Tuesday 29 May 2012

What's wrong with me? --- What's this kingdom stuff?

Asked God once last Sunday morning before church at home while devotioning, once at church listening to sermon, once yesterday/day before walking from Roma street train station to Suncorp Brisbane Sq – “what’s wrong with me?!?!?!” “Lord, what’s exactly wrong with me???!!!?!” Cuz there was a blockage between me and God so that I feel like I’m not in Him, something intuitively not quite right.


The Lord answered – “bin your righteousness. Wear mine.” (see previous few posts blogged today)


Now I know what’s wrong with me.


So then... the heavenly Kingdom. Pawson said it’s Jesus’ favourite preaching topic. So... what’s this kingdom stuff all about??

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Which part of me should I change...?


I don’t think i have to change my personality, Lord, just gotta change my approach.**


The Lord, “you do that.”


**Just like apostle Peter, how he’s impulsive/quick/rash/quick to respond... God didn’t tell him to change into who he’s not (although God changes man to become more mellow over time), but to direct his impulsive/quick/rash/quick response towards Him – towards what He’s gotta say and what He desires for Peter to do in His Name.




(From Lecrae: Invisible)


~I’m dying to serve you,

~and I’m living to know you!


à I’m dying, Lord. The me that always says ‘look at me’. That me is dying, Lord, so that i can live to know you.

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Had mercy

For a while now, my focus has been on several things. Sure, God was one of the important things, but God will question me as to my real motive for ministry -- not that it is not leading people to Christ or building people up n gaining deeper faith n be able to face persecution, w while being in a position of authority enough to preach it fully. As I listened to David Pawson's Romans B today, God taught me that my righteousness will do me no good in getting me into heaven, and that I need to repent of even my good deeds, not just my bad ones, because my good deeds n my righteousness might be the biggest barrier/ blockage between me and God. And that we should pray for God's mercy, "dear Lord, have mercy on me". When I repented n did that, the gates of heaven flung open wide, n immediately felt something fill me n live in me again, like the connection of a grape vine back to its tree, and my heart was full. It became peaceful n calm.

Despite knowing all these wishes to do something for Him, God asked me, "...what exactly do you want to do for Me?" And I realised that I had it all wrong. I was wanting human authority n position n title to preach the gospel, was wanting to come as someone more better to teach those not so good. Was trying to draw people to me instead of to Christ. But now I realise-- all my goods deeds will help those around me, but it will do me no help at all for my salvation n that I really really need to bin my righteousness n let God share with me His righteousness in Christ through Christ n His Holy Spirit gently. To clothe me in His, and there is no need to produce my own.

So here is my new focus -- to help people get into the Kingdom of God, clothed in his righteousness,  n then at the peripheral also include training people up deeply rooted, in prep for persecution... n all those other sub-goals where focus is God.

To preach a message that the bad people hear, and good people likely don't really like to hear cuz if they did, then they'll find out they are not good enough, n that good or bad, we both need Christ.

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Lord, pls help me repent of my good deeds lest I go to hell with it.

Sent from Samsung Mobile


Lord, please give me your mercy, lest I die along with my righteousness....

Sent from Samsung Mobile

Monday 28 May 2012

Discount Unwind -- Concept behind it and catering for mid quarter discount rates

Having a hard time trying to figure out the Premium Liabilities change of basis table currently updating for valn report...
Courtesy of BobA...

