Tuesday 1 May 2012

first bloodstain on my hands

Today, I just killed one head of the demon troops and heavily injured another who is currently struggling for his life -- in the full armour of God, during prayer time. Those two tried to lie to me and fluke me to think of pastor Du and uncle Tony as my enemies, but they ain’t gonna get their way today. Jesus said to bind the strong man first, then spoil his goods. In the Name of Jesus I prayed to have them bound to the pillars of their houses, and set the captives free. And it was done. I hadn’t physically seen these enemies, but the imagery was so real I could almost smell it. And with the sword of the Holy Spirit’s Word I pierced through both their armour into their hearts, the left one died after a straight jab, but the right one was much stronger, and even now he is struggling to regain his footing. He’s got sharp claws, this one, even after I stabbed him with The Sword of the Word and and sliced sideways through his heart, he is still struggling. Got a lot of ommph in this one. Two claws, I felt, physically. Clinging onto my right brain in front and on top of my ear at the back. And I think my angel’s hurt, but I’ve asked God to heal him, and I’ve told him he can have some of my energy if he needs it. We smiled at each other. I almost heard a thanks. Packets of energy got sent up and out from me, (not just here but throughout the entire battle). My hands are ice cold at my fingers and my knees are pins and needles and/or shaking (depending on time) like all energy’s been used elsewhere from it. That second stronger demon is gonna come back and bother me if we don’t kill it today. Even if I am alone, I am a four, satan. I have God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit with me. And besides, I have my angel. And God’s troops who outnumber satan’s at least 2:1. And a few humans but they are easily confuzzled, not quite as useful/resourceful.

I think we’re fighting at a cliff today, and that’s why two claws tried to get hold of me. But the front one was a bit loose, and I was able to get rid of most of it. The back one has weakened but is still quite grippy there. Down below, there’s a bed of dark brown rocks at the base of the cliff and then gushing water. There are some dead demons who fell onto the brown rocks down the cliff. The others dead got washed away there down stream which is to the left. The water is very blue and white and fast.

I have to figure it out. I really have to try and figure out what it is that can remove this remaining claw. The other claw’s also trying to come back. With every Word Sword its power and grip weakens. These Word Swords (and more) I used today – The Gates of Hades will not overcome it. God did not prepare salvation for the angels. But I do have Salvation. In fact, I have the mark of the Holy Spirit. And Greater is He who is in me than he that is in the world.

Prayer really is a warfare. Like really.
Back in Minden I wrote a song – Still Waiting. And in there I wrote I’m waiting cuz I know that when I’m done preparing, I’m gonna go conquer with the rest of the troops. From today’s battle I realised – the evermore so fact that we are fighting against the unseen, and they really are strong, intelligent demon persons we are fighting against. And very evil. Their faces are. But that they are fighting a loosing battle, and I’m on the winning side. So this is what it means by warfare...

2/5/2012, 12.36pm. I think the battle is over for today. The demon head with the sharp claws that was remaining and was stronger is badly injured at his heart, but he’s got strong legs. his troops had only a small portion of few left (1/3?). The other demon head which my troop and I killed, his was totally annihilated except for a countable few who escaped. Thanks to my prayer, there were no casualties on our side. But I think my angel is hurt. At his heart and right feet a sword mark from diagonal up, grazing his left feet. I offered him a bandaid I've got some in my handbag..?? He laughed. Those things are completly of no use when it comes to spiritual battles but thanks anyway... >_<! Where in God’s Word do I find healing? Lemme look up biblegateway... what’s in that bottle that Lucy had in Narnia??

Proverbs 12:18
The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
Proverbs 16:24
Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.

Ah. Found it. Isaiah 58:8.

Isaiah 58:8
Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard.

Look, the Lord just appeared and came to administer to everyone. We’re packing up and going back home. We’re leaving now. My angel just stood up and can walk now (limping a little, a friend’s supporting him I think) he said bye, cuz we won’t see each other for a while until maybe next battle? Byeeeeeeeeeeeee too!!

(Something made me pause at this verse as I was looking up healing on biblegateway)...
2 Chronicles 28:15
The men designated by name took the prisoners, and from the plunder they clothed all who were naked. They provided them with clothes and sandals, food and drink, and healing balm. All those who were weak they put on donkeys. So they took them back to their fellow Israelites at Jericho, the City of Palms, and returned to Samaria.

And look, the warmth came back into my fingers.... and my knees and lower legs had their energy returned to them again...

1.03pm update -- in fact, I think the stronger demon just died. His body split in two from his heart/chest where I sliced it before. A pair of hands gently came and lifted those claws away and out, a bit deep, that back one. God's peace is with me, I think I'm gonna be fine. (In fact I think my angel got hurt protecting me... heh... it's my first battle ma... a little inexperienced there. Gotta learn to use faith shield more).

I'm gonna have lunch now to regain energy...

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