Thursday 17 May 2012

Beautiful Feet Rap - Completed

Move if you wanna instrumental, for Beautiful Feet (but needs a bit of modification for non 4-bar segments).. Decided to use this one instead.
Beautiful Feet
Composed: 15.5.2012, inspired by Lecrae’s song with the same title.
For: 7th July 2012. Also wrote that special poem today... I hope I get to use it...
**See below for an explained version of the lyrics**

(starts on the fourth beat of the 4/4 bar)
Beautiful feet, you attract me cuz you knoe where u walkin’,
and that means He’ll let you know when you’re fallin.
'feet, you attract me cuz you know where u R, 
and you can hit "save!" cuz you know that you're drownin'.

And cuz you do that I feel treasured feel safe,
And, and we two like ship come together, cuz we
in the same direction, won't collide with each other, and
and we two like ship come together, and  
and we two His sheep found each other

Beautiful feet, when you head up the mountains,
those are beautiful feet, when you take your sandals off.
Oh what beautiful feet, when you head up the mountains,
and what beautiful feet, when you bow before The Lord

Now I ain't simple and you ain't all cool,
But when you lead me, we make things good
We put the order back in, where things should, and
we manage the world like good stewards would.

Beautiful feet, when you head up the mountains,
those are beautiful feet, when you take your sandals offf
Oh what beautiful feet, when you head up the mountains,
and what beautiful feet, when you *quietly* bow before The Lord

Now I'm waiting and I'm prayin' and I   ---->  Repeat
Continuously to show that ----> I mean it
I even check out your profile ---> on Facebook
But to get the order right, boy,
you gotta take the first step!

- --- ----- beautiful feet, the order right,
we gotta -- bring it back!

'feet, you attract me cuz you knoe where u walkin’,
and that means He’ll let you know when you’re fallin.
'feet, you attract me cuz you know where u R, 
and you can hit "save!" cuz you know that you're drownin';

and, and we two like ship come together, and
and we two His sheep found each other
and, and we two like ship come together, and
and we two His sheep found each other

- --- ----- beautiful feet, the order right,
when you take the sandals off, ...
- --- ----- beautiful feet, the order right,
when you bow before The Lord ...

- --- -----beautiful feet, --- -----
- --- -----beautiful feet, --- -----
---- - --- ---zzzzz


Beautiful Feet - Explained version
So this song came about as a response to Lecrae's song of the same title, to address a need in the music world for dancey songs with good lyrics instead of the ones that mess with your mind... *ahem*.. that was the official blurb. But actually, there was a beat, there were some lyrics; started jotting 'em down, put 'em together and... whoa-la!! ^_^ .. *ahem*.. But even more actually.. this song also has a hidden purpose... which is to serve as explanation for a beautiful Chinese prose I wrote for when I finally meet shiny guy....

Explanation for the lyrics will be in blue, under each lyric sentence.

(starts on the fourth beat of the 4/4 bar)
Beautiful feet, you attract me cuz you knoe where u walkin’,
- u know on which path you're walking on, and that attracts me 吸引我
and that means He’ll let you know when you’re fallin.
- if you deviate from that right path, God will let you know
'feet, you attract me cuz you know where u R, 
- you know that you are just a human, not trying to be God, nor degrading into an animal. Sounds odd, but really, I just want a human....
and you can hit "save!" cuz you know that you're drownin'.
- cuz of sin we are like drowning ppl, Christ chucks us a lifeline, and we know to hit "save" like on computer --> we know to call out "Lord, help us! Save us!" and respond to God's salvation because the Holy Spirit has helped us to see where we are at.

And cuz you do that I feel treasured feel safe,
- it's ok to follow you! there is a sense of security and being cherished as a human rather than as an object.
And, and we two like ship come together, cuz we
- The canto word for dating is 拍拖 which came about when watching the beautiful scene of two boats/ships coming together that are in the same direction, in interdependence and travel towards the shore (we Christians can interpret as towards God, towards heaven) together (see
in the same direction, won't collide with each other, and
- cuz both our eyes are looking towards God and not first and foremost at each other, then we are both traveling forwards. This means that our ship are not traveling at each other at an angle diagonally, which causes one to crash and capsize eventually. As we keep our eyes on God we can travel alongside each other without the man having to bear sole responsibility for the relationship -- that is too much of a burden for him and the relationship will eventually collapse. But if we travel towards God, He helps carry the relationship through, it will work out.
and we two like ship come together, and  
and we two His sheep found each other

Beautiful feet, when you head up the mountains,
- "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!"" (Isaiah 52:7)
those are beautiful feet, when you take your sandals off.
- Think Moses. God tells him to take off his sandals for the ground he is on is Holy ground -- where God's presence is. Moses is someone who knows Who is Holy, and able to distinguish what's holy from what's not holy. The footsteps and feet of such a person as I now see you are, is beautiful.
Oh what beautiful feet, when you head up the mountains,
and what beautiful feet, when you bow before The Lord
- O, how captivating is a man who reveres the Lord!