how does discount unwinding work
4:11 PM    BobA
if theres a claim in 5 years time worth $100 undiscounted, then at 4% pa then itll b worth say $80 discounted (roughly)
at t = 0
at t = 1 (ie. this time next year)
itll b worth $100 undiscounted at 4% pa = $84
coz its only 4 years away now
so the 4% increase over the year due to shorter timeframe is the discount unwind
at t = 2 itll b $88, etc.
so it constantly unwinds until payment date at t = 5
and by then all the discounting has unwound, so $100 = undiscounted = discounted
4:14 PM   Xuan
i have this set of discount rates
4:14 PM   BobA
what timeframe r u unwinding it over?
4:15 PM   Xuan
gimme a sec, lemme find it
\SUNRollforward1109_bal.xlsx, inputs tab, I03
so what i dont understand is that MC/TL seem to use one quarter more than they need to
and take the average of two,
so to calculate the discount unwind
between 1109 and now
they dont use time 0 and time 1's discount rate
they use time 1 and time 2
and then average time 1 and time 2 discount rate
and use that rate to unwind the PL discounting
4:22 PM   Xuan
i think i get it now
it's just to cater for this dodgy thing how they have all the discount rates as mid quarter
4:24 PM   BobA
i think we do something similar
doz the rates r in the middle of the period.. so the avg of the next 2 periods (t = 1 & t = 2) is actually (0.5 + 1.5) / 2
4:26 PM  Xuan
which is one year since prev valn...

For mid quarter discount rates adopted, here’s how it works:
Say now is 1112, and prev valn is 1109.

Using 1109 discount rates adopted, Since time 0 (t0) stands for 0.125 since 1109 and time 1 (t1) = 0.375 since 1109 then average of that is:
(0.125+0.375)/2 = 0.25, which gives us one full quarter since 1109 --> i.e. brings us to end of quarter 1112.

So for two quarters since prev valn, say now is 1203, prev valn is 1109, we want:
use 1109 discount rates adopted,
t1 = 0.375yrs since 1109
t2 = 0.625yrs since 1109,
avg is (0.375 + 0.625)/2 = 0.5, which brings us one full half year since 1109 to end-of-quarter 1203 present value.

So we can then use a table of discount rates such as below, and take {[1/(avg of t1 & t2 rate) +1 ]^0.5 -1} multiplied by the PL from last time (1109, at 1109$) to see the impact of the discount unwinding.

Discount rates: most recent forward and neutral
(inputs tab, I03)

Pay qtr
Time or Term
1112 Actual
1112 neutral from 1106
1112 neutral from 1012

Sunday 27 May 2012

給我敬重的男生的一封書信 (女生也可以偷看啦) ^_^

on Saturday, May 26, 2012 at 5:40pm ·
Posted this on my facebook notes, but might post it on my blog too
(Revised this note after I repented from being too off with the fairies, I like this note better now)

要勇敢!!要興起!!起來吧! 起來吧! 要沉睡到幾時呢?


昨天我們在團契看了Courageous (勇敢) 的這部電影. 看完了, 深有感觸... 寫在了我的blog上, 這裡就不重復了... 但是, 我想寫一篇文章給我敬重的弟兄們:


男 生們, 其實悄悄地想告訴你一個秘密 -- 每位女生心裡的深處都有一個從內心打底 長久的呼喊: 我們女生真的需要你在主裡面勇敢興起當我們的領袖, 克服, 不再躲, 堅強, 不逃避, 保護我們, 大膽承擔與面對! 其實超過要錢或物質的享受, 女生們更渴慕, 更需要的 是一位勇敢, 堅強, 憑著上帝的原則而有定見, 遇到困難的時候敢負責, 敢一起面對, 能冷靜處事, 一起渡過風浪的白馬王子. 他不需要很聰明, 不需要很帥, 也不需要很有錢, 也不需要甚麼都行, 也不需要很會說話, 反倒女生們看見他因敬畏神而擁有真智慧, 因認識神而擁有真聰明, 他因順服神而有能力領導她也行義路, 因為聽從神的話就清楚明白自己走對路, 因為走對路就不懼怕, 他雖有不足卻有神幫補, 能與妻子和一家一同行天路, 走窄門. 這種男生在女生眼裡是多麼地燿眼, 多麼地被羨慕?!!


