Saturday 18 August 2012

I hate my pride... it's like a leech!

I hate my pride, it's like a leech! It wastes my resources and prohibits me from being a loyal subject of the kingdom... how frustrating. Lord! You stock gold refined by fire, white clothes, eye ointment and produce a 9-flavour fruit, I need new tweezers! Do you sell them?

19.8.2012 -- Sunday

What I really mean is.... if I have The Holy Spirit and all the above things He sells -- with righteousness I'll clothe me and stop being deceived to think of myself as more than I am; with trials and troubles and struggles He will refine me like gold until all the impurities are sifted out; with eye ointment He will help me see His Sovereignty and His plans and His heart and stomach those whom I usually walk away repulsively from; and a 9-flavour fruit of the Holy Spirit including love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentle-ness, self-control; then I will indeed be able to put that pride under control and be empowered with His tweezers to pinch it out.

You evil cockroach of a leech, don't you know I'm already dead and buried? I'm gonna leave you nailed to the cross until you die off withered. *disgusted*

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