Sunday 8 July 2012

Worship Is...

Not being ignorant of what He is trying to do -- Not begging for our sole benefit
Not ignoring Him
Not living a one second Believer/ next second unbeliever life(attitude) towards God
never underestimate what God can do
  • but there's one thing that my r/ship with God has
    i don't even try to hide anything from him
    I'm pretty honest with God
    i can tell him that i don't like what he's doing

  • sometimes i realise i've gone down the wrong way
    and i want to get back with him
    and couldn't find him
    lilo and stitch -- (I'm) L-l-lost.

  • sometimes i try to listen to him
    and i still can't hear him
    so i say forget abt it
    and i don't bother

Is knowing our role and our place
Knowing that the Lord gives, and the Lord takes away --
He can within a moment give us the lifepartner that we so look for
He can also within a moment take that person from us, just like Jonah
he can lift up anyone that He chooses

Worship is when Jesus means everything to you
Worship is.. to keep carrying on though we can't get it quite right.
Worship is... to say "what is this to us?" and proceed to sacrifice this thing just so that we can stay in a relationship
Worship is... to let God get jealous and to allow Him to be a bit demanding when He yearns for your full attention and your life to be completely holy before Him.

Like Leah Haywood's "we think it's love"---

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