我深深知道: 神早已在起先創世的時候就放了這樣的潛能在我敬重的男生們裡面, 雖然最近好像不見了 需要找一下 (oh woops! hehe =P), 但是畢竟仍然還在, 應該是拿出來用的時候了! ^_^ 不論你現在是不是基督徒, 都想對你說: 當你的自尊心和自己的價值是建立在耶和華祢主上時, 你就絕對會發現, 你有能力承擔 -- 因為知道你主在陪你一起扛, 不只是你一個人, 不孤單, 你就能勇敢, 天塌下來也能當被蓋, 而且, 你知道-- 天要不要塌下來 -- 還必須通過上帝的允許才可以呢! When your identity is built on His Christ, even you will not shake, for He is the unshakable rock, for His supreme statues are absolute. Built on any other foundation, and you are building yourself on things that will pass away -- that is sinking sand.. and if u stand on it, it's only inevitable that you will sink with it.


主耶穌說: "那能殺你的身體, 不能殺靈魂的 ,不要去怕他們;惟有能把身體和靈魂都滅在地獄裡的,正要怕祂 (--> 所以敬畏耶和華變得很重要)。 兩個麻雀不是賣一分銀子麼?若是你們的父不許,一個也不能掉在地上; 就是你們的頭髮也都被數過了。 所以,不要懼怕,你們比許多麻雀還貴重!" (馬太10)


你怕什麼呢? what have you got to lose? 所以, 大風啊! 你盡管吹來吧! 生命的試驗你盡管颳來吧! 我有主在我裡面, 我也在主裡面, 你吹不倒我的, 再怎麼吹, 也就只能像花一樣 吹出我園中的香氣來. 那在我裡面的, 遠比一切在世界的更大!!! (約一4:4)


At the end of the day, worse comes to worse, all I have is my life. And even this life is from God's one breath. Isn't that consoling? isn't that just comforting? for 我的好處斷然不在祢以外.


希伯來書 Hebrews 10:35-36 有說:




基 督徒啊, 興起吧! 興起吧! 勇敢地與神同行, 得回你當人原本的本位, 又得著上帝兒子(女兒)的尊貴名份. 你是神國度的王子(或公主 -- 正在偷看的女生們...). 真的. 而且當基督再來的時候, 我們就算死了也會復活, 第二次回到這世上來作統領者1000 年. 所以既然蒙召,行事為人就當與蒙召的恩相稱 (弗4), 要配得過, 不要忘了神給你的這個有君尊的身份. ^_^


希望讀了這篇書信, 男生們心裡能燃起之前沒有的火-- 真的站立起來, cuz God made u wild, yo, neva meant for you to be a captive. 加油!


~Esther ^_^


P.S: 女生若讀完了也讚同這個看法的話, 記得"Like" !!

Tired, need to keep foot on the ground

So tired... from strength expended through a combination of church life, work life, st leo's tutoring, and life, life, life, and just life....
And also stretching my patience, my endurance, my empathy, my (limited) language skills and other skills, my (unfortunately limited) love for others, all to the limit.

At church today, I knew something wasn't right. Can't worship God freely, intuition tells me, something is gettin' in the way. In my tiredness, a few things have crept up, and I can't help but feel like my feet have left the ground, wanting to uplift myself into the air... which is what satan did -- he wanted to be God, not just like God. And God struck him down like a lightning flash. Oh, all the thoughts outside of me from old sins -- sins I thought I'd already dealt with fully and was victorious over them too. Oh how they come back to bug me, whether internally or externally...

Working in the finance sector and as someone who also struggles to make ends meet, one thing I really have to keep red hot on my heels for is this -- one person cannot have two Gods. If he/she loves one, he/she cannot love the other. So one cannot worship money and God at the same time. Pastor Chen, in his sermon today, taught and reminded us -- it is not that we cannot be rich on earth, but rather, it is that you have to be willing to sacrifice all your money and all your worldly goods, and treat them like poop is to your eyes before the Lord. God has to be your master and have authority over you, and you have to be the master of money and have authority over it to tell it what you want to do with it under God, rather than be led the other way round and let money pull you around by your nose ring and telling you what it wants you to do with your life under the dominion of the world and of satan. What he said hit something deep. And I know I've been looking at tithe a bit forcedly lately... and that's not right. Something invaded and intoxicated my view of tithe, and I gotta get the right view back -- I used to think that all 100% of pay was God's, and especially 10% is set aside for Him, no questions, and that 10% is not actually my money at all. For some subtle reason, these days I see just the 10% as God's and the 90% left MINEEEEE to pay the bills, to buy food, to pay the mortgage, to just live life... But that is wrong, u see? It was never mine. Even if God gave it to me, He still owns it, cuz he only borrowed it to me, so that I can be a good stewardess/manager of the money, answerable in accounting (think accountants) -- to Him in the end. Lord, that's not me. That me who is so selfish about MYYYYYY own money. I'm gonna throw that me away and adopt the me I wanna be and was. So I was praising God -- Oh Lord, how good art thou, and to be thine child, you give me a never-ending goal to reach towards, and tell me exactly what you don't like in me so that I have something to strive towards. Without vision and a goal to strive for, I lose all meaning in life, and how good are you, to always give me one...

