Friday 10 August 2012

Filled to overflowing - Let me speak!!

Filled to overflowing... let me speak!!!!!!!!!! If you don't let me speak I'm just gonna yell it out, and the stones will start dancing and people are gonna think I'm drunk....
 A few weeks ago the Holy Spirit filled me.. you just knew it -- your heart is absolutely guilt free. And then on 7/8/2012 -- God renewed my mission -- by watching a twig bunch that reminded me of the burning bush, and by assuring me of His presence by a pillar of clouds.
Today, as I listened to Pawson about the Holy Spirit in Acts part 1, realised that the Holy Spirit filled me to a point... in my heart, He is so full, so absolutely in control there is such an urge to open my mouth and just speak and preach God's word right now at 10.32pm and I just want to speak!!!! And the He in me is just about to burst out to the point that I reckon if He doesn't let me speak soon I'm just gonna yell it out, and the stones will start praising God and dancing and I'm gonna go around and people are gonna think I'm absolutely drunk, dancing, singing and preaching God's word that it will be so nonsensical to people.
I finally understood what that section in acts meant.

Wait -- is not sit down and do nothing... praise God! Phew! What a relief! Wait is actively preparing everything else so that when the Holy Spirit comes with His Ruach, we may be ready to take off like eagles do waiting for the mighty wind. This means that for us who are waiting, we may be getting theologically trained and sound with the understanding of The Holy One in all His Wisdom... This means that when we're waiting for a future partner we're doing everything we possibly can to prepare ourselves so that we will be ready for coming together in Christ when we the time has come.
Praise God that He did not pay attention to the number of theological degrees we have acquired before choosing to use us. This means that everyday people like us can be used by God to convey that breath of fresh air to a stagnating church. When everyday people like us who have not been through training get up from the pews and preach, people take notice because we have not been trained, how can we speak like that?

Praise God for not having  to be anybody special to do so, praise God for not having to be a pastor before being allowed to preach to His people -- He has called every one of us individually, and because He is creative He teaches and uses us in a way that we bring with us our own personalities and it fits, in that way we will preach! Praise God for variety.

Ruach Elohim - The Spirit of God

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