Wednesday 18 July 2012

Thrown out of Heaven's Lobby into Hell

thought for a while, asking God what should I use as a title for the Singapore talks that can encompass everything I want to talk about God, us, heaven and hell.

"Thrown out of Heaven's Lobby into Hell." 
Yes, that encompasses everything I want to say about God and us. It sounds like a catchy title that can capture people's attention. It is a title targeted at the long time believer, at the unrepented/untepentant believer, at the intellectuals, at the atheist. For the unbelieved/disbelieving -- it tells them -- u need to repent for you are walking in darkness - unashamed, gospel's great power, a righteousness that is from faith to faith. For the believer -- it tells them - you need to repent both from your good deeds and your bad deeds. And if you don't continue to believe n change clothes, you're gonna be chucked out of heaven into hell.

I'm an atheist when I hate God. I switch between a theist and atheist. And yet God once loved you so much that He died for you who hate Him. But behold the goodness and the severity of God. That if you reject this in your lifetime, there will be No More Chances. You Christians listen up. That there will be no more chances left especially for you who have heard it, toyed with it, then ...... just forgot it (忽略).

God hates you. Because you are fill of sin, and God hates sin to the core of His guts. And if you don't repent, to a certain stage that only He decides, God has no choice but to hate you. The Lord laughs at them to scorn. (find verse) 
Isaiah 8
"Isaiah 8:9-10 NIV 
 Raise the war cry, you nations, and be shattered! 
Listen, all you distant lands. 
Prepare for battle, and be shattered! 
Prepare for battle, and be shattered! 
Devise your strategy, but it will be thwarted; 
propose your plan, but it will not stand" ; 
let them counsel, I will shake it. 
Let them build it- I will shake it. 
Keep building then, go on, I will shake it.
No matter how many times they try, I will shake it. That they might know that there is a God on this earth.... and I fear, if you walk out of here and refuse to change your clothes and God, because of your response just gives up on you, and allow that you live a luxurious life that you totally forget Him.... That by then, maybe it will be too late and you'll be in hell weeping, frustrated and gnashing your teeth by then. And even then, like the demons who knelt before Jesus, you will bow and be His footstool.

Atheists, Know who you are up against

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