Pastor Chen also said... Satan wants to tell you that you are good, you are not like those who are confuzzled and confused and misled, you really know the true Words of God, and you're just a really good Christian! Pastor Chen pointed to Book of Job and how Eliphaz thinks he knows everything, knows the truth, but in the end, the Lord says,

"I am angry with you and your two friends, because you have not spoken the truth about me, as my servant Job has. So now take seven bulls and seven rams and go to my servant Job and sacrifice a burnt offering for yourselves. My servant Job will pray for you, and I will accept his prayer and not deal with you according to your folly. You have not spoken the truth about me, as my servant Job has." (~Job 42)

Being exhausted from sharing myself with my fellow Christian youth group friends, I have been finding that lately unknowingly, I get tricked into thinking exactly that -- that i'm not confused and misled, and that I know heaps more than others and can treat others as if they are younger and lecture at them as if they knew nothing. See thing is, as I'm sharing, I'm actively trying NOT TO do that, but in your mind it is slowly becoming something else. And the truth is -- yes, I do know things in a little more depth than some people! But -- not all! And certainly do not know everything!! So away from me, Satan, that is not me. And I shall keep my feet on the ground and will not take off with the fairies. And Lord, I repent before you all the notions of being prideful and arrogant and know it all. That is not the me I want to me, and you know my heart. Thanks for letting me know that I'm unconsciously behaving like that because you love me. I aint gon let any stupid thing/sin like that wreck our relationship -- the relationship I treasure more and the relationship that I know if I lose, I ain't got nothin' left.

You are truly a Good God. Your rod of rebuke and your staff that pulls me back -- they always always comfort me .... ^_^ *glad sigh*
And I will go ahead now, and deal with those things throughout the week and weed them out ... everything u don't like... is it that weed growing season again ar????

-your daughter.

我愛祢 不是愛給別人看.

Friday 25 May 2012

Courageous, Adam and Eve, Persevere in patience till He returns

For 25.5.2012 Friday... which was last night ..

Last night, I went to Timothy Youth Group at my new church, and we watched the movie Courageous. This time, we watched with Eng sound and Chinese subtitles. Watching it a second time was almost like listening to a good sermon the second time... because you know the plot, know the progression, you can recall some of the dialogues between the actors and the theme, you are then allowed to read into it a little deeper.

Firstly can I re-emphasise that I really really think that Mr Shiny Guy is coming soon? Because somehow, and I believe it is more than a co-incidence but rather it's God's meticulous planning, that for the past 3 weeks or so, be it Sunday sermons, Sunday calling to build a Godly family, David Pawson's youtube videos (series: Male and Female), Youth group discussion topics, reading Revelation (c12 esp.), recent weddings attended ... anything, there is a i-never-had-this-before type of continuity in the messages about preparing for a marriage and a Godly relationship.

So from last night's Courageous, I understood deeper the responsibilities that one has as a wife, the responsibility that my future husband will have and what my role is in helping him nuture all that he needs to, see how important a father is in a family esp when the little girl that was chased by baddies ran up to the cubby house, and just kept screaming "Daddy! Daddy!" and the brave father just rushed out and saw the policeman and the baddie fighting and without hesitating just rushed in and tackled the baddie, then with the help of backups they put the baddie behind handcuffs. It was touching... and awareness prompting...