Now I ain't simple and you ain't all cool,
-  me? submission doesn't come naturally for me, it's something trained up, and I'm a girl who's got a brain of her own and can think for myself without yo' help, thx. And you? as fantastic as you are and everyone thinks you are, you are also human -- because of both our weaknesses, and life isn't going to be all sunshine and peaches when we choose each other.
In a front of toughness which is also you, it covers up a lot of what's going on underneath -- I see the little boy inside -- who craves for that love and care, and who calls out "I need a helper!" time and again without answer. Your weaknesses are things I am willing to bear, and carry your burden with you, and I hope that we can do that for each other. More than anything, I hope that because you've walked life the way you have, you can see the little girl in me too, and I'm also calling out "I need a leader!" each time as you call too. I need someone to be strong for me to protect me. (hopefully) W
e both are 不简单的人, trying to adapt to each other, clueing our way around, tryna find a place in life, tryna find out what God's will is.
But when you lead me, we make things good
- Though we come from different backgrounds and both of us are (hopefully) strong leadership-type people, in a household there needs to be order, without order it will be chaotic. So I'm determined to submit as much as I can, and hope that you can also take the initiative to be my leader. That way we can both work for the good -- for God works for the good, in all things, with those who love Him (~Phillip Yancey, Reaching for the Invisible God).
We put the order back in, where things should, and
-Father - Son - Holy Spirit have an order although equally God. So do we -- God - you - me, where you and I are equally human with equal dignity and equal place. You gently lead, I willingly submit, no need to force, cuz I gladly do so because it is right in God's eyes.
we manage the world like good stewards would.
.....Yay! ^_^
Being good stewards to reign (管理) over God's creation is the task God gave Adam to do, and what God gave Adam a helper for. So if blessed with the honour of your company 陪伴, let's do that together!! Let's manage God's household well, together ^_^ =P

Beautiful feet, when you head up the mountains,
those are beautiful feet, when you take your sandals offf
Oh what beautiful feet, when you head up the mountains,
and what beautiful feet, when you *quietly* bow before The Lord
The term "*quietly*" here is an emoticon, not actually a word --- When you secretly, privately, personally relate with God in reverence when no one else is around, O, how touchingly beautiful you are to me...All your struggles, all your tears, all your mistakes, all your successes, out from you flows the molded essence of your life, and isn't that just so pretty?

Now I'm waiting and I'm prayin' and I   ---->  Repeat
Continuously to show that ----> I mean it
I even check out your profile ---> on Facebook
But to get the order right, boy,
you gotta take the first step!
you wanna lead like you should be? then gotta get the leading order right, right from the first step. So if you think we're compatible, you be brave and take the initiative to start something. Cuz I won't. It'd be wrong for me to do so and I'll consciously or subconsciously step over your head forever if that were the case. Though it might be tempting, I simply refuse to take that first step.
**Hehe... Lecrae had 'iphone, imac, ichat' in his songs, so I wanted facebook in mine... ^_^

- --- ----- beautiful feet, the order right,
we gotta -- bring it back!
due to sin and fallen humans, we have deviated in culture/mindset/how we live. No matter what it is, we gotta bring it back to the Bible and live adopting God's principles with Him ^_^ (This is a Stephen Tong famous quote -- "Back to the Bible"... he says "if you find my words wrong, throw my words away and return to the Bible.")
'feet, you attract me cuz you knoe where u walkin’,
and that means He’ll let you know when you’re fallin.
'feet, you attract me cuz you know where u R, 
and you can hit "save!" cuz you know that you're drownin';

and, and we two like ship come together, and
and we two His sheep found each other
and, and we two like ship come together, and
and we two His sheep found each other

- --- ----- beautiful feet, the order right,
when you take the sandals off, ...
- --- ----- beautiful feet, the order right,
when you bow before The Lord ...
- --- -----beautiful feet, --- -----
- --- -----beautiful feet, --- -----
---- - --- ---zzzzz


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