Friday 20 July 2012

God once loved the world

John 3:11-16 -
Truly truly I say to you, that which we know we speak, and that which we-have-seen we-bear-the-witness-of; and the witness of us not you take. If the things earthly I say to you, and not you believe, how if I say to you the things heavenly, will you believe? And no one has-gone-up into -- heaven, if not the[one] out of -- heaven having-come-down, the Son - of man, who is in - heaven.

and even as Moses lifted-up the serpent in the wilderness, thus to-be-lifted-up it behoves (behoves = is necessary) the Son - of man, that everyone that believes on-Him might have life eternal. Thus indeed once loved -- God the world, that the Son, the only-begotten He gave, that everyone who believes-on Him, not might perish, but might-have life eternal.
 Source: interlinear Bible,,

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