Then I saw the bit that they did the vow together.. and I was thinking... wouldn't it be good if my husband will do the same too? and have friends who will do that with him at the same time too? Though I wouldn't force him... and I don't wanna take the initiative, haha, maybe just subtly persuade him to watch the movie with me.... =P

The vow ended up with "as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord" (~Joshua 24:15). This is the same phrase dad and us hung up in our Taiwan and likely our Singapore home. And now, I have carried that to my life too, in my altar at work (Suncorp), I have that written on a hand-made greeting card with a origami heart in it, and on the heart those words in Mandarin.

What do I do with little Ed? Gotta get your relationship with God right first, repent fully of your previous sins and then you will be able to be on good terms with those around you and He will lead you to make wise decisions. Swap impulsiveness for patience...

The father (and mother) needs to give his daughters or sons the affirmation to each one of them of their adulthood -- the father in the movie who gave the girl a ring.

How do you define rich? Not by the clothes you wear, but by the God you anchor yours and your family's lives to.

Each generation needs to come to Christ on their own and don't even for one second slack off on the importance of this because uncle Lee said that his friend was like this, mis-believing that each generation of Christians will be blessed by the Lord more and more and thus need to put less and less effort. Well this is rubbish. And in a sinful and adulterous generation, to be more blest by the Lord means to cling even more closely to Him and endure even more suffering because of our faith. So in the end, his friend's family now, seldom even come to the church, drifted away, his friend married his friend's daughter off to an unbeliever with money and good 'family background' thinking that it would be better than marrying her off to a less worldly-wealthy but Godly Christian guy. So now that daughter has kids, and is severely persecuted in her family for her beliefs...

I can only say --- God is Supreme. And His principles are never wrong. And that if we deliberately deviate, then we have to eat the fruits of our own sowing... even with basins full of tears we will eat each single fruit one by one, like king David did (mum told me this too).

Mum said to me about Taiwan as we were planning to go there from Singapore when I was really young -- Taiwan is sinful and adulterous like Sodom and Gomorrah so Esther you gotta be very careful not to be like them -- and I had remembered that, and lived my life carefully each time. What she failed to say when we were heading back to Singapore was -- that Singapore is just like Taiwan, and also failed to say that -- Australia is even worse. Some of the sins I committed would likely have never had to happen if I had kept that vigilance in my heart if someone reminded me...

God and I shared last night with the young adults at Timothy, about how we women really really really neeeeed the men to step up and become our leaders. Even the bossy women need that. Shared with them what I heard from David Pawson's Genesis series -- how when Eve was tempted in the garden into a conversation she could not handle, Adam just stood there and did nothing, and

God and I shared with them our little secret -- about going to Indro bridge on train looking at Brisbane river that faithfully flows from upstream to downstream every day, and recalling Revelation 2&3 "你若忠心守我這純正,忍耐的道至死,我就賜你生命為冠冕", and I would always go "hai! (=>yep in jap) onegaishimasu (please continue to teach me), ganbatte masu (I'll work hard at it too)."
Later, Mei Lu told me as she was washing up dishes, "我從來都不知道啟示錄裡面有這麼好的一個經節。" 我回:"嗯!那是我最寶貴的一個經節之一。" 她又說:"除了這幾句之外,其他的都是一片模糊。"Then I saw my responsiblity. I gotta bring the message of Revelation to them, so that all us Christians can have a further view of the world and God's plan. And prepare for persecution and the great tribulation, and also prepare for coming back on earth to rule for 1000 years. David Pawson and now me too, we would rather be wrong our way, than be wrong the other. I also found out that Mei will be leaving back for Melbourne at the end of this year when she graduates since her family is all there.

