Friday 18 May 2012

Rap Idea: Desperate

How about we write a rap song, Lord, with desperate as a topic?
To address the desperation that girls have indwelling in them... that desireeeeeeeeeee to have a guy, be in a romantic/love relationship with him. This is God saying your desire should be for your husband...

but that desire in woman needs to be curbed by man -- man needs to be strict and firm with her so that it extinguishes that desire.... cuz that desire is actually very deadly... it consumes her... it takes over her mind... it even causes her to let a guy take precedence over God and over parents over her logical thinking, over everything.......

So then what is the core of the message that we need to give new aged Christians girls about how to deal with that desire when it comes? How exactly do you deal with it? Do you give in? I've done that so many times... I hate myself for it even, sometimes... but I found... when you are truly full in Christ -- and actually deal with every single one of your sins so that you are holy, that Christly Holiness in you -- quenches your desire. But the moment you take your eyes away from God... or are not careful enough so that you get side tracked or clouded in mind (e.g when I listen to too much secular hip hop music with all those erotic notions -- note.. most secular music revolving around guys and girls do that now!) -- then that desire comes back... and it's very difficult to keep but we are overcomers yo. To be on top of it. That's the power Christ gives us.

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