Sunday 29 July 2012

Brisbane need

Many working holiday people find it hard to find a job here, many students feel ripped off here, spending do much money and yet telling you you can't stay here. Well, before you try to get identity and nationality here, get the one of heaven, because it is eternal �的国权是永远的, and, having been through quiet you have been, perhaps it is God's will that you be in the government, in the reverse role who decides theses things so that you will extend justice and righteousness, and care for those of different nationality than you as God's creation too.

Hard to find job? Well God has a job for you. And you know He's gonna pay well. Learn well now. 我们这至暂至轻的苦楚,为要成就将来及重无比的荣耀。

Studying economics the other day, learnt about market structures, including:
Centrally planned economy - like soviet union, all government controlled, usually doesn't work well
Market economy - no government, just let market supply and demand take control - sometimes public interest is forsaken in interest of profit
Mixed economy - mostly market supply and demand with a bit of government intervention -- but the lecturer said something: sometimes the government intervention makes things worse rather than better.

Got me wondering, what kind of market structure is in the Kingdom's economy? I came to the conclusion: God's is a centrally planned market economy : All government, yet all free choice -- that's why His kingdom reigns on total stability & longevity -- there will be total control and yet total free will and those two don't contradict, surprisingly! Because that is exactly how He is teaching us right now- giving us full free will, allowing its to choose, and though we struggle a bit sometimes, knowing that His way is best, we default (after a lot of patience on His part) to His ways...
However, to do that, He needs to know everything and look into peoples' hearts, and just so happens that He does! And then u gotta deal with sin in order to minimise all the people who will be corrupted, and He did that.

Water bead

Many working holiday people find it hard to find a job here, many students feel ripped off here, spending do much money and yet telling you you can't stay here. Well, before you try to get identity and nationality here, get the one of heaven, because it is eternal �的国权是永远的, and, having been through quiet you have been, perhaps it is God's will that you be in the government, in the reverse role who decides theses things so that you will extend justice and righteousness, and care for those of different nationality than you as God's creation too.

Hard to find job? Well God has a job for you. And you know He's gonna pay well. Learn well now. 我们这至暂至轻的苦楚,为要成就将来及重无比的荣耀。

Studying economics the other day, learnt about market structures, including:
Centrally planned economy - like soviet union, all government controlled, usually doesn't work well
Market economy - no government, just let market supply and demand take control - sometimes public interest is forsaken in interest of profit
Mixed economy - mostly market supply and demand with a bit of government intervention -- but the lecturer said something: sometimes the government intervention makes things worse rather than better.

Got me wondering, what kind of market structure is in the Kingdom's economy? I came to the conclusion: God's is a centrally planned market economy : All government, yet all free choice -- that's why His kingdom reigns on total stability & longevity -- there will be total control and yet total free will and those two don't contradict, surprisingly! Because that is exactly how He is teaching us right now- giving us full free will, allowing its to choose, and though we struggle a bit sometimes, knowing that His way is best, we default (after a lot of patience on His part) to His ways...
However, to do that, He needs to know everything and look into peoples' hearts, and just so happens that He does! And then u gotta deal with sin in order to minimise all the people who will be corrupted, and He did that.

Water bead

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