This morning, I received an sms Wilda sent me last night at 11.47pm -- "Hi, dear sister. It was so grateful to hear what you said to the boys. I am still thinking of it. I am so thankful to God for sending you to us. U r so good. I can see God is helping us by sending you in. U have a good night. We love u because Jesus loves u." It warmed my heart. I paused at "U r so good." I am not good. There is not an ounce of goodness in me, as God would recall me saying several times as I struggled recently with some sins. But notice the captial U. Lord, I think, she means "U". like.. YOU. It is true, You are so good. I replied, "Heya dear Wilda, thanks for your kind words, those words to the boys are actually a very deep cry from my heart, n I believe it is the same cry from all my fellow good Christian ladies... We gotta do our best to submit to them n each other n train those boys up to be the true courageous (pun here... note movie we saw was name "Courageous") leaders that God made them to be.... I'm not great, actually just like everyone else, but I believe u just saw the Greater One who is in me =)". People clapped after my sharing last night. And I was all shaky afterwards. And man did I have a hard time battling with my pride that oughts to just go die. It was suppressed. This morning I woke up recalling that, and had to battle pride again -- with the Holy Spirit's Sword which art His Word pulled out at the right verses and in time, God and I were victorious. It is now gone, and as it tried to resurface as I am typing now, the reverence of the Lord fixes it. I remembered what Lecrae just posted on his facebook -- we care about impacting people, not about impressing people. To God's name be all praise.

I also recently realised that -- a lot of time I get prideful cuz I do something I should that is in God's will. Or get praised for something I did in God's will. But actually, instead of being all arrogant and prideful, and boasting of the self, I realise that all that pride on my face should be returned to God. I think I understand better now what Paul means when he said "I will not boast in anything, no power no gifts no wisdom, but I will boast in Jesus Christ, His death and resurrection. Why should I gain from His reward? I cannot give an answer. But this I know with all my heart -- His wounds have paid my ransom." His wounds have paid the ransom for all my arrogant pride... This excerpt from Paul, many would realise, was made into a song -- How Deep the Father's Love for us -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vmY2ztb5xc.

Recently, I've been praying more about a future partner. Constantly, and a lot more. uncle Lee yesterday ignited my fighting spirit, by reminding us all (me), that he prays for his daughter for a good husband, but he said, "I pray to God, that if He prepares one good one for her it would really be good, but my attitude is -- if there is none, then I would rather for her not to marry than for her to marry the wrong guy.". "不要妥協。璇璇,你向來要求的水準,我已答應你,預備了那位很美好,很美好的。不要妥協。" 我說:"主,我不妥協。謝謝祢,鼓勵我,提醒我。"神就這樣地用微小聽不見但是聽見了的聲音常常跟我直接說話,mum's so not gonna believe this... but I'm gonna just accept it as You talking to me. And make sure I don't dream up any additional words that I'll make you 'say' that way but you really haven't. Please help...

Woke up this morning... remembered what God told me on 21.5.2012 Monday as I was rushing to go to work in the bathroom brushing my teeth, "keep yourself Holy so that I can use you to funk", yo. "Hai. Wakatta (I understand/know/accept/hold as important). Onegaishimasu. "

Responsibilities as a mum to keep husband and all kids in the statues of God. Leadership and discipline are male.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Wei Shu

Whaaaaaaa!!!! So sadddddddddddddddddddd!!!

Just got an email from shi jie (Zhang Xu) saying that Junior’s just going to leave!!! On 15th June!!!

First Carlos, now Wei, why do all my best friends just leave??? So sadddddddddddddddddddd **CRY CRY CRY CRY CRY**!


Carlos (shi ge), was the senior actuarial analyst who taught me heaps about what it means to be an actuary, and also in life... when he left... I just cried in front of him...With Carlos gone, Wei who sat beside Carlos became close to me, we’d go to JB hi Fi and EB Games together to check out the lastest consoles, speakers, headphones... having so many common interests we just click as friends and colleagues. Wei knows so much and is so humble, he’s my go-to for all IT troubles and SAS questions, and I really really really appreciate him being here... Maggie is a blessed girl. With Carlos, Wei, Shi jie, Jesse, Wayne, Sam Zheng, Darren Leow and myself we form the SAALG – Suncorp Actuarial Asian Lunch Group (SAALG or SLUG as Carlos calls us). After Carlos left, we started having an annual SAALG BBQ at Redcliffe, at Wei’s favourite spot.

