. well He didn't shrink. before you turn away from this blog, continue reading....

people always use this verse “I will come in, he with me, me with him” to say that Jesus lives in us --- well that's the wrong interpretation. It is rather, for whatever reason including us being too caught up in our own little worlds and our own emotions to the point that in the frenzy and in the great, no body realised....that – God has left... the church building. So this verse means -- if only someone did realize that God's not here no more and invites Him back in, then the Holy Spirit will come back, and stay with that person, even if not with the entire church. Pitiful, isn't it? That in our frenzy of 'worship' God's is actually not there.... Scary, really. Therefore if we are in Him, we, inside out are filled to the brim until our cup overflows. Amen? If you responded amen... do you really mean it? Like....Amen? Like...Let God’s will be done? I.e That you be dunked in The Holy Spirit (the other person, like Jesus, not just power, not just purity but a person)? Filled, poured out... like milk into a porousbread, like oreo cookies dipped in milk. When I realised it... I was immediately filled... like bread in milk, like a water bead in a big glass goldfish display bowl, into something far larger.  


When people were baptised in the Holy Spirit, it is as definite as catching influenza.


About two/three days ago, I asked God to give me new power... in order to study CT7... and in prayer and as I was studying, something happened to my brain. I needed to think in 3D,in spirals, in if..then.. then therefore... and so’s....

And something happened to my brain. I felt it expand to be higher like a half globe above my current brain, and instead of thinking using my frontal lobes (i think), it is now likea little half globe or even a globe in the centre like a hub as a CPU, I tested it, and such a brain can access data from anywhere, in any whirl pattern as I like.... And everything feels so connected...

What do you believe this is? I was asked. The Holy Spirit, allowing you to be who you are not (so that you can glorify Him)/ who you can never be? Or continue being a coward/timid and not use it and have the Spirit eventually leave you, cuz He did in the old testament, and Jesus is yesterday, today, tomorrow, forever the same. “Even if all I (got) can run with is wits/guts in you, I will run with it.”


Then it makes more sense when people say – yous are the temple of God. Not just ‘you’.


Jesus’ present ministry (one of), is He is baptising them with the Holy Spirit.


Receive the Holy Spirit.

Repent of sins toward God the Father. Believe in the person at God’s right hand – the Lord Jesus. And receive the person who has taken Jesus’ place on earth -- The Holy Spirit.

“Dear Holy Spirit, it was always you – and I never knew it.” Until today. 10.17am 20/7/2012 Friday.


Baptism is a two-step process.

Baptism in water is: Repentance (like John the Baptist)

Then Jesus Baptises them in the Holy Spirit – continual/progressive sanctification?









Believers. Unbelievers/ the world cannot have the Holy Spirit



It was a real thing that happened – inward experience. Inwardly, the were filled. Filled right out. It overflows.

Your overflow of your heart is your mouth.

Whatever your heart is filled with will come out of your mouth – not a mugworm anymore.


Nothing about falling onto the floor. Not any physical result. Not filled with feelings. Jesus my God!

The Spirit extends you ability beyond your natural ability – I’d been asking for You and I never knew it!

The first thing God wants from you is your tongue. For every careless word, we will be judged for it. Including blabbering jibberish called ‘tongues’.



The Holy Spirit is in someone who is a member of the Body. So we are. Not a member of the club. If you tear one out, you are dismembering a body (zhi jie)!


Baptism releases your function within the body, and you know which gifts of the Spirit you’ve been given.

Now you can go on and preach. Cuz you are dunked in Me now. Can teach


Having the gifts without the baptism of the Holy Spirit will make the gifts popular and acceptable to every church– says the charismatic movement's head.... Something Wimble.

Real prophesies

Sing in the Spirit is being jammed up/ worked up by the drummer – a human substitute.


People need a direct experience with God. Then what they need – is to be baptised in the Holy Spirit.











Books I gotta read:

The Normal Christian Birth --

The Road to Hell




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