Thursday 2 August 2012

Tears, Onions, Heaven

If there will never be anymore crying in heaven, does that mean that we won't tear up when we cut onions in heaven???
 As part of the social committee at work, we're organising our first ever BBQ in at least 3-4years.... I'm in charge of slicing up approximately 3.6kgs worth of Onions....... Cutting it, I teared up like there was no tomorrow.... was like "quick! think of something sad!!"
Then I noticed in one of the very final onions i cut, this really really shiny onion skin that is such a rich brown... it was beautiful... I've never seen one like that before... Took a pic and wanted to show everyone here... I asked.... "God, how did you do the lustre dust for this one? It's so shiny!" 
**A lustre dust is a type of powdered edible food colouring that has metallics included to give it a bit of a sheen/shine, commonly used in cake decorating.
I told God -- that after this event, my onion cutting skills have improved, along with its speed, but if He had a job in heaven cutting up onions, that I'd gladly pass, thanks. But wait a minute, if there is no more crying in heaven, does that mean that we won't tear up when we cut onions in heaven? We tear up because in onions there exists sulfuric composition within the onion, and before I was feeling a bit dry in the throat cuz of the weather, and it was threatening to get worse..., someone in my office was diagnosed with swine flu so we're all a bit cautious. But after that onion cutting episode, i think it's gone away now... whatever it is must have been burnt to bits by the sulfuric onion fumes.... Sulfur is associated with volcanoes, and volcanoes associated with fire. If our God is a consuming fire, then does that mean that there's lots of sulfuric things where He is?????
I took a bow at an invisible audience, saying, "well, hope that I've provided yous with a little bit of entertainment tonight." I might have said some things in pure princess-tone, but for now, I'm just a red nosed, blotchy eyed servant, cuttin' up onions....
*..... I'm glad all that onion's been cut up and safely tucked into a 9L container and in the fridge.....*
*Just remember... don't rub your eyes.... or nose... with those onioned hands!!*

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