Wednesday 18 July 2012

If I get to go back to Singapore

Dear Lord, I've been wanting to go back to Singapore for a while now... to visit the relatives and also to visit the churches... maybe look for myself a boyfriend/husband along the way. I need my bonus this year to be enough for me to go back. I need a payrise high enough to pay for my mortgage and have a little bit extra so I can save up.

But how about this instead of all that above?
If You let me go back this year, this is what I will do --
If you let me go back this year I will look for Your lost sheep instead of looking for a boyfriend.

If you let me go back I want to share this:
-Lecrae - Unashamed
I will share that I am not ashamed of the Gospel. For this is the power of God, in it reveals a righteousness from God (not of God). The two-way exchange -- our sins to God, God's righteousness to us.

I will tell them about repentance -- that they need it. Pave the way for the second coming of Christ.
I will tell them that Singapore used to be a country with lots of Christians. Used to be a base for missions --
But now look at where the church has been led to, following Moleck? You've lost yourselves! And all you can do is immerse in the evilness that is similar to a cult -- making God fulfill all your emotional needs because "man, I am so thirstttttty.... I am so deprived..... I am so thirrrrsssstyyyyyy......" But you build your own broken cisterns that cannot hold water and turned away from the Living Water.

I will tell them about hell.

I will tell them that If you do not stand firm, you will not stand at all. Rise up, rise up, you Christians, how long more will you give in?? Where are the godly Christian men? Where are the godly Christian women? Where are His adopted children who will go to all lengths to sacrifice their lives because of the joy that has been set before them?

I will beckon them as John the Baptist did -- to Repent, for the Kingdom of God is near, and for some, it is already here. Prove repentance by deed. I will tell them that You are the Judge. I will tell them that You are the Lion and the Ram. I will tell them about the Goodness and the Severity of God -- what the Law failed to do -- Christ accomplished. He is the God who reads into the heart and our thoughts.

I will tell them about Grace -- that your bad deeds need not keep you out of heaven. And your good deeds will not help you there. It will benefit others, but is of completely no use for you.

Self righteousness. It's like shit to God. We need to repent of both our good deeds and our bad deeds.

I need to tell them about You.
I need to tell them about Christ.
I need to tell them about the Holy Spirit.

I will tell them about Your Kingship, and Your Kingdom -- of righteousness that nothing impure can enter. To enter, we have to have nothing impure. And I will tell them that heaven is not a whole session of solely worship. I will bring the message of the Millenium back, and that they need to prepare themselves for persecution -- they need to get out themselves for fear of being caught in it. God is not going to bring them out. And to withstand persecution, they need to fear hell. David Pawson -- Road to Hell -- read.

I need to inspire them that their daily work they will use when Christ returns, so let's endeavour and study hard.

I will tell them about heaven and the parable of the 10 virgins and the parable of the wedding banquet -- that if we do not change our clothes, even the invited will be thrown out at the lobby of heaven! There is a road to hell even at the gates of heaven -- find this quote and who wrote it.

I will tell them about the Whirlpool. -- For God once loved the world that He gave His only Son -- that whosoever continues to believe in Him till the end shall not be thrown away like rubbish but be recycled and made useful with another life in God.

I will tell them that Yours is not an unconditional love. I will also tell them about John 3:16 (I need to read the whole John). To a world that has already got Christians, we give them --- John. Targeted to the already-Christians.

I'm not a mugworm anymore.
*mugworm here means - a tongue tied person who is too afraid to speak

I need to read Romans

I will make them kneel down before You in praise for You are God. And we will sing "Majesty" to begin the service, and will sing "How Great is Our God" to end. I will go back to the church that I once went to - Bethel and liaise with the people there to be a guest speaker. For this is the church that taught me about God when I was young. Let me bring the gospel of repentance and righteousness back. I will introduce myself as an ex-Bethel -- Bethel -- the place where Jacob wrestled with God. As an actuarial student. I will express my hope in wanting to share. I will ask for a steel string guitar, amped if possible, and a CD player. With the guitar (our harp) we will sing Majesty and How great is our God. With c-walking we will sing unashamed.

I will spend from now till end of CT7 exam (2October) to study with all my heart. And then I will spend the rest of Oct preparing JT's wedding cake, all the way through to early December. In that time I will also brush up on my scripture, and seek to first share at Timothy Youth Group locally, excerpts of the above, to tell them about you.

If You want this done then please prepare for me.

Maybe I can get Eunice to address the younger kids, or address the older kids with me.

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