Friday 4 May 2012

Songs, Distance, Godly Refund, God is good -- even in the disastrous time

Quick blog cuz too much to write and very hungry....

  • Shared with Eunice the 你别再伤心 song -- 你别再伤心,我就在你身旁,熬过去,等看见:我亲手成就我一切的应许。 That song was written in GNLC times, one of the most painful times, where I was tired to a point I just wanted to give up, when dad had to write this very long report to justify to the higher ups why there was no revival in numbers in his work, when Jia De who was helping me co-lead the youth group just decided to leave without telling me at all and then a lot of youth group members left too because he wasn't there..... when everything seems to be going against you and you are just so so tired.... and battled inside out... He says, 你受不了的事,我也忍了很久、 你尽心做的事,不必感到内疚、 这一切有一天,终必成为过去, 从此,就变成你跟我之间,记念在地球的那段日子的美好的回忆。但是,最重要的,还不是那些;最重要的,还是:你别再伤心,你看!有一双翅膀陪着你的那一双翅膀(double 双)去看风云,就算落的是很痛苦、很辛苦的泪雨,你别再伤心,我就在你身旁,熬过去,等看见:我亲手成就我对你的一切的应许。

    Remember Phillip Yancey's reaching for the invisible God book::: says that, even when the one single bird dies by the roadside, in the car crash, God was there, with it as it died. Our God is a good God indeed. We think a child dying out of starvation or earthquake is a horrible gruesome cruel way to die, and yet this is no where near the scale of horribleness of dying in Hell eternally. Our God must be a good God, for He gave you His one and only Son on the Cross (says 康老�) -- because although your son/daughter died this gruesome way on earth, God gave you His son so that you can escape from that most horrible death in the forsaken hell, He has, saved you from the more horrible death out of the two.
  • Kneel down enemy:

    includes the main one which is the promise of salvation.

    And for those who are called the children of God, God, having saved them, will say to them, "Come, you sit beside me at My Throne. And all your enemies? *To the enemies* Yous come in front of My Throne too! And Bow! Bow before my (specific) adopted son/daughter. In front of all the heavenly armies and all the other children of mine, SO THAT! *turning to you now* You, my daughter (or son), KNOWwwww, that I Have already Loved you." Not because we are good will our enemies bow at our feet, but God will have them bow, just as a public statement and a private acknowledgement that --- "you know what? I Have already Love you. And back when you were on earth, you knew that, , but your enemies didn't. And Today, I will have them know that I Have already Loved you back at that time."

    This, I think, was exactly what happened to Jesus. One day, Father called Jesus to come to the Throne, and was praising how good (and humble, and obedient, and good) Christ was, and told all the heavenly inhabitants to kneel and bow before Christ. So, all the angels heard that and went to each other, "oh! ya! Christ is really good! Quick, let's bow before Him and give Him our respects". So they all bowed. All except Lucifer. Lucifer said, " I REFUSE!" and those smaller angels who are in his legion heard him and also echoed "i refuse!!" And God the Father went: <<BAM>> 没得商量!!(对不拜基督的这件事绝对没有商量的余地), and slapped satan straight down from his place as Lucifer the Head Angel, there was absolutely no room for negotiation with the Father with regards to this matter, and there was no more place for Lucifer in heaven. His head angel (arch angel) position got given to someone else (Michael, I think). And then God the Father said --- I will have my Son die for the human race, and when He resurrects from the dead, I tell Him, my beloved Son, "Come, sit at my right hand, and wait for me to make your enemy Lucifer become your footstool!" So Lucifer (now we call satan the opposer/arch enemy) will, one day, despite his absolutely absolute dislike and refusal 讨厌得要死,也没办法, 逼不得已 be forced to not only kneel down before Christ and bow to Him, but BE Christ's footstool, along with all the smaller angels as well.

    It is an extremely scary thing to fall into the hands of the Almighty Triune God.
    **Tri = three, une = one; Triune -- God in Three persons entities, but not three Gods, He is One God.

  • Amazing love, how can it be? That O, my Lord, should die for me! Amazing love, how can it be? That O, my LORD, shouldst die for me!

    David Pawson (Genesis series) says -- God created beings -- human beings and heavenly beings the most superior of them, humans are made in God's image, and humans are like God and that means God is like humans, because we are made in His image. But God is also unlike His creation -- He does not identify with His creation as being the same species or same race. That means that there is a qualitative difference between humans and God, and that qualitative difference cannot be breached/or rather bridged so that the gap lessens. There is a gap from the qualitative difference such that any and all of creation can never become God. Yes, that means even Satan is not the same league as God. God is way high -- 4 layers of galaxies/heavens cannot even contain Him. And we are down low, where gravity is, on earth. And the angels? They are spiritual beings, so since the Spiritual world encompasses the Physical (flesh) world (physical world is a subset of the Spiritual world), then humans are slightly smaller than the angels while we are bound in flesh -- the angels are just a tiny bit higher than us, but in between angels+us and God, there is this massssssiiiiiiiveeeeeee gap, imagine it as filled with a huge chunk of coal or block of pitch, that we cannot bridge.

    So when we are still on earth, we are a tiny bit lower than the angels, and then when we are saved and are called God's child, we then become a little bit higher than the angels. So even the angels are amused, and the Bible says, even the angels would like to carefully observe and consider this whole salvation thing. Because to them it is rather unbelievable that "this!!!" is God's plan! And something lower than them ends up becoming higher than them and they will be servants of this things that were lower than them!

    And this God high above that pitch came all the way down to die for me... that utmost intellect One, that utmost Authority and Utmost Power One. And died for me on the cross!! Naked! Not even wearing the clothes He treasured so much -- where after humans sinned, the first thing He got us to do is --- "Wear this".
    Naked without any dignity.

    Amazing love, how can it be? That O, my Lord, should die for me! Amazing love, how can it be? That O, my LORD, shouldst die for me!
  • Eunice wrote a song too... the main impacting words for me from her songs are:
    You are my provider, my satisfier
    The Beginning And The End (between the Beginning and the End, I am somewhere in between... I'm somewhere between that 'and')...
  • Also shared with Eunice another one of my composed songs -- "虽然我有时会伤心" 的那首歌。 Written when I am questioning whether I am really saved or not, faith a bit shaken.



    祢因为爱 降生在那卑微马槽里,

    让我要 ― 来紧紧来跟随祢。


    让我要 ― 来紧紧来跟随祢。
  • Refund for Samsung Galaxy S2 that we posted faulty back to crazysales and did not put tracking number, during sydney floods 2012 feb, and we think it's permanently lost or stolen, but today God let the Jane customer service lady inform us that she talked to manager and decided it was a special case and gonna refund us full amount even including the amount for shipping because they believe it is faulty and that we really returned it. (this is our second time returning it to base). Eunice and I are so thankful, because we blamed ourselves like it was all our fault and we didnt even ask God for a refund, God just gave it to us... He must know that Eunice scratch another car with ours at the parking lot (they parked too close to ours), and that costed her about 1000 dollars excess earlier in the year....
  • TO know that you are really saved when you are worrying if you have Salvation and Holy Spirit (people like that who are worrying usually have followed God for real for quite a while but suddenly a bit weak in faith) -- you really need to believe what Christ said: "It is beneficial for you that I leave. Cuz if I don't leave, the Holy Spirit will not come. And I'm going, because I'm preparing a place for you in heaven. In my Father's house, there are many rooms, if there wasn't, I would have told you. So you gotta believe me, and wait till I come back to pick you up and go there together. (Wait till *I* come back, don't wait for anyone else, don't listen to anyone else's voice, don't go astray.)

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