Sunday 20 May 2012

Track, man -- draft

20.5.2012, at Logos, everyone who is an elder got dressed in suits on a Sunday, even if by trade they are farmers. I appreciate the wanting to dress the best for God, and guys look good in suits, I encourage it man. But i hope that this doesn’t mean that we sift and chuck every1 out if they ain’t own no Armani, keep real, bro. We gon’ accept everyone.

Lord, this track is yours. This Track is yours too. Each time, I always feel like it’s not me writing, it’s a team effort with the inspiration

- Yo, yo, yo I’m Track, man,
And I rhyme, and I rhyme, and I rhyme with Pacman
Yea, we keep going forward, don’t get eaten up, (careful!)
Lemme tell u ma story, ya-ha, here we go:

By the weekday I’m an an-a-lyst,
By the weekend I’m a funk flippin’ freak.
I feel burdened for there’s not enough beats
We can rock in, we can dance in,
Without changing our beliefs.

I love hip hop, and I love God,
Ppl call me smart, multi-talented,
start frontin’ in front of me,
What they don’t realise is (like Job),
He is all I have, won’t give Him up for the world, no.
And I ain’t gon’ behave like I’m better than y’all man.

I’m gon’ diminish so that (- --) He can increase,
If I ain’t keep me humble then I’m gonna lose all dis
Brushin’ ma teeth, rushin’ fer work on Monday, when He said, (21.5.2012)
“Keep yourself Holy, so I can use you to funk”, yo. (I always tear up when I get to this bit)

I got a kool God, and I ain’t joke about it,
He’s got track mixers in them Khakis, and a
Wild-wild-wild beat man,
Strong, He is mighty, I’m at His full Mercy, freak out man!
The Bible is not borin’, ain’t gon’ treat it like a brick, (yo!) (read the Bible reading in the audience beside my new friends Wilda, Eileen, at the back we got XinTing, Mei, in front we got Kevin and Vincent, they heard me reading with dynamics and got interested, man, I hope they are, and will adopt it too, cuz the Bible’s not boring, it’s Him, and I ain’t gon treat it as a dead brick text, no.).

(Calling – Hu Zhao)
Who said girls can’t do dis, gals can’t do dis?
Gals can’t do dis? Gals can’t do dis?
With ma Cort guitar and my MLX (990)  up man,
I’m gon’ do dis, I’m gon’ do dis.

Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!
If yer gon’ shut the gals off,
Yer shutting down half the world man.
To put it short, yer’ –
Missin’ out! Yo!

So where my Godly home gals, can you pls stand up?
Pls stand up, pls stand up?
Wit’ ur suede shoes on
And His Spirit’s sword out, would you
Pls come out, pls step out?
So where my Godly home boys, can you pls stand up?
Pls step up? (Already!)
Stop it, don’t drop it, keep it,
Don’t hide it, use it, freak yo, (JLo: hold it don’t drop it beat)
S-Stop hidin’, get it, get it, get it, go.
**(stop fallin’ into satan’s trap. Get ur sword, get ur shoes, get ur full armour, and go fight.)
(Therefore, go! And make disciples. Teach them everything I’ve taught you, and I’ll be with you till the world ends).

We ain’t hidin’ but we rockin’
Wit da beat, on da street,
In da church, on da verge,
We ain’t jockin’ them suits yo.

God’s gonna take me as I am and that’s fine,
If He’s the same God He gon’ take me
On my Monday and Sunday clothes yo.
As long as I wear clothes that don’t cause my bro’s to sin,
There’s no need to front to be who I’m not, no. (ah-ah)


Hmm.. this is for a different song. Maybe in the Desperate song.
(Now ride beat?)
I’m not an object, I’m a human
When you look at me, I’m gon dress so u know I’m an entity.
And I’m dress with dignity so u know that u can’t buy me.

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