All the good times... =’(


With everything going on lately (pondering circular disc light... u know what I’m talkin about..), and this.. just so many troubles in the world... Josephine’s relatives and friends also recently consecutively passed away... Life is hard.. it’s not smooth... woke up today and somehow recalled Chao... I thought.. even though it’s been so many years, why is it that recalling these things still hurt me so much like an open flesh-wound? I ouch, Lord. I’m glad you’re here, Lord... you don’t change....


I’m gonna be ok...


Wed 23/05/2012 11:24 AM

To: DL-CP&P PA Pricing Analytics All; DL-Actuarial Services; DL-Life Actuaries Brisbane

Hi All,


I regret to announce that Wei Shu  has resigned.  Wei will be taking a Senior Scheme Analyst role at MAIC (QLD Motor accident Insurance Commission). His last day is 15th  June. 


Wei  joined Suncorp in early 2007. After a year worked in Banking, he transferred  to Pricing Analytics team in April 2008.   During his time with pricing  team, Wei has worked on average premium, competitor deconstruction, flood phase 2, Building Block project, Emulation redesign and remediation  for Over 55 ASIC breach, and has proven to be a valuable member of the team.   I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Wei for all the effort and hard work he has put in over the last four years. 


Whilst it is sad to see Wei go, I am sure everyone will join me in wishing him all the best in his future careers.  Farewell lunch will be organised in due course.


Kind regards,

Xu Zhang

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Rap Idea: good times

Facebook’s initial public offering (first day it goes on the stock exchange and gets publicly listed as a trading COY) a few days ago... and at that time shares went up to about $34? $38? Just a few days later, today, shares plunged heaps...

Facebook shares extend slide, drop 18.1 per cent below IPO launch price

FACEBOOK shares continued to slide today, falling another 8.6 percent in its third day of trade as accusations flew that the company and its lead banker, Morgan Stanley, botched the deal.
The shares fell as far as $US30.94, and closed at $US31.12, leaving them 18.1 per cent below the $US38 IPO price.
Shares began to fall sharply in premarket trade after a report that an analyst from Morgan Stanley trimmed his outlook for the social-network company's revenue just ahead of the offering.
The analyst downgrade, which Reuters reported was relayed to some of the bank's major clients as meetings for the IPO were held, came as a surprise to many potential investors so close to the stock's debut.
Facebook shares tumbled 11 per cent on Monday, giving investors a black eye in the second day of trade since the blockbuster debut on Friday.
Monday's sell-off came partly because some investors who were allotted more shares than they had expected pared their holdings, according to The Wall Street Journal.
The shares debuted on Friday in a session marred by technology problems that affected trading in millions of shares and ended that day up just 23c.
Nasdaq has faced enormous backlash for allegedly mishandling the listing, as irate brokers and traders demanded the exchange make up losses they blamed on Friday's technical glitches.

Facebook shares slump 11pc, cutting social network's value to $US93.2bn

Facebook shares skidded on their second day on the stock market to well below their offer price, leaving some investors who bought in the social network's public offering in the red and raising questions about whether the company and its lead banker, Morgan Stanley, botched the deal.
The shares, which managed to stay a hair above $US38 on their Friday debut with the help of Morgan Stanley, last night lost their footing, dropping to as low as $US33 before closing down $US4.20, or 11 per cent, at $US34.03.

Good times don't last long.... where do u anchor your hopes? should anchor your hope on the Creator, not the things that He made...

Da things he made, they shake, but He don't;
and when u get ur anchor rite, even u don't move, no!

Monday 21 May 2012

Idea: Wait! Go! -- Desperate Song

Put both wait! For God

And go! Persue


In the same song.... for the Desperate song about relationships, so that He can use whatever one to encourage who He likes to.


-Kind Regards,


Esther Ng

Actuarial Analyst, CTP

Statutory Portfolio Actuarial Services


Level 36

266 George Street

Brisbane, QLD 4000


Tel: (07) 313 52665



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